Sensing and Control Strategies Used in FES Systems Aimed at Assistance and Rehabilitation of Foot Drop: A Systematic Literature Review
:1. Introduction
1.1. Sensing Techniques
1.2. Control Strategies
1.3. Objectives and Structure of the Paper
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Search Strategy
2.1.1. Types of Population
2.1.2. Types of Intervention
2.1.3. Types of Comparison
2.1.4. Types of Outcomes
2.2. Research Questions
2.3. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
2.4. Quality Assessment
2.5. Data Extraction and Analysis
3. Results
3.1. RQ1: What Types of Sensors Are Used to Measure the Body’s State and Its Response to FES?
- Accuracy
- Wearability
- Affordability
3.2. RQ2: What Variables Does the Sensor Measure in Gait-Oriented FES Systems?
3.3. RQ3: Which Control Strategies Are Employed in Lower Limb FES Systems and Applications?
3.4. RQ4: What Stimulation Parameters Are Modulated in CL Lower Limb FES Applications?
4. Discussion
4.1. Sensing
4.2. Control Strategies
- Applying a multimodal sensing strategy, comprising more than one sensor, is a highly recommended approach in CL gait-oriented FES systems for FD, with the potential to improve system accuracy and performance.
- Novel sensing and control strategies, such as US sensors and machine/deep learning-based controllers, should be considered, possibly combined with the multimodal approach mentioned above. To achieve this, fast and reliable digitizing and processing systems are required, to be feasible in real-life applications.
- The integration of markerless motion analysis tools, employing computer vision and depth sensors, is an alternative approach worthwhile to explore in gait-oriented FES applications, the relevance of which has already been shown in upper limb and stability training applications.
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Author | Subjects | Type of Movement | Purpose | Sensing Technology/Strategy | Measured Variable/Signal | Control Strategy | Parameters Modulated |
[20] | Healthy | Sitting | Rehabilitation | EMG and EEG sensors Torque transducers | Real-time control interface of the MAFO | - | |
[21] | Healthy | Walking | Assistance | FSRs IMUs | Ground reaction force Angular rate Acceleration | Reflexive control algorithm | Timing and coordination of muscle activations Stimulation sequences for specific muscles’ stimulation amplitude |
[22] | Healthy | Walking | Rehabilitation | IMUs FSRs | Dynamics of the leg and foot Gait events Ground reaction forces | CL | Pulse width |
[23] | Both | Sitting | Rehabilitation and Assistance | Load cell | Torque generated by the muscle contractions Knee joint angle | CL, PID | - |
[24] | - | Sit-to-stand | Assistance | - | - | Combination of sliding mode control and wavelet networks | - |
[25] | Patients | FES cycling | Rehabilitation | IMUs | Angular velocity Linear acceleration | Adaptive method | Timing of muscle contractions |
[26] | Healthy and patient | Walking and sitting | Rehabilitation | sEMG sensors Torque sensors Kinematic sensors | Joint angles Angular velocity Acceleration | Linear control schemes | Stimulation intensity Pulse width Frequency |
[27] | Patients | Walking | Rehabilitation | IMUs | Angular displacements | CL, FSM | Stimulation amplitude |
[28] | Healthy | Sitting | Rehabilitation and Assistance | Force transducers | Force | CL | Stimulation amplitude |
[29] | Patients | Walking/sitting | Rehabilitation | EMG/EEG | - | - | |
[30] | Patients | Walking | Rehabilitation | IMUs Force sensors | Knee angle Gait events | CL, Proportional controller | Pulse width |
[31] | Healthy | Walking and sitting | Rehabilitation | Motion capture system | Ankle joint angle | CL, ILC | Pulse width Stimulation intensity |
[32] | Both | Walking | Rehabilitation | sEMG sensors Pressure Sensors | Angular velocity Ground reaction forces | CL, NS | Stimulation intensity |
