Framework for Undergraduate Entrepreneurship Education in Australia: Preliminary Exploration
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
2.1. Entrepreneurship Education
2.2. Strategies for Developing a Learning Culture for Undergraduate Entrepreneurship Education
2.2.1. Experiential Learning Theory
2.2.2. Experiential Learning Project and Industry-Oriented Research Work
2.2.3. Establishing a Trustworthy Relationship between the University and Industry
2.2.4. IT communication Hub and Resolving IP Concerns
2.2.5. Open Innovation (OI, Triple, and Quadruple Helix) Model and Developing a Culture of Experiential Learning
2.3. Implementation of the Undergraduate Entrepreneurship Education Framework and Resilience Development
3. Research Methodology
- undergraduate entrepreneurship education curriculum, which includes the development of learners’ relevant skills;
- engagement structure that could develop a culture of learner engagement with SMEs or industry;
- IT-based infrastructure where different stakeholders (university learners and industry stakeholders) collaboratively work and share ideas;
- resolving intellectual conflict between universities and industry partners;
- how lessons learned from the COVID-19 crisis could be utilised as a contingency for future curriculum towards an entrepreneurship education framework; and
- the offer of the blended learning mode for undergraduate entrepreneurship education in order to sustain and manage future uncertainties.
4. Data Analysis
4.1. Entrepreneurship Curricula
4.2. Engagement Structure
4.3. Programme Information on Websites
5. Findings and Discussion
5.1. The Summary of the Collected Data Is Presented in the Table 1 below:
University 01— Bachelor of Entrepreneurship (Honours) | University 02—Bachelor of Business (Entrepreneurship) | University 03—Bachelor of Entrepreneurship | University 04—Bachelor of Business (Innovation and Entrepreneurship) | University 05— Bachelor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship | University 06—Bachelor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship | |
Entrepreneurship curriculum | Duration: one year. The curriculum does appear to include an updated topic on resilience due to the COVID-19 crisis. Mode of delivery is not visible on the website. | Duration: three years. The curriculum does not reveal any updates on resilience due to the COVID crisis. Blended delivery. | Duration: three years. Not a stand-alone programme, but to be taken in conjunction with any bachelor’s degree offered. The curriculum appears to have been updated to include resilience and risk tolerance. | Duration: three years. There is no indication of the curriculum update due to the COVID crisis. Blended delivery: online and campus study. | Duration: four years Clear statement that the student will be able to develop skills to maintain sustainable social benefits in different situations. Blended delivery: face-to-face and online. | Duration: three years The learning objectives clearly indicate that the learner will get the opportunity to develop resilience skills through the course. Blended learning option is available. |
Engagement Structure | Start-up bootcamp. Hackathons. Collaborative, experiential, and studio-based engagement slots. | Industry placement. Industry projects. | Real-world placement through incubators, technology parks, and innovation centres. Learners work in start-up co-working spaces on a regular basis. | Start-up incubator. Innovation and collaboration centre. Students get access to a business simulation project, an internship, and a mentorship opportunity. | Supervised work placement with the host organisation/industry. Access to international work-integrated placement. | Engagement through an online platform with the online community. Internship provides real world exposure, multiple networking opportunities, and real professional training. |
Programme information on websites | Limited information is visible regarding the engagement structure and the indication of getting detailed information after enrolment. | Plenty of information is available regarding the engagement structure of the programme. | Access to real world placement through innovation centres, technology parks, and incubators. | Industry attachment Opportunities. | Website presents comparatively sufficient information in an organised way. | Website presents organised and sufficient information. |
Similarities among the undergraduate entreprenuerial qualifications and the providers | Curriculum: Overall, the majority of the universities have given an indication of course curriculum updates. Technological infrastructure to deliver blended learning:
| |||||
Disimilarities among the undergraduate entreprenuerial qualifications and the providers | Engagement duration and structure:
Preliminary Best Practise Engagement and Collaboration Strategy Observed
5.2. Blended Learning as a Contingency for Future Uncertainties
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Alam, M.; Haroon, H.A.; Yusof, M.F.b.; Islam, M.A. Framework for Undergraduate Entrepreneurship Education in Australia: Preliminary Exploration. Soc. Sci. 2023, 12, 285.
Alam M, Haroon HA, Yusof MFb, Islam MA. Framework for Undergraduate Entrepreneurship Education in Australia: Preliminary Exploration. Social Sciences. 2023; 12(5):285.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAlam, Morshed, Harshita Aini Haroon, Mohd Faizal bin Yusof, and Md. Aminul Islam. 2023. "Framework for Undergraduate Entrepreneurship Education in Australia: Preliminary Exploration" Social Sciences 12, no. 5: 285.
APA StyleAlam, M., Haroon, H. A., Yusof, M. F. b., & Islam, M. A. (2023). Framework for Undergraduate Entrepreneurship Education in Australia: Preliminary Exploration. Social Sciences, 12(5), 285.