1. Introduction
Accelerated Life Testing (ALT) is a method that involves testing products under conditions of stress levels higher than normal in order to predict their reliability under normal usage conditions. ALT is often conducted in lifetime experiments and reliability engineering, when the testing products feature high reliability and long life-cycles. Because accelerated life testing speeds up the product’s failure process, it can reduce the time and resources needed for long-term tracking of product performance, thereby saving on testing costs. In practice, accelerated life testing can be categorized by the method of stress application into constant-stress ALT, step-stress ALT, progressive-stress ALT and random stress ALT. In a constant-stress ALT, the product or a component is operated at a stress level higher than normal operating conditions, and the stress level is not increased or decreased during the test. In a step-stress ALT, the stress level to which a product or a component is subjected increases at some pre-specified moments, whereas in a progressive-stress ALT, the stress level continuously increases over time rather than remaining constant. In a random stress ALT, the stress levels vary randomly throughout the test, simulating the uncertainties encountered in actual use. These stress levels can be temperature, humidity, voltage, vibration, or any other type of stress that the product may experience during its normal life cycle. Additionally, to ensure the accuracy and validity of the test results, it is crucial to ensure that the failure mechanisms under high stress levels are the same as those under the normal operating conditions in the aforementioned accelerated life tests. Various inferences for ALTs have been widely discussed by many authors; see, for example, some recent contributions of Wu et al. [
1], Kumar et al. [
2], Wang et al. [
3], Bai et al. [
4], Alotaibi et al. [
5], Wang and Yan [
6] and Nassar et al. [
7], among others. For more detailed information, interested readers may refer to Escobar and Meeker [
8] for a comprehensive review.
In real-life experiments, simple random sampling (SRS) is commonly used to collect failure data from the population. However, when experiments are constrained by time and cost, the straightforward method of simple random sampling often proves to be less efficient. Consequently, based on the specific characteristics of the population and the objectives of the study, it may be worthwhile to consider other sampling techniques such as stratified sampling, systematic sampling, or cluster sampling, which might be more appropriate. Among numerous alternative schemes, the ranked set sampling (RSS) technique proposed by McIntyre [
9] could improve the efficiency of SRS by using fewer sample resources. The proposed RSS scheme could be described as follows. Suppose that
identical units are randomly selected from a population and are divided into
n groups with size
n in each group. For the
i-th group
, the test is conducted for all units, and the associated
i-th smallest failure time, namely
, is selected. Therefore, sample
is observed as the corresponding RSS sample of size
n. In this scenario, the schematic diagram of RSS can be described as follows:
It is worth noting that the RSS scheme may be an easy and inexpensive way to effectively collect failure information from the population. In addition, various authors have also demonstrated that the RSS gives more inferential efficiency than SRS from different perspectives (e.g., Almanjahie et al. [
10], Al-Omari et al. [
11], Yao et al. [
12], Aljohani [
13]). For some recent contributions, one could also refer to the works of Koshti and Kamalja [
14], Sabry and Shaaban [
15] and Bhushan and Kumar [
16] among others.
Due to the potential advantages of the RSS method in saving experimental time and costs, as well as improving sampling efficiency, many alternative methods based on this method have been proposed in practice. For example, some are introduced as median ranked set sampling (Muttlak [
17]), extreme ranked set sampling (Samawi et al. [
18]), multi-stage RSS (Al-Saleh and Al-Omari [
19]), as well as quartile RSS (Muttlak [
20]), among others. Recently, Biradar and Santosha [
21] proposed maximum ranked set sampling with unequal samples (MaxRSSU), which has attracted much attention in the literature. The MaxRSSU scenario is conducted with
units in the sampling procedure. It is assumed that
units are divided into
n groups. For the
group with size
i, the largest observation is selected from each group in the ranking process, and the MaxRSSU sample is then obtained as
. Similarly, the MaxRSSU procedure is described as follows:
Correspondingly, if the minimum observation is collected by the above procedure, one has minimum ranked set sampling with unequal samples (MinRSSU) proposed by Al-Odat and Al-Saleh [
22]. In the literature, both scenarios of MinRSSU and MaxRSSU are also referred to as moving extreme ranked set sampling (MERSS) in context. From the sketch of MERSS sampling, it is noted that its size is smaller than that of the traditional RSS scenario. This improvement reduces the sorting error caused by using the RSS scheme. There are also many studies for inference with MinRSSU and MaxRSSU schemes, for example, some recent contributions of Hassan and Alamri [
23] and Chaudhary and Gupta [
24], as well as references therein.