[33] | Healthy | Walking | Assistance | FSRs IMUs | Sagittal shank angle Angular velocity Acceleration | CL, FSM | Time coefficient parameter (τ) and pulse width |
[34] | Patients | Walking | Rehabilitation | IMUs | Angular velocity Acceleration | CL, Proportional controller | Pulse width |
[35] | Healthy | Sitting | Rehabilitation | Goniometer | Knee joint | Musculoskeletal model-integrated iterative learning control (MMILC) | Pulse width |
[36] | Patients | Walking | Rehabilitation | IMUs | Foot pose initiation of the subject’s step | CL, NS | Yes, NS |
[37] | Healthy | Sitting | Rehabilitation | sEMG sensors | Volitional electrical activity of the muscles | CL, Gram–Schmidt filtering algorithm | Waveforms proportional to the measured vEMG envelope |
[38] | Healthy | Walking | Rehabilitation | IMUs FSRs | Heel pressure, shank tilt, and foot rotations | CL, FSM | Yes, NS |
[39] | Healthy | Sitting | Rehabilitation | Optical encoders | Knee joint angle | CL | Pulse amplitude |
[40] | Patients | Walking and sitting | Rehabilitation and Assistance | sEMG sensors IMUs | Angles of the ankles and feet Electrical activity of muscles | CL, NS | PWM signals |
[41] | Patient | Walking and sitting | Rehabilitation | IMUs | Foot pitch Roll rate state | CL, NS | - |
[42] | Healthy | Sitting | Rehabilitation | IMUs | knee joint angle | CL fuzzy controller | Yes, NS |
[43] | Healthy | Walking | Rehabilitation | sEMG sensors Ground reaction forces Motion capture | Electrical activity Timing of heel-strikes hip and knee joint | CL, FSM | Timing and sequence |
[44] | Patients | Walking | Rehabilitation | Motion Analysis system | Muscle Forces Step length Ankle angles | OL | No |
[45] | Healthy | Sitting | Rehabilitation | IMUs | ankle angle | neural network-based H model | Pulse amplitude |
[17] | Healthy | Walking | Rehabilitation | IMUs Motion Capture System | Angular velocity | FSM | No |
[46] | Healthy | Sitting | Rehabilitation | sEMG sensors | joint torque | CL, NS | Yes, NS |
[7] | Patients | Walking | Assistance | IMUs | Foot angle and angular velocity | CL, NS | Pulse width |
[47] | Patients | Walking | Rehabilitation | Forefoot switch accelerometer | Timing and intensity of muscle contractions | No | |
[48] | Both | Rehabilitation | Video-based motion capture/ IMUs/ Force-sensing resistance sensors/ EEG-sEMG sensors | Motion law of joints/ joint acceleration, velocity and angular acceleration/ planta pressure/ bioelectrical information | - | - | |
[3] | Healthy | Sitting | Rehabilitation | Encoder sEMG sensors | Knee joint angle, angular velocity, and acceleration | OL | - |
[49] | Patients | Swiming | Assistance | IMUs | Trunk roll angle and rate Upper-arm inclination angle Knee joint angle Torso roll angle | CL and OL | - |
[50] | Healthy | Sitting | Rehabilitation and Assistance | Leg extension machine | Torque produced about the knee joint | CL nonlinear control | Pulse width |
[51] | Patients | Walking and sitting | Rehabilitation | IMUs | Accelerations, Angular rates of the foot | CL, ILC | Stimulation intensity and timing |
[52] | Patients | Walking | Rehabilitation | angle sensors | angles of the knee joint | CL, ILC | Pulse sequences |
[53] | Patients | Walking | Rehabilitation | Heel switches, accelerometers, and tilt sensors | Gait symmetry, rhythmicity, and ankle movements | CL, NS | Duration and intensity of the electrical stimulation |
[54] | Both | Cycling | Rehabilitation | sEMG Optical encoder | Electrical activity Crank position | CL repetitive learning control | Pulse width |
[55] | Patients | Sitting | Rehabilitation | Goniometers Dynamometers sEMG sensors | - | - | |
[56] | Healthy | Sitting | Rehabilitation | sEMG sensors | Motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) | OL | No |
[4] | Patients | Walking | Rehabilitation and Assistance | Electrode pads | Angle of ankle dorsiflexion Position Electrical activity of muscles | CL, RC | Pulse width |
