The Protection of Monuments and Immoveable Works of Art from War Damage: A Comparison of Italy in World War II and Ukraine during the Russian Invasion
:1. Introduction
2. How Can Italy in 1940 Be Compared to Ukraine? Heritage Management and the Experience of War
3. Registering the Importance of Protecting Monuments from Destruction: Cultural Memory and International Law
4. Terminology and Scope: Monuments and Immoveable Works of Art
5. Proactive Measures: Planning for Protection of Cultural Property during War
6. The First Stages of Protection: Facing Obstacles and Establishing Priorities
7. Approaches to the On-Site Protection of Monuments and Immoveable Works of Art
8. The On-Site Protection of Churches and Their Immoveable Decoration
9. Conclusions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Hoeniger, C. The Protection of Monuments and Immoveable Works of Art from War Damage: A Comparison of Italy in World War II and Ukraine during the Russian Invasion. Arts 2024, 13, 65.
Hoeniger C. The Protection of Monuments and Immoveable Works of Art from War Damage: A Comparison of Italy in World War II and Ukraine during the Russian Invasion. Arts. 2024; 13(2):65.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHoeniger, Cathleen. 2024. "The Protection of Monuments and Immoveable Works of Art from War Damage: A Comparison of Italy in World War II and Ukraine during the Russian Invasion" Arts 13, no. 2: 65.
APA StyleHoeniger, C. (2024). The Protection of Monuments and Immoveable Works of Art from War Damage: A Comparison of Italy in World War II and Ukraine during the Russian Invasion. Arts, 13(2), 65.