Consequences and Remedies of Indigenous Language Loss in Canada
:1. Introduction
2. Historical Context of Language Loss
3. Language Loss and Well-Being of Indigenous People
3.1. Isolation and Cultural Discontinuity in Young People
3.2. Abuse Aftermath among the Elderly
3.3. Harm Caused by Racism
3.4. Barriers to Generational Knowledge Transfer
3.5. Loss of Culinary Knowledge
4. Current Efforts and Recommendations
5. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Khawaja, M. Consequences and Remedies of Indigenous Language Loss in Canada. Societies 2021, 11, 89.
Khawaja M. Consequences and Remedies of Indigenous Language Loss in Canada. Societies. 2021; 11(3):89.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKhawaja, Masud. 2021. "Consequences and Remedies of Indigenous Language Loss in Canada" Societies 11, no. 3: 89.
APA StyleKhawaja, M. (2021). Consequences and Remedies of Indigenous Language Loss in Canada. Societies, 11(3), 89.