Tale(s) of a Forest—Re-Creation of a Primeval Forest in Three Environmental Narratives
:1. Introduction
2. Concepts and Method
3. The Same Material—Many Adaptations
3.1. Three Stories about the Boreal Forest
3.2. Visual and Aural Narratives about the Forest
3.3. Tale of the Species
4. The Past-Oriented Approach
5. After Tale of a Forest: Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Primary Sources
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1 | In Finland the everyman’s rights prevail on almost all governmental and privately owned land. The rights include, for example, freedom to roam and camp in forests, pick up berries and mushrooms, and fish with a line and rod. |
2 | See the film’s trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLER4UUexiQ. |
3 | The nature photographers are Hannu Siitonen, Mikko Pöllänen and Teemu Liakka. |
4 | Scots pine and Norway spruce are the major objects only in 7% and 12% of the film shots where they appear, respectively. |
5 | Kuivalainen, Anu, Into the Forest (Sielunmetsä 2017), Kauppinen: Monimuotoisuus (2019), Rapinoja, Anni: Luonnollisesti (2019), exhibition in Oulu Art Museum, Hyvärinen et al.: The 2019 Red List of Finnish species (2019). |
6 | Funded by the Finnish Forest Foundation, the Finnish Forest Industries Federation, State forest agency, the Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners MTK and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. |
7 | |
8 | During the writing of this article, the Finnish parliament received a popular initiative “Clear-cuts to the history” signed by more than 60,000 Finns. The main directive in the initiative is for government owned forests to be managed with methods other than clear-cutting in the future (for example with continuous cover forestry). |
9 | Other recent examples of documentary films include: Talvivaaran miehet (Men of Talvivaara 2015), Nälkämaan Sampo (The Land of Mine 2016) and Luonto sisälläni (2016). |
10 | Tale of a Forest is not the only contemporary artwork that deliberately turns attention away from environmental problems. For instance, when nature photographer Heikki Willamo’s latest book Metsä minussa (“The Forest in Me” 2020, translation by authors) was published, he commented that he prefers to show what we are about to lose: primeval forests.
11 | The film has also been used to gain wider publicity and importance on petitions (https://www.adressit.com/suojellaan_metsan_tarinan_syntymetsa_tulevaisuudelle). |
12 | In a similar vein, the British ecocritic Ted Hughes who was interested in the bio-evolutionary foundations of culture, approaches myths as ‘dynamic shifting in response to environmental conditions’ (Solnick 2017, p. 72). Myths are linked to cognitive and communicative capacities and they have an adaptive force. Hughes suggests that if a founding myth becomes useless, it is a sign of maladaptation to environment (ibid.). |
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Share and Cite
Hiltunen, K.; Björklund, H.; Nurmesjärvi, A.; Purhonen, J.; Rainio, M.; Sääskilahti, N.; Vallius, A. Tale(s) of a Forest—Re-Creation of a Primeval Forest in Three Environmental Narratives. Arts 2020, 9, 125. https://doi.org/10.3390/arts9040125
Hiltunen K, Björklund H, Nurmesjärvi A, Purhonen J, Rainio M, Sääskilahti N, Vallius A. Tale(s) of a Forest—Re-Creation of a Primeval Forest in Three Environmental Narratives. Arts. 2020; 9(4):125. https://doi.org/10.3390/arts9040125
Chicago/Turabian StyleHiltunen, Kaisa, Heidi Björklund, Aino Nurmesjärvi, Jenna Purhonen, Minna Rainio, Nina Sääskilahti, and Antti Vallius. 2020. "Tale(s) of a Forest—Re-Creation of a Primeval Forest in Three Environmental Narratives" Arts 9, no. 4: 125. https://doi.org/10.3390/arts9040125