Water-Sensitive Urban Plan for Lima Metropolitan Area (Peru) Based on Changes in the Urban Landscape from 1990 to 2021
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Methodology
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Change Detection: Gain and Losses in Urban Areas
3.2. Trend Detection: Interpretation of Landscape Metrics
3.3. Identification of Alternative Water Sources: Water Sensitive Urban Planning
4. Water Sensitive Urban Plan for LMA
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
LMA | Lima Metropolitan Area |
WSUD | Water-sensitive urban design |
EESS | Ecosystem services |
CA | Class area |
PLAND | Percentage of landscape |
SHAPE_MN | Mean shape index |
FRACTAL_MN | Mean fractal dimension index |
FRACTAL_AM | Area weighted fractal dimension index |
PLADJ | Proportion of like adjacencies |
AI | Aggregation index |
CONTIG_MN | Mean contiguity index |
CONTIG_AM | Area weighted contiguity index |
DIVISION | Division index |
CONTAG | Contagion |
SHDI | Shannon’s diversity index |
SHEI | Shannon’s evenness index |
AWSS | Alternative water-source supply |
LC | Lima Center |
LN | Lima North |
LS | Lima South |
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1990 | Bare land | 2126.39 | 76.426 | 1.204 | 1.041 | 1.178 | 98.745 | 98.81 |
Urban | 381.03 | 13.695 | 1.237 | 1.043 | 1.322 | 92.064 | 92.206 | |
Vegetation | 273.36 | 9.825 | 1.188 | 1.038 | 1.223 | 91.695 | 91.862 | |
Other | 1.5 | 0.054 | 1.661 | 1.078 | 1.179 | 77.488 | 79.441 | |
2008 | Bare land | 1939.18 | 69.84 | 1.185 | 1.039 | 1.154 | 98.667 | 98.734 |
Urban | 627.16 | 22.613 | 1.246 | 1.044 | 1.335 | 93.434 | 93.546 | |
Vegetation | 194.88 | 7.053 | 1.192 | 1.041 | 1.208 | 89.105 | 89.297 | |
Other | 12.69 | 0.495 | 1.224 | 1.046 | 1.1 | 64.21 | 64.736 | |
2021 | Bare land | 1787.96 | 64.263 | 1.181 | 1.047 | 1.385 | 95.016 | 95.038 |
Urban | 788.37 | 28.336 | 1.183 | 1.045 | 1.472 | 85.605 | 85.635 | |
Vegetation | 186.21 | 6.693 | 1.15 | 1.042 | 1.272 | 81.463 | 81.523 | |
Other | 19.73 | 0.709 | 1.137 | 1.04 | 1.188 | 58.83 | 58.963 |
1990 | 0.2934 | 0.9678 | 69.6952 | 0.7676 | 0.7098 | 0.512 | 97.2123 |
2008 | 0.2854 | 0.9625 | 65.784 | 0.8543 | 0.8001 | 0.5772 | 96.7274 |
2021 | 0.1179 | 0.9077 | 57.2195 | 0.8699 | 0.8576 | 0.6186 | 91.2133 |
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Ramirez Herrera, A.C.; Bauer, S.; Peña Guillen, V. Water-Sensitive Urban Plan for Lima Metropolitan Area (Peru) Based on Changes in the Urban Landscape from 1990 to 2021. Land 2022, 11, 2261. https://doi.org/10.3390/land11122261
Ramirez Herrera AC, Bauer S, Peña Guillen V. Water-Sensitive Urban Plan for Lima Metropolitan Area (Peru) Based on Changes in the Urban Landscape from 1990 to 2021. Land. 2022; 11(12):2261. https://doi.org/10.3390/land11122261
Chicago/Turabian StyleRamirez Herrera, Andrea Cristina, Sonja Bauer, and Victor Peña Guillen. 2022. "Water-Sensitive Urban Plan for Lima Metropolitan Area (Peru) Based on Changes in the Urban Landscape from 1990 to 2021" Land 11, no. 12: 2261. https://doi.org/10.3390/land11122261
APA StyleRamirez Herrera, A. C., Bauer, S., & Peña Guillen, V. (2022). Water-Sensitive Urban Plan for Lima Metropolitan Area (Peru) Based on Changes in the Urban Landscape from 1990 to 2021. Land, 11(12), 2261. https://doi.org/10.3390/land11122261