Urban Green Spaces in Bamako and Sikasso, Mali: Land Use Changes and Perceptions
:1. Introduction
- How has urban land use changed between 1990 and 2020 in Bamako and Sikasso?
- What types of green spaces have been identified?
- How do local representatives in Bamako and Sikasso view urban green spaces?
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Methods
2.2.1. Geographical Information System and Remote Sensing
Data Collection
Image Pre-Processing
LULC Mapping and Its Accuracy Assessment
2.2.2. Survey with Local Stakeholders
2.2.3. Classification of Local Green Spaces
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- Scheme 1: This includes vegetation on facades and around boundary walls, as well as trees in urban parks.
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- Scheme 2: This is considered to be vegetation in public spaces and along roads, as well as trees in rows and meadows.
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- Scheme 3: Areas occupied by market gardens as well as vegetation along the river and water points in towns.
2.2.4. Statistical Processing
3. Results
3.1. Land Use/Land Cover Maps and Its Accuracy Assessment
3.2. Perception of Urban Green Spaces by Local Stakeholders
4. Discussion
4.1. Land Use/Land Cover Maps and Its Accuracy Assessment
4.2. Perception of Urban Green Spaces by Local Stakeholders
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Map of Bamako and Sikasso
Appendix B. Accuracy Assessment of Land Use and Land Cover in Bamako and Sikasso from 1990 to 2020
Years | Overall Accuracy (%) | Kappa Coefficient (%) |
1990 | 84.81 | 82.26 |
2000 | 90.00 | 88.17 |
2010 | 98.68 | 93.98 |
2020 | 99.17 | 99.02 |
Years | Overall Accuracy (%) | Kappa Coefficient (%) |
1990 | 97.92 | 93.43 |
2000 | 98.42 | 98.14 |
2010 | 98.02 | 97.65 |
2020 | 96.96 | 96.43 |
Appendix C. Extract of the Survey Template to Identify the Perceived Characteristics and Types of Green Spaces
… | … | |
Q.10 | What types of green spaces exist in your locality? 1 = Market gardens; 2 = Roadside tree group; 3 = Protected urban forest; 4 = Urban park; 5 = Public garden; 6 = Private garden; 7 = Street trees; 8 = Grassland; 9 = Greenery of river banks. | |
… | … | |
Q.16 | What is your perception of the status of urban green space related to sustainability and ecosystem services in your community? 1 = Excellent; 2 = Good; 3 = Moderate; 4 = Poor |
Appendix D. Types of Urban Green Spaces Mentioned by Respondents
Types of Urban Green Spaces Close to Respondents | Number of Respondents in Bamako | Number of Respondents in Sikasso |
Street trees | 75 | 91 |
Grassland | 28 | 21 |
Private Garden | 58 | 29 |
Public Garden | 61 | 22 |
Protected urban forest | 10 | 33 |
Urban Park | 24 | 21 |
Market Garden | 36 | 52 |
Roadside Tree group | 58 | 71 |
Greenery of river banks | 20 | 44 |
TOTAL | 370 | 384 |
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City | Satellite | Sensor | Resolution (m) | Number of Bands | Cloud Cover (%) | Data Acquired (dd/mm/yy) |
Bamako | Landsat 5 | TM | 30 | 7 | 0.00 | 22 March 1990 |
Landsat 7 | ETM+ | 30 | 8 | 0.00 | 17 March 2000 | |
Landsat 5 | TM | 30 | 7 | 5.00 | 16 November 2010 | |
Landsat 8 | OLI | 30 | 11 | 5.18 | 16 March 2020 | |
Sikasso | Landsat 5 | TM | 30 | 7 | 0.00 | 13 December 1990 |
Landsat 7 | ETM+ | 30 | 8 | 4.00 | 15 January 2000 | |
Landsat 5 | TM | 30 | 7 | 2.00 | 18 November 2010 | |
Landsat 8 | OLI | 30 | 11 | 0.19 | 15 December 2020 |
N | Land Use/Cover | Description |
1 | Bare Land | An abandoned and often eroded area without vegetation cover as a result of soil degradation and its usage as unpaved road. |
2 | Built-Up Area | An area covered with commercial, residential, industrial and transport infrastructure and buildings in urban areas. |
3 | Farmland | An area used specifically for agriculture (food crops: maize, green beans, beans, cassava, and mangoes). Cereal crops are prohibited in the cities for security reasons, but are still cultivated. |
4 | High Vegetation | An area occupied by sparse trees and shrubs. |
5 | Medium Vegetation | An area occupied by small-scale market gardens in cities. |
6 | Low Vegetation | An area covered by grass, lawns, or flowers in public and private spaces. |
7 | Water Body | An area covered by water, either along the river or riverbed, or by artificial dams or haphazard constructions, temporarily filled dams and ponds. |
City | Representatives of the Respective Stakeholder Group | Specification of Representatives | Number of Respondents |
