Advanced Metal Matrix Nanocomposites
:1. Introduction
- Tensile and compressive behavior.
- Ductility or elongation to failure, a must for bend than break design philosophy.
- High-temperature mechanical properties.
- Creep.
- Dynamic mechanical properties.
- Wear resistance, including scratch resistance.
- Coefficient of thermal expansion.
- Damping.
- Machining.
- Ignition resistance.
- Dry/wet corrosion resistance.
- Judicious selection of matrix and reinforcement (including its length scale).
- Careful selection of primary and secondary processing routes.
- Heat treatment.
- Particle breakage under the application of stress triggering the initiation of cracks.
- Matrix-reinforcement interfacial debonding under the application of stress.
- Current state-of-the-art in the synthesis of nanocomposites.
- An insight into microstructural characteristics of composites.
- Dispersion mechanisms of nano-particles.
- Mechanical responses, including tensile, compressive, torsion, fatigue, and damping properties.
- Particular emphasis is placed on lightweight composites, such as those based on magnesium and aluminum due to their capability to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and global warming due to a rapid expansion in the transportation sector [3].
2. Fabrication Methods
2.1. Stir-Casting
2.2. Disintegrated Melt Deposition (DMD)
2.3. Semi-Solid Casting (SSC)
2.4. Powder Metallurgy (PM)
- Ability to produce “near-net” shape components;
- Capability to integrate higher volume fractions of the reinforcement; and
- Ability to produce large batches (i.e., for automotive applications).
2.5. Friction Stir Processing
2.6. Accumulative Roll Bonding
- wire brushing of metal sheet surfaces to remove the oxide layer, contaminants, etc.;
- stacking of two sheets on top of each other;
- roll bonding the sheets together up to a minimum 50% thickness reduction; and
- dividing the roll-bonded sample into piece.s
3. Reinforcing Agents
- Increase in yield and tensile strength at room temperature or elevated temperature while maintaining ductility;
- Increase of creep resistance at elevated temperatures;
- Increased fatigue strength;
- Improvement of thermal shock resistance;
- Improvement of wear resistance;
- Increase of the Young’s modulus; or
- Reduction of coefficient of thermal expansion.
4. Dispersion
4.1. Cavitation Basics
4.2. Cavitation in Composite Systems
4.2.1. Cavitation near Solid Surfaces
4.2.2. Cavitation in Molten Metal-Nanoparticle Composite Systems
5. Strengthening Mechanisms
5.1. Orowan
5.2. Hall–Petch
5.3. Mismatch in the CTE
5.4. Mismatch in the Young’s Modulus
5.5. Load-Bearing
6. Mechanical Properties
7. Tribological Properties of MMNCs
8. Conclusions, Current Challenges, and Future Remarks
Conflicts of Interest
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Type | SiC | AlN | Al2O3 | B4C | TiB2 | TiC |
Crystal structure | α: hdp | hdp | α: hdp | rhomb | hdp | cub |
Lattice parameters [nm] | a: 0.307 c: 1.008 | a: 0.311 c: 0.498 | a: 0.476 c: 1.299 | a: 0.559 c: 1.205 | a: 0.303 c: 0.322 | a: 0.432 |
Melting T [°C] | 2300 | 3000 | 2045 | 2450 | 2900 | 3140 |
Young’s modulus [GPa] | 480 | 350 | 410 | 450 | 370 | 320 |
Density [g/cm3] | 3.22 | 3.26 | 3.98 | 2.53 | 4.49 | 4.92 |
Mohs hardness | 9.6 | - | 6.5 | 9.5 | - | - |
CTE [10−6 K−1] | 4.9 | 6.0 | 8.3 | 5.4 | 7.4 | 7.4 |
supplier of nanoparticles | IoLiTec Nanomaterials, Skyspring Nanomaterials, Inc., Auer-Remy GmbH, ChemPur Feinchemikalien und Forschungsbedarf GmbH, Alpha Aesar |
Base | Carbide | Nitride | Boride | Oxide |
Aluminium | AlN | Al2O3 | ||
Antimony | Sb2O3 | |||
Boron | B4C | BN | B2O3 | |
Bismuth | Bi2O3 | |||
Cerium | CeO2 | |||
Chromium | CrC | CrN | CrB | CrO3, Cr2O3 |
