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Distinguished Property in Tensor Products and Weak* Dual Spaces

Salvador López-Alfonso
Manuel López-Pellicer
2,* and
Santiago Moll-López
Department of Architectural Constructions, Universitat Politècnica de València, 46022 Valencia, Spain
Emeritus and IUMPA, Universitat Politècnica de València, 46022 Valencia, Spain
Department of Applied Mathematics, Universitat Politècnica de València, 46022 Valencia, Spain
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Axioms 2021, 10(3), 151;
Submission received: 4 June 2021 / Revised: 2 July 2021 / Accepted: 5 July 2021 / Published: 8 July 2021


A local convex space E is said to be distinguished if its strong dual E β has the topology β ( E , ( E β ) ) , i.e., if E β is barrelled. The distinguished property of the local convex space C p X of real-valued functions on a Tychonoff space X, equipped with the pointwise topology on X, has recently aroused great interest among analysts and C p -theorists, obtaining very interesting properties and nice characterizations. For instance, it has recently been obtained that a space C p X is distinguished if and only if any function f R X belongs to the pointwise closure of a pointwise bounded set in C X . The extensively studied distinguished properties in the injective tensor products C p X ε E and in C p ( X , E ) contrasts with the few distinguished properties of injective tensor products related to the dual space L p X of C p X endowed with the weak* topology, as well as to the weak* dual of C p ( X , E ) . To partially fill this gap, some distinguished properties in the injective tensor product space L p X ε E are presented and a characterization of the distinguished property of the weak* dual of C p ( X , E ) for wide classes of spaces X and E is provided.

