Narratives of Success and Failure in Ressentiment: Assuming Victimhood and Transmuting Frustration among Young Korean Men
:1. Introduction
1.1. Narratives of Success and Failure among Young South Korean Men
1.2. Ressentiment as the Framework of Understanding Misogyny in Accounts of Success and Failure
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Qualitative Survey Sampling and Design
2.2. Content Analysis of Ilbe Cases (일베)
3. Results
3.1. The Content of Success and Failure: Understanding Frustrations and Aggressions
3.2. Frustrations of Military Conscription
3.3. Narratives about Sex
3.4. Recognising Ressentiment
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Questionnaire and Survey Questions
Research into South Korean Society
- Yes, I agree—동의합니다
- No, I do not agree—동의하지 않습니다
- 18–20
- 21–24
- 25–30
- 31–35
- 36–40
- 41+
- Prefer not to say—말하지 않는 것을 선호
- Male—남자
- Female—여자
- Prefer not to say—말하지 않는 것을 선호
- Other—다른
- Yes—네
- No—아니요
- Maybe—아마도
Appendix B. Content Analysis Coding Variables
- Case No.—Case number
- Ingroup mentioned—Is there an in-group mentioned/inferred?
- Outgroup mentioned—Is there an outgroup mentioned/inferred?
- Nostalgic thinking—Are there traces of nostalgic thinking (If yes, copy text)
- Desire for change—Is there a desire for change? (If yes, copy text)
- Change Forwards—Is there a desire for change forwards/in the future? (If yes, copy text)
- Change Backward—Is there a desire for change backwards/towards the past? (If yes, copy text)
- Abrupt change—Is there a desire for abrupt change? (If yes, copy text)
- Anti-positions—Are there any anti-positions? (If yes, copy text)
- Hope—Are there traces of hope? (If yes, copy text)
- Efficacy—Are there traces of efficacy? (If yes, copy text)
- Indignation—Are there traces of indignation? (If yes, copy text)
- Transvaluation—Are there traces of transvaluation? (If yes, copy text)
- Victimhood—Are there traces of victimhood? (If yes, copy text)
- Powerlessness—Are there traces of powerlessness? (If yes, copy text)
- Injustice—Are there traces of injustice? (If yes, copy text)
- Destiny—Are there traces of destiny (If yes, copy text)
- Violent/Illegal Action—Is there reference to violent or illegal actions? (If yes, copy text)
- OwnGroupBest—Is one’s own group described as the best? (If yes, copy text)
- GroupUnderappreciated—Is one’s own group described as underappreciated? (If yes, copy text)
- Topic markers—What are the topics/themes discussed?
- Total—The total presence of all markers
- Total ressentiment markers—The total of the core ressentiment markers (coding variables 12–17)
Appendix C. Content Analysis Coding Examples
Case No. | Image | Translation | Text | Translation |
1 | N/A | 옆에 붙어 있던 게 문재앙이었음 | Moon Jae-ang was next to me | |
역사적으로 의미도 없는 여자 사진 한장 | A historically meaningless picture of a woman | |||
세종대왕보다 위대한 5만원 신사임당 | Shin Saimdang of 50,000 won greater than King Sejong the Great | |||
2 | N/A | N/A | 예전에 이런 일화가 많잖아? 아들, 딸이 같이 있는 집안은 거의 아들만 공부 시키고 딸이 무슨 공부냐? 이러면서 학교도 못 나온 딸들 많았는데 지금 돌아가는 거 보면 오히려 이게 ㄹㅇ 혜안이였음. | Have you had a lot of stories like this in the past? In a family with a son and a daughter, almost only the son studies, and what kind of study does the daughter do? There were a lot of daughters who couldn’t even go to school while doing this, but looking back now, this was a real insight. |
여자가 학력이 올라갈수록 결혼, 출산율은 반대로 운지함. 그리고 학력높은 여자일수록 ㅅㅂ 꼴페미 확률이 오히려 올라감. | Marriage and fertility rates reversed as a woman’s education level increased. And the higher the educational level, the higher the probability of being a [disgusting] radical feminist. | |||
남자 명문대 여자지잡 | Men’s Universities, Women’s Ji-job [non-prestigious university graduate] | |||