Due to the advantages of ALT and the RSS method in saving test time and costs, the use of the RSS method in ALT may improve the accuracy of statistical inference. Many scholars have discussed this aspect. For example, Kotb and El-Din [
25] discussed the Bayesian estimation of unknown parameters of the Rayleigh distribution when the test data are ordered RSS under step-stress ALT. Hashem et al. [
26] discussed the Bayesian inference of progressive-stress ALT based on the exponential distribution under Type-II censoring for SRS and ordered RSS. The results indicate that the estimates under ordered RSS are more effective compared to those obtained by SRS methods. Hashem and Abdel-Hamid [
27] analyzed the statistical prediction of progressive-stress ALT using ordered RSS from Type-II censored data of the Rayleigh distribution, and the results indicate that the estimates calculated under ordered RSS are more effective than those under SRS.
To the best of our knowledge thus far, no attempt has been made on estimation for the constant-stress model and random stress model under the RSS scheme in the literature. However, given that the implementation of random stress ALT requires more sophisticated equipment and more resources, and that the data analysis is more complex, its application is limited. In contrast, constant-stress ALT is easier to implement because it does not require complex stress control equipment and has been widely used and verified. Therefore, this paper considers the estimation of the constant-stress model under the RSS scheme.
Suppose that
X is a random variable from the Fréchet distribution, then the cumulative distribution function (CDF) and the probability density function (PDF) of
X can be expressed, respectively, as
are scale and shape parameters, respectively. Correspondingly, the survival function (SF) and the hazard rate function (HRF) of Fréchet distribution can be written at mission time
x as
The Fréchet distribution is a well-defined lifetime distribution, and it is commonly used to characterize variables associated with extreme phenomena like floods, rains and cash flow among other related fields. The Fréchet distribution has attracted the attention of a large number of authors such as Castillo et al. [
28], Alotaibi et al. [
29], Phaphan et al. [
30] and Kanwal and Abbas [
31]. For the details of this model, one can refer to Gómez et al. [
32]. Due to the advantages of ALT and RSS technique and the potential theoretical and practical applications of the Fréchet distribution, this paper pursues the inference problem of the constant-stress model from the Fréchet distribution. Under the MaxRSSU scenario, inferential methods are developed under the classical and Bayesian procedures, respectively. Some potential contributions of this paper are as follows. Firstly, a new constant-stress model is proposed, and the MaxRSSU scheme is applied to the constant-stress model for analysis for the first time. In this context, the MaxRSSU method may allow for more flexible consideration of sample size allocation at different stress levels, which facilitates a more accurate modeling of the relationship between stress and lifetime. Additionally, it can enhance the sampling efficiency of traditional sampling techniques, particularly in scenarios where samples are scarce or the cost of sample acquisition is high, thereby contributing to the improved accuracy of estimates. Secondly, the existence and uniqueness of the maximum likelihood estimators of model parameters are established, which provides a solid theoretical foundation for likelihood-based numerical computations. Finally, the data analysis and model derivation of this study provide potential application value and a novel technical path for engineers to perform constant-stress ALT. Specifically, the application of research results helps to enhance the reliability and durability of products and may provide a scientific basis for the optimization of maintenance strategies, thereby facilitating the overall management of the product life cycle in practice.
The rest of this article is organized as follows. The testing procedure and model assumptions are presented in
Section 2.
Section 3 and
Section 4 discuss maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference for model parameters, respectively. Some numerical simulations and a real life example are carried out in
Section 5. Finally, concluding remarks are given in
Section 6.