Bamako | Farmers and private owners of green spaces | Left the Niger river (60 people) and right the Niger river (90 people) | 150 |
Local population | Students and other citizens | 190 | |
Administrative authorities and technical services | Institute of Rural Economy (IER), Health, Water and Forests, Municipality, Urbanism, School and Institute | 30 | |
Sikasso | Farmers and private owners of green spaces | Sanoubougou, Hamdallaye, Lafiabougou, 4 Ponts, Medine, Lafiabougou | 200 |
Local population | Students and other citizens | 134 | |
Administrative authorities and technical services | Governorate, Regional Direction of Agriculture (DRA), Health, IER, Water and Forests, Municipality, Urbanism, School and Institute | 50 | |
Total | 754 |
Criteria | Perceptions |
Many different ecosystem services are provided in high quality | Excellent |
Several ecosystem services are provided in medium quality | Good |
Several ecosystem services are provided in low quality | Moderate |
Only a few ecosystem services are provided and in low quality | Poor |
LULC Class | Area (ha) 1990 | Share of the Total (%) | Area (ha) 2000 | Share of the Total (%) | Area (ha) 2010 | Share of the Total (%) | Area (ha) 2020 | Share of the Total (%) |
BAMAKO | ||||||||
Bare Land | 4742 | 19.31 | 3797 | 15.46 | 2775 | 11.30 | 3617 | 14.73 |
Built-up Area | 5421 | 22.08 | 10,496 | 42.74 | 10,902 | 44.40 | 13,350 | 54.37 |
Farmland | 3691 | 15.03 | 1587 | 6.46 | 1623 | 6.61 | 1370 | 5.58 |
High Vegetation | 531 | 2.16 | 756 | 3.08 | 486 | 1.98 | 492 | 2.00 |
Medium Vegetation | 2325 | 9.47 | 2257 | 9.19 | 1994 | 8.12 | 710 | 2.89 |
Low Vegetation | 6432 | 26.19 | 4293 | 17.48 | 5006 | 20.39 | 3708 | 15.10 |
Water Body | 1414 | 5.76 | 1370 | 5.58 | 1770 | 7.21 | 1309 | 5.33 |
Total | 24,556 | 100 | 24,556 | 100 | 24,556 | 100 | 24,556 | 100 |
SIKASSO | ||||||||
Bare Land | 1385 | 30.55 | 178 | 3.93 | 730 | 16.10 | 1243 | 27.42 |
Built-up Area | 929 | 20.49 | 1940 | 42.79 | 1974 | 43.54 | 2213 | 48.81 |
Farmland | 280 | 6.18 | 790 | 17.42 | 656 | 14.47 | 339 | 7.48 |
High Vegetation | 975 | 21.50 | 223 | 4.92 | 83 | 1.83 | 228 | 5.03 |
Medium Vegetation | 199 | 4.39 | 408 | 9.00 | 219 | 4.83 | 54 | 1.19 |
Low Vegetation | 749 | 16.52 | 971 | 21.42 | 823 | 18.15 | 422 | 9.31 |
Water Body | 17 | 0.37 | 25 | 0.55 | 49 | 1.08 | 35 | 0.77 |
Total | 4534 | 100 | 4534 | 100 | 4534 | 100 | 4534 | 100 |
Green Space | Definition |
Streets trees | These trees are usually planted linearly and regularly along streets for decoration and shade. |
Grassland | Is an area of herbaceous plants. |
Private garden | This is an urban or country green space belonging to private property. |
Public garden | This is a place accessible for the public with flowers and trees. They are most commonly found near boulevards and monuments in cities. |
Protected urban forest | These are reserved areas in cities, protected by communities and used for cultural and traditional purposes. |
Urban park | This is a public space with walking paths, open fields, sports facilities such as football fields, and playground for children. |
Market garden | This is a small farm that grows vegetables and fruits; mainly for selling. |
Roadside tree group | A tree or group of trees for specific care operations. These are trees planted at specific points along the street to protect the edges from water erosion and ongoing degradation. |
Greenery of river banks | Planted trees along the banks of the river. |
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Fomba, M.; Osunde, Z.D.; Traoré, S.S.; Okhimamhe, A.; Kleemann, J.; Fürst, C. Urban Green Spaces in Bamako and Sikasso, Mali: Land Use Changes and Perceptions. Land 2024, 13, 59. https://doi.org/10.3390/land13010059
Fomba M, Osunde ZD, Traoré SS, Okhimamhe A, Kleemann J, Fürst C. Urban Green Spaces in Bamako and Sikasso, Mali: Land Use Changes and Perceptions. Land. 2024; 13(1):59. https://doi.org/10.3390/land13010059
Chicago/Turabian StyleFomba, Mohamed, Zinash Delebo Osunde, Souleymane Sidi Traoré, Appollonia Okhimamhe, Janina Kleemann, and Christine Fürst. 2024. "Urban Green Spaces in Bamako and Sikasso, Mali: Land Use Changes and Perceptions" Land 13, no. 1: 59. https://doi.org/10.3390/land13010059
APA StyleFomba, M., Osunde, Z. D., Traoré, S. S., Okhimamhe, A., Kleemann, J., & Fürst, C. (2024). Urban Green Spaces in Bamako and Sikasso, Mali: Land Use Changes and Perceptions. Land, 13(1), 59. https://doi.org/10.3390/land13010059