남자 지잡 여자 고졸 | Male Ji-Job [non-prestigious university graduate], Female High School Graduate | |||
남자 고졸 여자 중졸 | Male high school graduate, Female middle school graduate | |||
이런 식으로 남자는 본인보다 한단계 아니 두단계 낮은 년도 마음먹고 외모 괜찮으면 결혼하는 남자들 꽤 되는데 보지년들은 절대 아님. | In this way, there are quite a few men who get married if they think they’re one or two steps lower than themselves, and if they look good, they’re definitely not pussy bitches. | |||
니들 여자 대졸 남자 고졸 커플 본적있냐? | Have you ever seen a female college graduate male high school graduate couple? | |||
출산률 올리려면 옛 어르신들 선견지명 대로 여자는 초등학교까지만 배우게 하고 학교 못 다니게 해야된다. 여자가 더하기 빼기만 할 줄 알면되지 뭘 더 배우려고 하노? | In order to raise the fertility rate, as the old elders had foreseen, women should only learn up to elementary school and be barred from attending school. A woman only needs to know how to add and subtract. What more are you trying to learn? | |||
3 | N/A | 자본주의 맛보고 살 뒤지게 쪄서 인생 나락가니 | Life goes downhill after tasting capitalism and gaining too much weight | |
페미니즘 외치며 국민들 경제력 이것저것 뺏어가려고 개지랄떠네 ㅋㅋ | They shout feminism and try to steal the people’s economic power. |
Coding Variable | Case 1 | Case 2 | Case 3 |
Ingroup mentioned | 0 | Men | The public/people |
Outgroup mentioned | 0 | Women | Capitalists/feminists |
Nostalgic thinking | A historically meaningless picture of a woman Shin Saimdang of 50,000 won greater than King Sejong the Great | In order to raise the fertility rate, as the old elders had foreseen, women should only learn up to elementary school and be barred from attending school | 0 |
Desire for change | 0 | In order to raise the fertility rate, as the old elders had foreseen, women should only learn up to elementary school and be barred from attending school | 0 |
Change forwards | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Change backwards | 0 | In order to raise the fertility rate, as the old elders had foreseen, women should only learn up to elementary school and be barred from attending school | 0 |
Abrupt change | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Anti-positions | 0 | Anti-feminist | Anti-capitalist, anti-feminist |
Hope | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Efficacy | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Envy/Jealousy | A historically meaningless picture of a woman Shin Saimdang of 50,000 won greater than King Sejong the Great | There are quite a few men who get married if they think they’re one or two steps lower than themselves, and if they look good, they’re definitely not pussy bitches. | 0 |
Transvaluation | A historically meaningless picture of a woman | 0 | 0 |
Victimisation | 0 | 0 | They shout feminism and try to steal the people’s economic power. |
Powerlessness | 0 | 0 | Life goes downhill |
Injustice | 0 | 0 | Steal the people’s economic power |
Destiny/Action | 0 | As the old elders had foreseen | 0 |
Violent/Illegal | 0 | 0 | 0 |
OwnGroupBest | 0 | 0 | 0 |
OwnGroupUnderappreciated | Shin Saimdang of 50,000 won greater than King Sejong the Great | 0 | 0 |
Topic markers | Economy, Chosun (Sejong) | Education, marriage | Capitalism, economy |
Total | 5 | 8 | 7 |
Total ressentiment markers (12–17) | 2 | 2 | 3 |
Appendix D. Tables
Cases Referring to Sex, Sexual Appeal, or Rape (32%) | Sample Overall | ||
Reference to race or nationality | 50% | 42% | |
Blame or outgroup mentioned | Feminists | 69% | 70% |
Women | 25% | 14% | |
Feminists and women combined | 94% | 82% | |
Indicators of ressentiment present (average) | 38% | 29% |
Case No. | Perceived Injustice | Reattachment Defence, What/Who Is to Blame? |
