Industrial Process Improvement by Automation and Robotics
- Manufacturing: One of the primary applications of automation and robotics is in manufacturing. Automated assembly lines have become the main assurance of companies’ competitiveness [33,34], producing a wide range of products, from consumer electronics to automobiles. Robots can handle repetitive and hazardous tasks with precision and consistency. Their application ensures that defects are minimized, resulting in higher-quality products [35].
- Healthcare: In the healthcare sector, robotics has seen major advances. Robotic surgery, for instance, has become more common, allowing for minimally invasive procedures to be performed with high precision [36]. Robots can also assist in patient care, such as in the delivery of medications or in the rehabilitation of patients [37].
- Logistics and warehousing: E-commerce and the demand for rapid order fulfillment have led to the adoption of robotics in logistics and warehousing. Automated guided vehicles (AGVs) and drones are used for material handling and order picking. This procedure speeds up the process and reduces the risk of errors in inventory management [38].
- Service and entertainment: Robotic technology has also found its way into the service and entertainment industries. Robots are used as receptionists, guides in museums, and even as companions for the elderly [41]. Entertainment robots, like those used in theme parks, enhance visitor experiences and provide a unique form of entertainment [42].
- High initial investment: The initial cost of implementing automation and robotics systems can be substantial. Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) may find it challenging to invest in this technology, hindering its widespread adoption [43].
- Complexity and integration: Integrating automation and robotics into existing systems can be complex. It requires a deep understanding of the specific needs of the industry and often involves custom solutions. This complexity can be a barrier for many businesses [44].
- Workforce disruption: The fear of job displacement remains a concern. While automation and robotics can improve efficiency and productivity, they may also lead to job displacement. It is crucial to manage this transition by upskilling the workforce and focusing on roles that complement automation rather than firing the line operators that previously accomplished the repetitive tasks [11].
- Safety: Ensuring the safety of workers and humans when robots operate in shared spaces is of utmost importance. Safety standards and risk assessment procedures must be in place to prevent accidents and injuries [45].
- Human–robot collaboration: Collaborative robots, or “cobots,” are becoming increasingly applied on the factory floor. These robots work alongside humans, enhancing productivity in complex tasks [48]. Future developments in this area will focus on improving the ease of programming and the flexibility of these systems [49].
- AI and machine learning: Advancements in AI and machine learning will lead to more intelligent and adaptable robots that will be capable of learning from their experiences and continuously improving their performance [50].
- Accessibility: Efforts are being made to reduce the cost and complexity of adopting automation and robotics. As a result, the technology will be more accessible to a broader range of industries, including SMEs [53].
Conflicts of Interest
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Campilho, R.D.S.G.; Silva, F.J.G. Industrial Process Improvement by Automation and Robotics. Machines 2023, 11, 1011.
Campilho RDSG, Silva FJG. Industrial Process Improvement by Automation and Robotics. Machines. 2023; 11(11):1011.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCampilho, Raul D. S. G., and Francisco J. G. Silva. 2023. "Industrial Process Improvement by Automation and Robotics" Machines 11, no. 11: 1011.
APA StyleCampilho, R. D. S. G., & Silva, F. J. G. (2023). Industrial Process Improvement by Automation and Robotics. Machines, 11(11), 1011.