Reciprocal Trophic Interactions and Transmission of Blood Parasites between Mosquitoes and Frogs
:1. Introduction
2. Habitat Synchrony and Trophic Consequences
2.1. Co-Occurrence of Mosquitoes with Different Species of Frogs
2.2. Trophic Competition in Synchronous Habitats
3. Mosquito-Vectored Parasites of Frogs
3.1. Trophic Transmission of Hepatozoon Species
3.2. Potential Transmission of Amphibian Trypanosomes by Mosquitoes
3.3. Salivary Transmission of Filarial Worms
3.4. Mechanical and Salivary Transmission of Viruses
4. Host Selection and Preference by Mosquitoes with Consequences for Parasite Transmission
5. Conclusions
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Ferguson, L.V.; Smith, T.G. Reciprocal Trophic Interactions and Transmission of Blood Parasites between Mosquitoes and Frogs. Insects 2012, 3, 410-423.
Ferguson LV, Smith TG. Reciprocal Trophic Interactions and Transmission of Blood Parasites between Mosquitoes and Frogs. Insects. 2012; 3(2):410-423.
Chicago/Turabian StyleFerguson, Laura V., and Todd G. Smith. 2012. "Reciprocal Trophic Interactions and Transmission of Blood Parasites between Mosquitoes and Frogs" Insects 3, no. 2: 410-423.
APA StyleFerguson, L. V., & Smith, T. G. (2012). Reciprocal Trophic Interactions and Transmission of Blood Parasites between Mosquitoes and Frogs. Insects, 3(2), 410-423.