Chilean Disaster Response and Alternative Measures for Improvement
:1. Introduction
2. Methodology
How Effective DRM Is Proposed
- Mainstreaming DRR into overall national policies: Decentralizing DRM from a single ministry or institution and transferring responsibility to other ministries through integrated work. The development and other relevant sectoral policies of the State need to contribute to reducing disaster risk. Enabling legislation: A review of existing legislation in relevant areas may be necessary to identify any legal obstacles to DRR or to create new legislation;
- Institutional development: Efficient institutional arrangements are essential for the creation, implementation, and revision of a plan. It is necessary to identify gaps, deficiencies, weaknesses, and institutional requirements, including technical capabilities. With the enhanced regulatory and coordination role of the State in the new DRR framework, developing the necessary institutional infrastructure is a critical step in ensuring that governments and other accountable entities meet public expectations regarding DRR (Chatiza 2019);
- Adequate resources: Strategically distributing and allocating resources is crucial and requires careful planning. In countries with limited or no resources, it is important to establish priorities and avoid duplicating functions among institutions. This can serve as an alternative to overcome some of the resource constraints. Empowerment of stakeholders: Establishing lines of authority and clarifying the different responsibilities of different sectors and levels of government can ensure timely actions. Emphasizing the importance of academic contributions through multidisciplinary research and involving stakeholders in consultations at various levels, including government, non-governmental organizations, academics, communities, and local officials, is essential;
- Regular monitoring, evaluation, and review: Given the diversity of actors and actions involved in DRR, such as political leaders, ministries, national institutions, sub-national and local authorities, the private sector, professional groups, and civil society organizations, regular monitoring, evaluation, and review of DRR processes and outcomes are of critical importance (Mizutori 2020);
- Community-based disaster risk management: People living in areas experiencing frequent natural hazards are not helpless victims but rather innovative agents who possess valuable Local Knowledge (LK). Local people have significant knowledge about hazards that affect their daily lives and their vulnerabilities, and they utilize this Local Knowledge to prepare for, mitigate, respond to, and recover from the impacts of disasters (Pixley et al. 2022; Šakić Trogrlić et al. 2021; Di Ludovico and Di Lodovico 2020).
3. Results and Discussions
3.1. How DRM Works in Chilean Territory before New Legislation and the Distribution of Risk and Vulnerability
3.2. Decision-Making Process
- Information gathering and analysis: This stage primarily involves collecting information from different territorial levels (communal, provincial, and regional), consolidated by the National Early Warning Centre (CAT) through standardized instruments of the National Civil Protection System (SNPC). It also includes information provided by organizations and institutions belonging to the technical roundtable. The analysis focuses on evaluating the emergency, its impact, and the damages caused;
- Prioritization of mitigation actions: Based on the gathered information and analysis of the emergency, mitigation actions are prioritized. Responsibilities and deadlines are assigned for each action;
- Support for requirements and mitigation: This stage involves providing support for regional requirements, activating and deploying resources and capabilities if necessary, and coordinating mitigation actions;
- Re-evaluation and readjustment of mitigation actions: This stage encompasses all the previous stages and includes the ongoing evaluation and adjustment of mitigation actions. It aims to improve the overall process and make necessary corrections;
- Delivery of information to the community and the media: This stage focuses on delivering information to the community and the media. Its objective is to reduce uncertainty among the population by providing updates on mitigation actions and coordinating efforts between the Technical Committee and the affected regional and/or provincial levels.
3.3. Operational Phase
3.4. Legal Background, Urban Planning, and New Perspectives
- The National Strategic Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction;
- Disaster Risk Reduction Plans at the regional, provincial, and communal levels, which are implemented during the Mitigation and Preparedness Phases;
- Emergency Plans and their annexes, which are activated during the Response Phase at all levels.
3.5. Operational Phase
- i.
- Minor Emergency: Impact can be administrated by using communal capabilities and potentially with reinforcements or support from other areas through coordination at the communal level;
- ii.
- Major Emergency: Impact can be managed using regional capabilities and potentially with reinforcements or support from other areas through coordination at the provincial or regional level;
- iii.
- Disaster: Impact cannot be managed using regional capabilities alone and requires reinforcements or support from other areas of the country through coordination at the national level;
- iv.
- Catastrophe: Impact and devastation that exceeds the country’s capacities and requires international assistance. Coordination at the national level is necessary to mobilize and coordinate international support.
3.6. Urban Planning and DRM
3.7. Talcahuano City—A Good Practice Example for Risk Management in Chile
3.8. Risk and Disaster Assessment Mandatory and Regulated by Law
- Concepts: Clear definitions of all risk elements such as hazard, vulnerability, susceptibility, exposure, risk, disaster, catastrophe, etc;
- Structure: Establishment of a comprehensive risk management framework with institutional bases and provisions, organized and detailed across different levels;
- Risk Assessment Process: Integration of the risk management process into organizational management, incorporating it into the institutional culture and practices and adapting it to internal processes;
- Surveillance: Implementation of control and supervision mechanisms to ensure that proposed measures are effectively carried out;
- Accountability: Definition of competencies and responsibilities for each institution involved in DRM, considering the different administrative levels of the country;
- Attributions and Responsibility: Identification of primary responsibilities for establishing, approving, maintaining, monitoring, and continuously improving the risk management policy, framework, and process. The relevant points of this law will be discussed in the following topics.
3.9. Improve Information Exchange between Monitoring and Reception
3.10. Top-Down Connection between the Three Different Main Administrative Levels (National, Regional, and Municipal)
3.11. Recommendation for National Decision-Makers
- Standardization of emergency systems—Unfortunately, recent events have highlighted issues arising from the lack of standardization between monitoring institutions and the receiving institution (Vilches et al. 2014). Furthermore, the current law does not clearly specify whether the new classification is standardized across all institutions;
- Accountability—The Sendai Framework recognizes that the State has the primary role in reducing disaster risk, but this responsibility should be shared with all stakeholders, including local governments and the private sector. Accountability is an integral part of good governance. Those entrusted with the responsibility for managing various aspects of governance should be held accountable for their expected actions to ensure a significant reduction in disaster risks (Liswanty and Prabowo 2021). Unfortunately, the law does not specify who will be held responsible in case of non-execution;
- Funding—The new legal instrument does not clearly define the sources of financing or how resources should be allocated to achieve the objectives at different levels (Kousky 2019).
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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das Dores de Jesus Da Silva, L.; Kubisch, S.; Aguayo, M.; Castro, F.; Rojas, O.; Lagos, O.; Figueroa, R. Chilean Disaster Response and Alternative Measures for Improvement. Soc. Sci. 2024, 13, 88.
das Dores de Jesus Da Silva L, Kubisch S, Aguayo M, Castro F, Rojas O, Lagos O, Figueroa R. Chilean Disaster Response and Alternative Measures for Improvement. Social Sciences. 2024; 13(2):88.
Chicago/Turabian Styledas Dores de Jesus Da Silva, Luciana, Susanne Kubisch, Mauricio Aguayo, Francisco Castro, Octavio Rojas, Octavio Lagos, and Ricardo Figueroa. 2024. "Chilean Disaster Response and Alternative Measures for Improvement" Social Sciences 13, no. 2: 88.
APA Styledas Dores de Jesus Da Silva, L., Kubisch, S., Aguayo, M., Castro, F., Rojas, O., Lagos, O., & Figueroa, R. (2024). Chilean Disaster Response and Alternative Measures for Improvement. Social Sciences, 13(2), 88.