Species Distribution Modeling of the Breeding Site Distribution and Conservation Gaps of Lesser White-Fronted Goose in Siberia under Climate Change
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Data Collection
2.2.1. Species Distribution Data
2.2.2. Boundaries of the Protected Areas
2.2.3. Climatic Data
2.3. Maxent Modeling and Evaluation
2.3.1. Maximum Entropy
2.3.2. Bioclimatic Variables
2.3.3. Conservation Area Gap Analysis
2.3.4. Comparison between the Current Distribution and Future Projections
3. Results
3.1. Distribution of Lesser White-Fronted Goose
3.2. Model Evaluation
3.3. Simulated Suitable Habitats and Associated Shifts under Different Scenarios
3.4. Conservation Gaps
3.5. Comparison between Present and Future Distributions
4. Discussion
4.1. Research Innovation and Limitations
4.2. Distribution of Future Breeding Grounds and Protection Gaps
4.3. Challenges and Conservation Strategies of Lesser White-fronted Goose
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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ID | Mark Time | Receipt Date | Terminus ad Quem | Tracking Time (Date) | Number of Times of Summer Observations |
BFUL041 | 20 November 2016 | 23 November 2016 | 16 April 2018 | 509 | 1 |
BFUL044 | 30 November 2016 | 2 December 2016 | 9 June 2018 | 554 | 1 |
BFUL050 | 25 November 2016 | 27 November 2016 | 19 May 2018 | 538 | 1 |
BFUL057 | 30 November 2016 | 2 December 2016 | 17 July 2018 | 592 | 1 |
BFUL059 | 30 November 2016 | 2 December 2016 | 29 December 2017 | 392 | 1 |
BFUL065 | 5 December 2016 | 7 December 2016 | 5 September 2017 | 272 | 1 |
BFUL068 | 15 December 2016 | 16 December 2016 | 28 May 2018 | 528 | 1 |
BFUL051 | 25 November 2016 | 28 November 2016 | 25 December2018 | 757 | 2 |
BFUL061 | 30 November 2016 | 2 December 2016 | 12 May 2019 | 891 | 2 |
BFUL074 | 15 January 2017 | 19 January 2017 | 14 May 2019 | 845 | 2 |
BFUL062 | 8 December 2016 | 11 December 2016 | 27 November 2017 | 1081 | 3 |
Number | Type | Variable | Units |
Bio1 | Bioclimatic | Annual Mean Temperature | °C |
Bio2 | Bioclimatic | Mean Diurnal Range (mean of monthly (maxtemp-min temp)) | °C |
Bio3 | Bioclimatic | Isothermality (BIO2/BIO7) (* 100) (“*” is the multiplication sign.) | °C |
Bio4 | Bioclimatic | Temperature Seasonality (standard deviation * 100) | °C |
Bio5 | Bioclimatic | Max Temperature of Warmest Month | °C |
Bio6 | Bioclimatic | Min Temperature of Coldest Month | °C |
Bio7 | Bioclimatic | Temperature Annual Range (BIO5-BIO6) | °C |
Bio8 | Bioclimatic | Mean Temperature of Wettest Quarter | °C |
Bio9 | Bioclimatic | Mean Temperature of Driest Quarter | °C |
Bio10 | Bioclimatic | Mean Temperature of Warmest Quarter | °C |
Bio11 | Bioclimatic | Mean Temperature of Coldest Quarter | °C |
Bio12 | Bioclimatic | Annual Precipitation | mm |
Bio13 | Bioclimatic | Precipitation of Wettest Month | mm |
Bio14 | Bioclimatic | Precipitation of Driest Month | mm |
Bio15 | Bioclimatic | Precipitation Seasonality (Coefficient of Variation) | - |
Bio16 | Bioclimatic | Precipitation of Wettest Quarter | mm |
Bio17 | Bioclimatic | Precipitation of Driest Quarter | mm |
Bio18 | Bioclimatic | Precipitation of Warmest Quarter | mm |
Bio19 | Bioclimatic | Precipitation of Coldest Quarter | mm |
Period | Climate Scenario | Habitat Area (km2) | Protected Habitat Area (km2) | Unprotected Habitat Area (km2) | Protection Rate (%) |
Current | 1,063,667 | 34,280 | 1,029,386 | 3.22% | |
2050 | RCP2.6 | 1,161,775 | 34,280 | 1,127,495 | 2.95% |
RCP4.5 | 1,057,336 | 34,280 | 1,023,056 | 3.24% | |
RCP8.5 | 1,009,603 | 34,280 | 975,322 | 3.40% | |
2070 | RCP2.6 | 1,019,544 | 34,280 | 985,264 | 3.36% |
RCP4.5 | 1,057,137 | 34,280 | 1,022,857 | 3.24% | |
RCP8.5 | 1,094,531 | 34,280 | 1,060,250 | 3.13% |
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Fan, R.; Lei, J.; Wu, E.; Lu, C.; Jia, Y.; Zeng, Q.; Lei, G. Species Distribution Modeling of the Breeding Site Distribution and Conservation Gaps of Lesser White-Fronted Goose in Siberia under Climate Change. Land 2022, 11, 1946. https://doi.org/10.3390/land11111946
Fan R, Lei J, Wu E, Lu C, Jia Y, Zeng Q, Lei G. Species Distribution Modeling of the Breeding Site Distribution and Conservation Gaps of Lesser White-Fronted Goose in Siberia under Climate Change. Land. 2022; 11(11):1946. https://doi.org/10.3390/land11111946
Chicago/Turabian StyleFan, Rong, Jialin Lei, Entao Wu, Cai Lu, Yifei Jia, Qing Zeng, and Guangchun Lei. 2022. "Species Distribution Modeling of the Breeding Site Distribution and Conservation Gaps of Lesser White-Fronted Goose in Siberia under Climate Change" Land 11, no. 11: 1946. https://doi.org/10.3390/land11111946
APA StyleFan, R., Lei, J., Wu, E., Lu, C., Jia, Y., Zeng, Q., & Lei, G. (2022). Species Distribution Modeling of the Breeding Site Distribution and Conservation Gaps of Lesser White-Fronted Goose in Siberia under Climate Change. Land, 11(11), 1946. https://doi.org/10.3390/land11111946