Cobalt | CoO, Co2O3, Co3O4 | |||
Copper | CuO | |||
Dysprosium | Dy2O3 | |||
Erbium | Er2O3 | |||
Europium | Eu2O3 | |||
Gadolinium | Gd2O3 | |||
Hafnium | HfC | HfN | HfO2 | |
Indium | In2O3 | |||
Iron | Fe3O4, Fe2O3 | |||
Lanthanum | LaB6 | La2O3 | ||
Magnesium | MgO | |||
Manganese | MnO2, MnO3, Mn2O3 | |||
Molybdenum | MoC, Mo2C | MoN, Mo2N | MoB, Mo2B | MoO3 |
Neodymium | Nd2O3 | |||
Nickel | NiO, Ni2O3 | |||
Niobium | Nb2O5 | |||
Praseodymium | Pr6O11 | |||
Samarium | Sm2O3 | |||
Silicon | SiC | Si3N4 | SiO2 | |
Tantalum | TaC | TaN | Ta2O5 | |
Terbium | Tb4O7 | |||
Tin | SnO2 | |||
Titanium | TiC | TiN | TiB2 | TiO2 |
Tungsten | WC, W2C | WN, W2N | WB, W2B | WO3 |
Vanadium | VO, V2O3, V2O5 | |||
Yttrium | Y2O3 | |||
Ytterbium | Yb2O3 | |||
Zinc | ZnO | |||
Zirconium | ZrC | ZrN | ZrB2 | ZrO2 |
Material | CTE [10−6 K−1] | 0.2 Yield Strength [MPa] | UTS [MPa] | Elongation [%] |
Mg | 28.57 | 127 ± 5 | 205 ± 4 | 9 ± 2 |
Mg-0.06 CNT | 27.17 | 133 ± 2 | 203 ± 1 | 12 ± 1 |
Mg-0.18 CNT | 26.19 | 138 ± 4 | 206 ± 7 | 11 ± 1 |
Mg-0.30 CNT | 25.90 | 146 ± 5 | 210 ± 6 | 8 ± 1 |
Property | AM60 | AM60 + AlN |
Grain size [µm] | 1277.0 ± 301.3 | 84.9 ± 6.2 |
Hardness [HV5] | 48.0 ± 4.0 | 46.4 ± 6.0 |
Density [g/cm3] | 1.7848 ± 0.0004 | 1.783 ± 0 |
Porosity [%] | - | 0.919 |
Yield strength [MPa] | 44.9 ± 6.9 | 91.2 ± 3.8 |
UTS [MPa] | 109.3 ± 19.2 | 235.1 ± 6.4 |
Elongation [%] | 6.4 ± 3.4 | 15.4 ± 4.2 |
Matrix | wt% | % Improvement | Reference |
A356 | SiC = 1.5 wt% | UTS = 100% | [117] |
Mg-2Al-1Si | SiC = 2 wt% | UTS = 15% | [129] |
2024 Al alloy | Al2O3 = 1 wt% | YS = 45% | [126] |
Mg-6Zn | SiC = 1.5 wt% | UTS = 55% | [162] |
Al7075 | Al2O3 = 1.5 wt% | UTS = 59.6% | [163] |
Al7075 | SiC = 1 vol% | YS = 12% | [164] |
A356 | Al2O3 = 1 wt% | UTS = 15% | [165] |
A356 | SiC = 1 wt% | UTS = 24% | [165] |
Al-4.4Cu | TiB2 = 2 wt% | YS = 65% | [166] |
AA6061 | SiC = 1 wt% | UTS = 3%, Elongation = 100% | [167] |
AA6061 | Al2O3 = 1 wt% | UTS = 6%, Elongation = 100% | [167] |
AA2219 | SiC = 2 wt% | UTS = 36.5% | [168] |
Matrix | Reinforcement-Content | % Improvement in Mechanical/Tribological Properties with Respect to Matrix Material | Reference |
Aluminum | Gr = 1.5 wt% | TS = 63% | [173] |
Al6061 | Gr = 1 wt% | Flexure strength = 15% | [174] |
Aluminum | Gr = 0.5 wt% | TS = 16% | [175] |
AA6061 | Gr = 10 vol% | E = −35%, Hardness (H) = −13%, COF = −72%. | [176] |
AA2124 | Gr = 3 wt% | Wear rate = −47% | [174] |
Copper | Gr = 1 wt% | TS = 12% | [177] |
Ti | Gr = 5 wt% | H = 200% | [172] |
Aluminum | CNT = 5 wt% | TS = 100% | [178] |
Aluminum | CNT~1 wt% | TS increased four times and no change in elongation | [179] |
Aluminum | CNT = 5 wt% | Hardness = 28%, COF = −100% | [180] |
Aluminum | CNT = 0.4 wt% | TS = 30%, Elongation reduced from 35 to 1%. | [171] |
Copper | CNT = 16 vol% | H = 94%, COF = −100% | [181] |
Ni | CNT = 10 vol% | COF = −100% | [182] |
Aluminum | SiC = 10 wt% | Compressive strength = 71% | [183] |
© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
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Malaki, M.; Xu, W.; Kasar, A.K.; Menezes, P.L.; Dieringa, H.; Varma, R.S.; Gupta, M. Advanced Metal Matrix Nanocomposites. Metals 2019, 9, 330.
Malaki M, Xu W, Kasar AK, Menezes PL, Dieringa H, Varma RS, Gupta M. Advanced Metal Matrix Nanocomposites. Metals. 2019; 9(3):330.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMalaki, Massoud, Wenwu Xu, Ashish K. Kasar, Pradeep L. Menezes, Hajo Dieringa, Rajender S. Varma, and Manoj Gupta. 2019. "Advanced Metal Matrix Nanocomposites" Metals 9, no. 3: 330.
APA StyleMalaki, M., Xu, W., Kasar, A. K., Menezes, P. L., Dieringa, H., Varma, R. S., & Gupta, M. (2019). Advanced Metal Matrix Nanocomposites. Metals, 9(3), 330.