4 | ‘I almost think that I am the lowest class in society […] I wake up every day at minus 20 degrees, 40 degrees below a sensible temperature and I freeze up and work for several hours at my post […] No matter how much service time, I still write a letter. If the social atmosphere had the least respect’ | ‘It was Moon Jae-in who gave dog food to soldiers quarantined due to Corona Moon Jae-in is a bastard’ |
17 | ‘The incident of condolence letters at Jinmyung Girls’ High School’ | ‘The feminists’ banners hahahaha… What a mess…’ |
22 | ‘Although Seok-Yeol Yoon is level 1 (economic and security right wing, liberal democratic centre-right, socioculturally centre-left), his opponent is so populist that he himself often shows “populist tendencies pushed back”. (Soldier salary 2M [2 million won, approx. £1260])’ | ‘his opponent [Lee Jay-Myeong—Democratic Party] is so populist that he himself often shows “populist tendencies pushed back”.’ |
23 | ‘2 million won for a soldier. [2 million won monthly military salary, approx. £1260]’ | ‘Ahn Cheol-soo, this asshole’ |
24 | ‘Women mocking soldiers and blaming the men for their hardships (ex. the men made the army~)’ | ‘women’ |
27 | ‘Mokdong Academy’ [condolence letters incident] | ‘Femmy, who still hasn’t cured her mental illness’ |
29 | ‘Why women have no choice but to demean the military…Feminists, above all else, demean, ridicule, and caricature men’s military duty. There is a need to nullify the sacrifices and hard work of the soldiers.’ | ‘Feminists […] women’ |
46 | ‘Soldiers won’t be subjected to poor meals or ridicule. [If adopted as the 51st state of the USA] They spend a day working hard on the white horses they like and they can buy and eat in Pakchon with the dollars they receive.’ | ‘If you look at it [South Korea] now, both the Democratic Party and the National Power Party seem to have no answer’ |
50 | ‘Conscription itself is communism.’ | ‘The Feminist movement […and] the government is the enemy of the people’ |
1 | Respondents were asked: ‘Please tell me a little about yourself’; ‘What is your role in society’; ‘What are the roles of others in society’; ‘What are some of the things you would say are unique to South Korea’; ‘What is politics like in South Korea’. |
2 | ‘How would you define success’; ‘How would you define failure’; ‘How would you define fairness’; ‘What are the issues most important to you’; ‘What are your aspirations? Do they feel achievable’; ‘What have been some of your recent challenges and what steps have you taken to overcome them’; ‘How would you compare yourself to others you know’. |
3 | Some posts were deleted from the site before the content could be viewed. It is possible that these posts included important data that could change the results and should be taken into consideration. |
4 | Not a verified source but comprehensive information on the incident and backlash can be found here: (accessed on 2 January 2023). |
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Capelos, T.; Nield, E.; Salmela, M. Narratives of Success and Failure in Ressentiment: Assuming Victimhood and Transmuting Frustration among Young Korean Men. Soc. Sci. 2023, 12, 259.
Capelos T, Nield E, Salmela M. Narratives of Success and Failure in Ressentiment: Assuming Victimhood and Transmuting Frustration among Young Korean Men. Social Sciences. 2023; 12(5):259.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCapelos, Tereza, Ellen Nield, and Mikko Salmela. 2023. "Narratives of Success and Failure in Ressentiment: Assuming Victimhood and Transmuting Frustration among Young Korean Men" Social Sciences 12, no. 5: 259.
APA StyleCapelos, T., Nield, E., & Salmela, M. (2023). Narratives of Success and Failure in Ressentiment: Assuming Victimhood and Transmuting Frustration among Young Korean Men. Social Sciences, 12(5), 259.