1. Introduction

In this paper, X is an infinite Tychonoff space and C X is the linear space of all real-valued continuous functions over X. C p X and C k X denote the space C ( X ) equipped with the pointwise and compact-open topology, respectively. L p X represents the weak* dual of C p X , i.e., the topological dual L X of C p X endowed with the weak topology σ L X , C X of the dual pair L X , C X , i.e., L p X has the topology of pointwise convergence on C ( X ) .
Moreover, all local convex spaces are assumed to be real and Hausdorff and the symbol ‘≃’ indicates some canonical algebraic isomorphism or linear homeomorphism. The strong dual E β of a local convex space E is the topological dual E of E equipped with the strong topology β E , E , which is the topology of uniform convergence on the bounded subsets of E. E , E is a dual pair. For a subset A of E the polar  A 0 of A with respect to a dual pair E , F is
A 0 = { x F : a , x 1 , a A } .
A local convex space E is barrelled if for each pointwise bounded subset M of E there exists a neighborhood of the origin U in E such that M is uniformly bounded on U. Hence E is barrelled if and only if its topology is the topology β ( E , E ) , i.e., E ( weak * ) β = E . Roughly speaking, E is barrelled if it verifies the local convex version of the Banach–Steinhaus uniform boundedness theorem.
The local convex space E is called distinguished if E β is barrelled. In [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] the distinguished property of the space C p X has been extensively studied. Furthermore, [8] [Proposition 6.4] is connected with distinguished C p X spaces. It is observed in [3] [Theorem 10] that C p X is distinguished if and only if C p X is a large subspace of R X , i.e., if each bounded set in R X is contained in the closure in R X of a bounded set of C p X , or, equivalently, if the strong bidual of C p X is R X [5]. In [7], [Theorem 2.1] it is shown that C p ( X ) is distinguished if and only if X is a Δ -space in the sense of Knight [9], and several applications of this fact are given. Equivalently, C p X is distinguished if for each countable partition X k : k N of X into nonempty pairwise disjoint sets, there are open sets U k : k N with X k U k , for each k N , such that each point x X belongs to U n for only finitely many n N , [5] [Theorem 5].
If E and F are local convex spaces, E ε F and E π F represent the injective and projective tensor product of E and F, respectively. A basis of neighborhoods of the origin in E β ε F β is determined by the sets ε A , B : = A 00 B 00 0 , where A is a bounded set in E, B is a bounded set in F, A 0 E , A 00 E , B 0 F , B 00 F and A 00 B 00 0 E F . Analogously, a basis of neighborhoods of the origin in the tensor product space E β π F β is formed by the sets π A , B : = acx A 0 B 0 , where A is a bounded set in E, B is a bounded set in F and acx A 0 B 0 denotes the absolutely convex cover of the tensor product A 0 B 0 . Recall that if E carries the weak topology, then E ε F E π F E F , [10] [41.3 (9) and 45.1 (2)]. A local convex space E is called nuclear if E ε F = E π F for every local convex space F, [11] [21.2].
The distinguished property of C p X under the formation of some tensor products is examined in [2]. Among other results it is showed in [2] [Corollary 6] that for a local convex space E the injective tensor product C p X ε E is distinguished if both C p X is distinguished and R X ε E β is barrelled, where R X the local convex direct sum of X real lines.
If E is a local convex space C p X , E and C k ( X , E ) will denote the linear space of all E-valued continuous functions defined on X equipped with the pointwise topology and compact-open topology, respectively. It is also proved in [2] [Corolary 21] that, for any Tychonoff space X and any normed space E, the vector-valued function space C p ( X , E ) is distinguished if and only if C p X ε E is distinguished. In particular, if X is a countable Tychonoff space and E a normed space, then C p ( X , E ) is distinguished. Indeed, if X is countable, on the one hand C p X is distinguished by [5] [Corollary 6] and on the other hand R X is both barrelled and nuclear (the latter because [11] [21.2.3 Corollary]), so that R X ε E β = R X π E β is barrelled by [12] [Theorem 1.6.6]. Thus, C p X ε E is distinguished by the already mentioned [2] [Corolary 6] and, since E is normed, C p X , E is distinguished too by [2] [Corollary 21]. A corresponding result for the compact-open topology, due to Díaz and Domański [13] [Corolary 2.5], states that the space C k K , E of continuous functions defined on a compact Hausdorff space K and with values in a reflexive Fréchet space E is also distinguished, being its strong dual naturally isomorphic to L 1 ( μ ) ^ π E β .
According to [1] [Theorem 3.9], the strong dual L β X of C p X is always distinguished. The distinguished property of the weak* dual L p X of C p X is investigated in [5], where the following theorem is proved.
Theorem 1
([5] [Theorem 27]). If X is a μ-space, then the weak* dual L p X of C p X is distinguished.
Recall that a Tychonoff space X is called a μ -space if each functionally bounded set is relatively compact.
The extensively studied distinguished properties in the injective tensor products C p X ε E and in C p ( X , E ) contrasts with the few distinguished properties related with the injective tensor products L p X ε E and with the weak* dual of C p ( X , E ) . Theorem 1 and the fact that L p X spaces are studied so extensively as C p X spaces motivated us to fill partially this gap in this paper obtaining distinguished properties of injective tensor products L p X ε E and providing a characterization of the distinguished property of the weak* dual of C p ( X , E ) for wide classes of spaces X and E. To reach these goals we require [2] [Theorem 5] and [2] [Proposition 19], which we include here for convenience.
Theorem 2
([2] [Theorem 5]). Let E and F be local convex spaces, where E carries the weak topology. If τ ε and τ π denote the injective and projective topologies of E β F β , the following properties hold
If E β ε F β is barrelled, then τ ε = β E F , E F and E ε F is distinguished.
If E β π F β is barrelled then τ ε β E F , E F τ π .
Theorem 3
([2] [Proposition 19]). For any local convex space E, the dual of the space C p X , E is algebraically isomorphic to L X E , i.e., C p X , E L X E .
It should be noted that if Σ i = 1 n f i u i is a representation of φ C X E then Theorem 3 is due to the fact that the canonical map T : C p X ε E C p X , E given by
T φ x = Σ i = 1 n f i x u i ,
is a linear homeomorphism from C p X ε E into a dense linear subspace of C p X , E . Furthermore, C p X ε E L X E , because C p X carries the weak topology, so one has C p X , E L X E , as stated.

