Putting the Common Security and Defense Policy in the Eastern Mediterranean under Scrutiny: Türkiye’s Conflicting Role
:1. Introduction and Methodological Approach
2. Europeanisation Theoretical Framework
3. The Case of Türkiye
3.1. The Initial Good Climate
3.2. The Turning Point
4. Migration-Related Threats Already in the EU Security Strategy and Internal Security
5. Post-2015-Migration Türkiye
6. EU Union Key Reactions
7. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | Refers to any attempt of EU states to establish their own mechanism. The existing mechanism is implemented under a sharing and pooling scheme. |
2 | The EU integrates conflict mediation mechanisms like the European Court of Justice and the Council, offers collective benefits including the Single Market and Cohesion Funds, and promotes transparency via the European Parliament, open sessions, documentation, and transparent lobbying practices. |
3 | The European Union (EU) represents a delicate balance between intergovernmentalism and supranationalism. Intergovernmentalism emphasizes the central role of sovereign member states in decision-making processes, often requiring consensus or unanimous agreement, as seen in the Council of the European Union (Ulum et al. 2022). In contrast, supranationalism involves the delegation of certain powers to independent institutions, like the European Commission and the European Court of Justice, which can make decisions or take actions that are binding on member states (Beyers 1998). This intricate balance ensures that while member states retain significant control over key areas of national interest, they also benefit from collective decision-making and integrated policies in areas where shared action is more effective or desirable (Ward 2010, p. 119). |
4 | Europeanisation and the institutional modifications that candidate member states are required to undertake are associated with the advantages enjoyed by the member states; An “institutional environment” refers to a structured and regulated setting where rules, norms, and procedures guide behavior and decision-making. In the context of the EU and Europeanisation, this environment is shaped by the EU’s foundational treaties, regulations, directives, and the acquis communautaire (the body of EU law). The EU’s institutional framework sets clear expectations and standards for candidate member states, ensuring that they align their policies, legal systems, and practices with those of the EU. In essence, the institutional environment of the EU provides a clear roadmap for candidate countries, and the benefits they stand to gain act as both a carrot and a stick, motivating them to stay the course and fully implement the changes required for membership. |
5 | Economies of scale refer to the cost advantages that companies achieve when their production becomes more efficient due to larger quantities of goods produced. This efficiency leads to cost savings and higher production levels for larger companies. This concept has two implications: (a) countries with cheaper labor may attract bigger production lines, making them more appealing for large companies to invest and collaborate, and (b) countries with a large population are considered consumption countries. Consequently, countries that combine both aspects, cheaper labor for production and a large consumer market, are more attractive and hold greater negotiating power with EU Member States. |
6 | There are three aspects of migration manipulation: push, pull over and push back. Push factors drive people to depart from their places of origin and relocate elsewhere, while pull factors entice migrants to move to new regions (may include fake news/misinformation/other forms of manipulations). Pushback is a term used to describe a series of state measures where refugees and migrants are forcibly returned over a border, typically right after crossing it, without regard for their individual situations and with no opportunity to seek asylum. Among these three categories, the push-back has received extensive investigation from a humanitarian perspective, while the push and pull factors remain relatively underresearched. |
7 | To gain a deeper understanding of this scenario, it is essential to examine the financial data of that period in connection with the refugees and population of these two neighboring countries, Türkiye and Greece. During 2015, the immigrants were more than 10% of Greece’s population while for Türkiye, the number was 5.6% (Clayton and Holland 2015; Bel-Air 2016). Although during that time Greece’s economy was facing a debt-crisis both the government and the citizens assisted the refugees by any means (Greek City Times 2021b; Kingsley 2015a). At the same time public opinion in Türkiye shifted from traditional hospitality to displaying signs of intolerance towards immigrants, with a significant percentage (73%) perceiving immigrants as an economic burden and advocating for their return to their home countries. (The German Marshall Fund of the United States 2015, pp. 11–12; Tol 2018). |
8 | These are the four out of five Europeanisation steps/All five steps, including decision making at EU level, represent Europeanisation. |
9 | In his endeavor to reinforce the connection between the Ottoman empire and the Muslim religion, President Erdogan asserted during a conference of Latin American Muslim leaders in Istanbul that Muslims discovered the Americas three centuries before Christopher Columbus Columbus (BBC 2014) This statement sparked considerable criticism. In response to the backlash, Erdogan contended that Muslim critics lack self-confidence and should not unquestioningly accept Western historiography without investigating the facts (The Guardian 2014). Clearly, Erdogan’s intention was to widen the divide between Westerners and Muslims as part of his broader effort to strengthen the Muslim-Neo-Ottoman identity. |
10 | Türkiye doesn’t accept the 1982 United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) result for the Aegean Sea. UNCLOS reflects a progressive development of international law, which has been signed or ratified by 168 parties. Türkiye is between the 16 UN Member and Observer States neither signed nor ratified UNCLOS. |
11 | More than 1000 U.S. firms have a presence in Türkiye according to the 2022 US-Türkiye trade relations report. |
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Violakis, P. Putting the Common Security and Defense Policy in the Eastern Mediterranean under Scrutiny: Türkiye’s Conflicting Role. Soc. Sci. 2023, 12, 481. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci12090481
Violakis P. Putting the Common Security and Defense Policy in the Eastern Mediterranean under Scrutiny: Türkiye’s Conflicting Role. Social Sciences. 2023; 12(9):481. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci12090481
Chicago/Turabian StyleViolakis, Petros. 2023. "Putting the Common Security and Defense Policy in the Eastern Mediterranean under Scrutiny: Türkiye’s Conflicting Role" Social Sciences 12, no. 9: 481. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci12090481
APA StyleViolakis, P. (2023). Putting the Common Security and Defense Policy in the Eastern Mediterranean under Scrutiny: Türkiye’s Conflicting Role. Social Sciences, 12(9), 481. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci12090481