[57] | Healthy | Walking | Rehabilitation | sEMG sensors | M-wave | CL model predictive control (MPC) | Pulse width |
[58] | Both | Sitting | Rehabilitation | sEMG sensors Dynamometer | Evoked electromyography Ankle joint torque | - | - |
[59] | Both | Sitting | Assistance | EMG amplifiers IMUs goniometers | Muscle activation patterns, Joint angles | - | - |
[60] | Both | Standing | Rehabilitation | Electrogoniometer Gyroscope Accelerometers | Angular position of lower limb | CL RISE control strategy | - |
[61] | Healthy | Sitting | Rehabilitation | US imaging | Delayed muscle activation | CL, NS | - |
[62] | Healthy | Standing | Rehabilitation | force transducers optical encoders | torque produced about the knee-joint and the knee-joint angle | CL, asynchronous stimulation controller | Pulse width Stimulation channels |
[63] | Healthy | Sitting | Rehabilitation | US | US echogenicity signal | CL, NS | Pulse width threshold and saturation values |
[15] | Healthy | Walking | Rehabilitation | US Force plates IMUs | US echogenicity Ground reaction force 2D motion in the sagittal plane | CL, NS | Pulse width |
[64] | Healthy | Squat/heel lift/walking | Rehabilitation | sEMG sensors IMUs | Motion intention Joint angle | CL, NS | Yes, NS |
[65] | Healthy | Sitting | Rehabilitation and Assistance | sEMG sensors | Muscle activity | - | - |
[66] | Patients | Walking | Rehabilitation | Distributed Measurement Units (DMU) | Knee joint angle Gait phases | CL, NS | Yes, NS |
[44] | Patients | Walking | Rehabilitation | Foot switch Motion capture | Heel strike and toe off Muscle forces Step length Maximum knee and ankle angles | OL | - |
[67] | Patient | Walking and sitting | Rehabilitation | Surface electrodes IMUs | EEG and EMG Tapping frequency of finger or foot | CL | - |
[68] | - | - | Rehabilitation | EMG | Evoked EMG | CL | - |
[69] | Simulation | - | Rehabilitation | - | - | OL | - |
[70] | Healthy | Walking | Rehabilitation | Motion analyzer | Shank and thigh movement | Fuzzy controller | Stimulation intensity |
[71] | Both | Walking and sitting | Assisted | Dynamometer | Torque | RISE controller | - |
[72] | Patient | Walking | Rehabilitation | IMUs Force sensor | Posture information of limb movement Specific movement of limb | OL | - |
[73] | Healthy | Standing balance exercise | Rehabilitation | Depth camera Pressure mat | Center of mass Center of pressure | - | - |
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González-Graniel, E.; Mercado-Gutierrez, J.A.; Martínez-Díaz, S.; Castro-Liera, I.; Santillan-Mendez, I.M.; Yanez-Suarez, O.; Quiñones-Uriostegui, I.; Rodríguez-Reyes, G. Sensing and Control Strategies Used in FES Systems Aimed at Assistance and Rehabilitation of Foot Drop: A Systematic Literature Review. J. Pers. Med. 2024, 14, 874.
González-Graniel E, Mercado-Gutierrez JA, Martínez-Díaz S, Castro-Liera I, Santillan-Mendez IM, Yanez-Suarez O, Quiñones-Uriostegui I, Rodríguez-Reyes G. Sensing and Control Strategies Used in FES Systems Aimed at Assistance and Rehabilitation of Foot Drop: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Personalized Medicine. 2024; 14(8):874.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGonzález-Graniel, Estefanía, Jorge A. Mercado-Gutierrez, Saúl Martínez-Díaz, Iliana Castro-Liera, Israel M. Santillan-Mendez, Oscar Yanez-Suarez, Ivett Quiñones-Uriostegui, and Gerardo Rodríguez-Reyes. 2024. "Sensing and Control Strategies Used in FES Systems Aimed at Assistance and Rehabilitation of Foot Drop: A Systematic Literature Review" Journal of Personalized Medicine 14, no. 8: 874.
APA StyleGonzález-Graniel, E., Mercado-Gutierrez, J. A., Martínez-Díaz, S., Castro-Liera, I., Santillan-Mendez, I. M., Yanez-Suarez, O., Quiñones-Uriostegui, I., & Rodríguez-Reyes, G. (2024). Sensing and Control Strategies Used in FES Systems Aimed at Assistance and Rehabilitation of Foot Drop: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 14(8), 874.