2. Distinguished Tensor Products of Lp(X) Spaces

This section deals mainly with the injective tensor product of L p X and a nuclear metrizable space E. It should be noted that the class of nuclear metrizable spaces is large. Recall that the space s of all rapidly decreasing sequences, as well as the test space of distributions D Ω , where Ω is an open set in R n , with their usual local convex inductive topologies, are examples of nuclear Fréchet spaces [11] [Section 21.6]. The strong dual of D Ω is the space of distributions on Ω and it is denoted by D Ω .
Theorem 4.
Assume that X is a μ-space and let E be a nuclear metrizable local convex space. If every countable union of compact subsets of X is relatively compact, then L p X ε E is distinguished.
The space X is a μ -space if and only if C k X is barrelled, by the Nachbin-Shirota theorem [14] [Proposition 2.15]. On the other hand, as every countable union of compact subsets of X is assumed to be relatively compact, the space C k X is also a D F -space [15] [Theorem 12]. In addition, the strong dual E β of a metrizable local convex space E it is a complete D F -space by [16] [see 29.3 -in “By 2(1)”-]. Moreover, nuclearity of E implies that E β is nuclear too by [11] [21.5.3 Theorem]. As E β is a nuclear D F -space, one has that E β is a quasi-barrelled space [11] [21.5.4 Corollary]. Finally, the completeness of the quasi-barrelled space E β implies that E β is barrelled [16] [27.1.(1)], so E is distinguished.
The projective tensor product C k X π E β is barrelled by [11] [15.6.8 Proposition]. Thus, taking into consideration E β nuclearity, it can be obtained that C k X ε E β is also barrelled. On the other hand, since X is a μ -space it follows from [5] [Theorem 27] that C k X coincides with the strong dual of L p X , i.e., L p X β = C k X , hence
L p X β ε E β
is barrelled. Finally, as L p X carries the weak topology, the first statement of Theorem 2, ensures that the space L p X ε E is distinguished. □
Example 1.
In particular, for each compact topological space X and for each nuclear metrizable local convex space E it follows that L p X ε E is distinguished.
Hence, if X is the Cantor space K or the interval [ 0 , 1 ] , and if E is one of the local convex spaces D Ω or s, then the injective tensor products L p ( K ) ε D Ω , L p ( K ) ε s , L p 0 , 1 ε D Ω and L p 0 , 1 ε s are distinguished.
Corollary 1.
If X is a compact space and Y is a countable Tychonoff space, then the space L p X ε C p Y is distinguished.
Clearly, C p Y is metrizable (hence distinguished [1] [Theorem 3.3]) and nuclear (by [11] [21.2.3 Corollary]), so the statement follows from the previous theorem. □
If we apply this Corollary with X equal to the Stone-Čech compactification β N of the topological space N formed by the natural numbers endowed with the discrete topology and Y equal to the space Q of rational numbers endowed with the usual metrizable topology then we get that L p β N ε C p Q is a distinguished space.
If the factor E of L p X ε E is a normed space, the following theorem holds true.
Theorem 5.
If X is a μ-space with finite compact sets (equivalently, if every functionally bounded subset of X is finite) and E is a normed space, then L p X ε E is distinguished.
If X is a μ -space with finite compact sets, the space C k X = C p X is barrelled and nuclear. As E β is a Banach space, [12] [Corollary 1.6.6] assures that C k X π E β is a barrelled space, and C k X nuclearity yields that C k X ε E β is also a barrelled space. Bearing in mind that L p X β = C k X , as a consequence of the fact that X is a μ -space (cf. [5] [Theorem 27]), Theorem 2 ensures that L p X ε E is distinguished. □
A P-space in the sense of Gillman–Henriksen is a topological space in which every countable intersection of open sets is open.
Corollary 2.
If X is a P-space and E is a normed space, then L p X ε E is distinguished.
Every P-space is a μ -space with finite compact sets (cf. [17] [Problem 4K]). □
Example 2.
If L m denotes the Lindelöfication of the discrete space of cardinal m 1 , the space L p L m ε C k 0 , 1 is distinguished. In this case L m is a Lindelöf P-space.
Theorem 6.
If X is a μ-space with finite compact sets and E is normed space, then L p X ε E weak * is distinguished.
By [12] [Theorem 1.6.6] the projective tensor product C k X π E is a barrelled space, hence C k X nuclearity yields that C k X ε E is barrelled. So, the conclusion follows from the first statement of Theorem 2. □
Example 3.
The space L p L m ε p weak * is distinguished for 1 p < .
A topological space is said to be hemicompact if it has a sequence of compact subsets such that every compact subset of the space lies inside some compact set in the sequence.
Theorem 7.
If X is a hemicompact space and E is a nuclear metrizable barrelled space (for instance a nuclear Fréchet space), then L p X ε E weak * is distinguished.
Clearly X is a Lindelöf space, hence it is a μ -space, and then both C k X and E are metrizable and barrelled spaces. Then [12] [Corollary 1.6.4] ensures that C k X π E is also a (metrizable) barrelled space. This property and the E nuclearity imply that C k X ε E is a barrelled space. Consequently, using that L p X β = C k X and E weak * β = E , we get
L p X β ε E weak * β = C k X ε E .
So, Theorem 2 applies to guarantee that L p X ε E weak * is distinguished. □
By Theorem 7 the injective tensor product L p R ε D Ω weak * is distinguished since R is hemicompact and D Ω weak * is a nuclear Fréchet space. Theorem 7 is also applied in the next Example 4.
Example 4.
If N is equipped with the discrete topology, p β N \ N and Z = N p has the topology induced by β N , then L p Z ε L p Z is distinguished.
The subspace Z = N p of β N is countable and has finite compact sets, so that it is hemicompact. Since Z is countable, C p Z is metrizable and, on the other hand, as a subspace of the nuclear space R X , the space C p Z is nuclear. In addition, since Z is a μ -space with finite compact sets, the space C p Z is barrelled [18]. So, according to the previous theorem, L p Z ε L p Z is distinguished. □

