1. Introduction
The problems, concerned with the finite dimensionality of closed functional subspaces in
(in part, in
), are of long-time interest in analysis, being related to their many applications in operator and approximation theories [
5], in dynamical systems theory [
11] and other applied fields. As an example, one can recall a central problem in Banach space theory to classify the complemented subspaces of
up to isomorphism; the finite-dimensional analogue is to find for any given
a description of the finite-dimensional spaces which are
-isomorphic to
-complemented subspaces of
These problems were thoroughly studied before [
12], in particular finite-dimensional versions of this complemented subspaces of the
problem, yet in both cases their classification is far from over.
It was observed that sometimes, the finite-dimensional version of an infinite- dimensional problem leads to a theory which is much more interesting than the infinite-dimensional theory. Here, one can recall the problem of describing the subspaces of
which embed isomorphically into a “smaller”
space; namely, the space
for which there is a fairly good answer [
12]. One can recall that density on a probability space,
M, is a strictly positive measurable function
for which
Such a density
h induces for fixed
an isometry
The next result, due to D. Lewis [
14], gives useful information about chosen a priori finite-dimensional subspaces
Theorem 1. Let μ be a probability measure on M, and let be a N-dimensional subspace of with full support. Then, there is a density so that the image has a basis which is orthonormal in and such that
Assuming that is already a subspace of for some finite one can randomly pick a few coordinates and hope that the natural projection onto these coordinates restricted to is a good isomorphism. If we do this with no additional preparation, this will not work. Indeed, the subspace may contain a vector with small support, say one of the unit vector basis elements of in which case, the chance that a coordinate in its support is picked is small. Of course, if no such coordinate is picked, the said projection cannot be an isomorphism on The point is that one wants to change first to another isometric copy of , in which each element of is spread out. This can be performed by a change of density. This method was used with other tools to produce the best known results.
2. Finite Dimensionality of Closed Subspaces in
As the imbedding structure of a priori taken finite-dimensional subspaces in
is in many cases very important and instructive, nonetheless finding the effective criteria for closed subspaces in
endowed with some additional functional constraints to be finite dimensional remains very important and hard both from theoretical and applied points of view. Below, we are interested in some sufficient constraints on functional closed subspaces
whose finite dimensionality is not fixed a priori and cannot be checked directly. This is often the case in diverse applications, when a closed subspace
is constructed by means of some additional conditions and constraints on
with no direct presentation of the functional structure of its elements. In particular, we consider a topological subspace,
, of the functional Banach space,
is a probability measure on measurable space
Moreover, one assumes that additionally,
is subject to a probability measure
Then, we prove the following theorem first announced in [
Theorem 2. Let a closed topological subspace belong to where measures are probabilistic and the measure μ is absolutely continuous with respect to the measure ν on Then the subspace is finite dimensional, that is
Let us consider a closed topological subspace, , of the functional Banach space, where is a probability measure absolutely continuous with respect to the measure on and satisfies, in addition, the constraint subject to a probability measure on In order to state Theorem 2, formulated above, we need some lemmas.
Lemma 1. For any there exists a bounded positive constant such thatfor any Proof. As the topological space
is closed in
, one can define the identical imbedding
If a sequence
converges in
to an element
with respect to the norm on
and simultaneously it converges to an element
with respect to the norm on
owing to the absolute continuity of the measure
with respect to
, one can identify these limits
almost everywhere. Then, we enter into conditions of the Banach closed graph theorem [
18] and can infer that there exists such a positive constant
for any
where as usual, we denote
It is easy to check, using the classical Young inequality, that for
giving rise to (
1), where we take into account [
20] that the Radon–Nikodym derivative
based on the inequality (
3), one can also easily obtain that
for any
Indeed, consider the next norm transformations, once more based on the Young inequality:
Now, making use of the inequality (
3), it ensues from (
6) that
which reduces, using (
3) once more, in the inequality
for all
proving the lemma. □
As a usuful consequence from Lemma 1 and the obvious norm property
for any
, we can deduce that
which makes it possible to single out from the subspace
linear-independent functions
for some
and construct the closed
N-diemensional subspace:
For fixed , the subspace characterizes the next lemma.
Lemma 2. Given the N-dimensional subspace defined by (9), Then, there exists an N-dimensional subspace such thatdim
and whose basis functions satisfy the biorthogonality conditionfor all Moreover, owing to the canonical isomorphisms and the corresponding subspace is also closed and Remark 1. It is interesting to note here [1] that the spaces and are not isomorphic. Proof. Owing to Lemma 1, one can define linear bounded functionals
for which
for all
They are well defined, as the basis function
is linearly independent. Now, making use of the classical Hahn–Banach theorem [
18], these functionals can be extended as bounded linear functionals on the whole space
to which one can apply the Riesz representation theorem:
for all
are the corresponding functional elements, generating the subspace
and satisfying the condition (
11). As
and the closed subspace
owing to the canonical isomorphisms
one easily finds that the subspace
is also closed and
, thus proving the lemma. □
Proof of Theorem 2. As follows from Lemma 2, the closed subspace
a priori contains the finite-dimensional subspace
The latter makes it possible to reduce the finite dimensionality problem subject to the closed subspace
to the one of the closed subspace
following the Grothendieck [
21] scheme. First, we observe that the embedding mapping
is a closed operator, giving rise owing to the Banach closed operator theorem to the inequality
for any
and some positive and bounded number
Moreover, making use of the Young inequality, for any
one can find such a positive constant
for any
Taking into account that, according to (
14), any
one can choose the finite dimensional subspace (
10) such that the set of functions
can be ortonormal, that is
for all
Let now
be a countable everywhere dense subset of the unit disc
of the Euclidean space
Then, for every vector
, one finds that the function
that is
owing to (
Taking into account the fact that the set
is countable, one can find such a measurable subset
that the measure
for all vectors
and all points
Since at a fixed point
the mapping
is continuous on
one can extend this function on the whole disc
obtaining the inequality
already for all
Making use of the arbitrariness of the vector
it can be chosen as
giving rise to the following inequality:
Having integrated the inequality (
19) over
, one finds that
The latter means that
being equivalent to the condition that
thus proving the theorem. □
As a consequence, we also state that the closed subspace is isomorphic to the -subspace of
3. Conclusions
We studied a classical problem of finding finite-dimensional effective criteria for closed subspaces in endowed with some additional functional constraints. We considered a closed topological subspace of the functional Banach space and, moreover, assumed that additionally, is subject to a probability measure on Then, we showed that closed subspaces of for are finite dimensional, if the measures are probabilistic on M and the measure is absolutely continuous with respect to the measure on The finite dimensionality result concerning the case when is open and needs more sophisticated techniques, mainly based on analysis of the complementary subspaces to