3. Distinguished Property of the Weak* Dual of Cp(X) ⊗ε E

The preceding theorems are going to be applied to examine the distinguished property of the weak* dual of the injective tensor product C p X ε E . To get this property we need the following lemma.
Lemma 1.
The injective topology of the tensor product L p X E weak * coincides with the weak topology σ L X E , C X E .
Since L p X carries the weak topology
L p X ε E weak * C X E .
Hence, the injective topology τ ε of L p X E weak * is stronger than the weak topology σ L X E , C X E . We prove that both topologies are the same. Indeed, if U is a closed absolutely convex neighborhood of the origin in L p X and V is a closed absolutely convex neighborhood of the origin in E weak * , there are finite sets Φ in C X and Δ in E such that Φ 0 = U and Δ 0 = V . Setting Λ = Φ Δ , then Λ is a finite set in C X E such that
ε U , V ψ = sup f U 0 , u V 0 i = 1 n f x i v i , u = sup f U 0 , u V 0 i = 1 n δ x i v i , f u sup F Λ ψ , F
for any ψ = i = 1 n δ x i v i L X ε E , since
U 0 V 0 = Φ 00 Δ 00 = acx Φ acx Δ acx Λ .
Therefore τ ε = σ L X E , C X E . □
Corollary 3.
If X is a hemicompact space and E is a nuclear Fréchet space, the weak* dual of C p X ε E is distinguished.
According to Lemma 1 the weak* dual of C p X ε E is linearly homeomorphic to L p X ε E weak * , so Theorem 7 applies. □
The space Z considered in Example 4 is hemicompact, hence from Corollary 3 we have that the weak* duals of C p R ε C p Z and C p Z ε D Ω are distinguished.
Corollary 4.
If X is a μ-space with finite compact sets and E is a normed space, the weak* dual of C p X ε E is distinguished.
The proof is analogous to the proof of Corollary 3, with the difference of using Theorem 6 instead of Theorem 7. □
Example 5.
The weak* dual of C p L m ε C k 0 , 1 is distinguished.

4. A Characterization of the Distinguished Weak* Dual of Cp(X, E)

Let E be a local convex space. We will denote by L p X , E the weak* dual of C p X , E . Since by Theorem 3 the dual space C p X , E is algebraically isomorphic to L X E , one has
L p X , E L X E , σ L X E , C X , E .
A completely regular topological space X is a k R -space if every real function f defined on X whose restriction to every compact subset K of X is continuous, is continuous on X.
Theorem 8.
Let X be a hemicompact k R -space and let E be a nuclear Fréchet space. The space L p X , E is distinguished if and only if the strong dual of L p X , E coincides with C k X , E .
We will denote by C β X , E the linear space C X , E equipped with the strong topology β C X , E , L X E , i.e., the strong dual of L p X , E . Since X is a k R -space and E is complete, [11] [16.6.3 Corollary] ensures that
C k X , E C k X ^ ε E .
So, as both C k X and E are metrizable, C k X , E is a Fréchet space. Consequently, if C β X , E = C k X , E then C β X , E is barrelled and L p X , E is distinguished.
Assume, conversely, that L p X , E is distinguished. From C k X , E C k X ^ ε E it follows that C k X , E = C k X ε E . Since L X E is algebraically isomorphic to a subspace of C k X ε E , it follows that the compact-open topology of C X , E is stronger than β C X , E , L X E . Hence, the identity map J : C k X , E C β X , E is continuous.
Since X is a hemicompact, C k X is metrizable. As a consequence of E nuclearity, C k X ε E = C k X π E is a metrizable space. Hence, by (1) C k X , E is a Fréchet space. If L p X , E is distinguished, then C β X , E is barrelled. So J is a linear homeomorphism by the closed graph theorem. Thus, C β X , E = C k X , E . □

5. Conclusions and Two Open Problems

This paper has been motivated by the contrast between the extensively distinguished properties obtained recently in the injective tensor products C p X ε E and in the spaces C p ( X , E ) with the few distinguished properties of injective tensor products related to the dual space L p X of C p X endowed with the weak* topology, as well as to the weak* dual of C p ( X , E ) . In Section 2, distinguished properties in the injective tensor product space L p X ε E are provided and in Section 3 and Section 4, the distinguished property of the weak* dual of C p X ε E and a characterization of the distinguished property of the weak* dual of C p ( X , E ) for wide classes of spaces X and E are provided.
We do not know the answer for the following two problems when the Tychonoff space X is uncountable. It is easy to prove that the answer of these two problems is positive if X is countable.
Problem 1.
Is it true that if X is an uncountable P-space and E is a Fréchet space, then L p X ε E weak * is distinguished?
Problem 2.
Is it true that if X is an uncountable P-space and E is a Fréchet space, then the weak* dual of C p X ε E is distinguished?

Author Contributions

The authors (S.L.-A., M.L.-P., S.M.-L.) contributed equally to this work. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded for the second named author by grant PGC2018-094431-B-I00 of Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Not applicable.


This paper is dedicated to María Jesús Chasco on her 65th birthday in acknowledgment and gratitude for all her research in Functional analysis and Topological groups. The authors also thank Juan Carlos Ferrando for their many valuable discussions and suggestions on this paper.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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MDPI and ACS Style

López-Alfonso, S.; López-Pellicer, M.; Moll-López, S. Distinguished Property in Tensor Products and Weak* Dual Spaces. Axioms 2021, 10, 151.

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López-Alfonso S, López-Pellicer M, Moll-López S. Distinguished Property in Tensor Products and Weak* Dual Spaces. Axioms. 2021; 10(3):151.

Chicago/Turabian Style

López-Alfonso, Salvador, Manuel López-Pellicer, and Santiago Moll-López. 2021. "Distinguished Property in Tensor Products and Weak* Dual Spaces" Axioms 10, no. 3: 151.

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