Mapping Dynamic Water Fraction under the Tropical Rain Forests of the Amazonian Basin from SMOS Brightness Temperatures
:1. Introduction
2. Study Areas
3. Data
3.1. L-Band Brightness Temperatures from SMOS
3.2. Topography
3.3. Skin Temperature
3.4. Precipitation Data
3.5. Static Land Cover Maps
3.6. Dynamics and Climatoloy of Water Fraction Data
3.7. Water Level from Satellite Altimetry
3.8. In Situ River Discharge Data
4. Methods
4.1. Contextual Radiative Transfer Model to Retrieve the Water Fraction under Dense Forests
4.1.1. Description of the SWAF Algorithm
4.1.2. Forest and Water TB Reference
4.2. Statistic Scores’ Computation
5. Results over the Amazon Basin
5.1. Spatial Patterns and Temporal Dynamics of the SWAF Maps
5.2. Comparison and Validation
5.2.1. Comparison to Static and Climatological Water Extent Maps
5.2.2. Comparison with Water Height Measured by Altimetry
5.2.3. Comparison with SWAMPS Dynamic Surface Extent
5.2.4. Link between SWAF and the Hydrological Components
6. Discussion
6.1. Water Surface Validation
6.2. Impact of the Angles and Polarization on the Water Surface Retrievals
6.3. Impact of Vegetation Cover
6.4. Limitations and Prospects of the SWAF Dataset
7. Conclusions and Prospect
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
SAR | Synthetic Aperture Radar |
SWOT | Surface Water Ocean Topography |
V | Vertical |
H | Horizontal |
SMMR | Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer |
GIEMS | Global Inundation Extent from Multi-Satellites |
SSMI/I | Special Sensor Microwave/Imager |
ERS | European Remote Sensing |
QSAT | QuickSCAT |
ASCAT | Advanced Scatterometer |
SSM/S | Special Sensor Microwave/Sounder |
SMOS | Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity |
SMAP | Soil Moisture Active and Passive |
ESA | European Space Agency |
CNES | Centre National d’Etude Spatiale |
CDTI | Centro para el Desarrollo Teccnologico Industrial |
L | Level |
EASE | Equal-Area Scalable Earth |
SRTM | Shuttle Radar Topography Mission |
USGS | U.S. Geological Survey |
IGBP | International Geosphere Biosphere Programme |
AVHRR | Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer |
MODIS | Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer |
CCI | Climate Change Initiative |
NASA | North America Space Agency |
TRMM | Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission |
ECMWF | European Center for Medium range Weather Forecasting |
SWAF | SMOS WAter Fraction |
ENVISAT | ENVironment SATellite |
TB | Brightness Temperature |
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Remote Sensing Approach | Reference | Area of Study | Sensors | Frequency |
Passive microwave | [27] | Amazon Basin | SSMR | Q-band |
[29] | Boreal regions | SSM/I-SSMR | K- and Ka-band | |
[37] | North Eurasian | AMSR-E-QSCAT | C-band | |
Active microwave | See [38] for a review of the SAR technique | |||
[17] | Amazon Basin | ENVISAT SAR | L-band | |
[39] | High latitude regions | ENVISAT ASAR | C-band | |
[40] | Mekong basin | ENVISAT ASAR | C-band | |
[41] | Global scale | ENVISAT ASAR | C-band | |
[22] | Boreal regions | Topex-Poseidon | C-band | |
Hybrid approaches | [42] | Global scale | SSM/I, ERS, AVHRR | Ka- and C-band |
[32] | Global scale | SSM/I, ERS, AVHRR | Ka- and C-band | |
[43] | Global scale | SSM/I, ERS, AVHRR | Ka- and C-band | |
[37] | Global scale | SSM/I, SSMI/S, ERS, QSAT, ASCAT | Ku- and C-band | |
Optical and infrared | [44] | Okavango Delta | AVHRR | - |
[45] | Brahmaputra | AVHRR | - | |
[46] | Inner Niger Delta | MODIS | - | |
[47] | China | MODIS | - | |
[33] | Mekong Delta | MODIS | - | |
[10] | Global scale | Landsat | - |
“Water” Pixel | “Forest” Pixel | |||||||
Incidence Angle | H-pol | V-pol | H-pol | V-pol | ||||
Mean (K) | (K) | Mean (K) | (K) | Mean (K) | (K) | Mean (K) | (K) | |
32± 5 | 94.52 | 0.51 | 122.58 | 0.64 | 274.43 | 2.71 | 276.61 | 2.72 |
37± 5 | 89.96 | 0.49 | 128.25 | 0.67 | 272.44 | 2.94 | 276.12 | 2.61 |
42± 5 | 84.72 | 0.46 | 135.27 | 0.70 | 271.88 | 3.57 | 275.72 | 2.71 |
47± 5 | 78.78 | 0.43 | 143.93 | 0.74 | 269.71 | 3.22 | 274.26 | 2.51 |
Incidence Angle () | H-pol | V-pol |
32± 5 | 290,000 | 270,000 |
37± 5 | 280,000 | 260,000 |
42± 5 | 280,000 | 250,000 |
47± 5 | 280,000 | 250,000 |
Precipitation | Discharge | |||
Incidence Angle () | H-pol | V-pol | H-pol | V-pol |
32± 5 | 0.91 | 0.90 | 0.83 | 0.84 |
37± 5 | 0.88 | 0.89 | 0.86 | 0.85 |
42± 5 | 0.92 | 0.88 | 0.88 | 0.82 |
47± 5 | 0.83 | 0.85 | 0.78 | 0.83 |
Variables | H-pol | V-pol | Low angles | High angles |
Land cover classification | NS | NS | ||
Water level | NS | NS | ||
Dynamic water fraction | NS | NS | ||
Precipitation | NS | NS | NS | NS |
Discharge | NS | NS | NS | NS |
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Share and Cite
Parrens, M.; Al Bitar, A.; Frappart, F.; Papa, F.; Calmant, S.; Crétaux, J.-F.; Wigneron, J.-P.; Kerr, Y. Mapping Dynamic Water Fraction under the Tropical Rain Forests of the Amazonian Basin from SMOS Brightness Temperatures. Water 2017, 9, 350.
Parrens M, Al Bitar A, Frappart F, Papa F, Calmant S, Crétaux J-F, Wigneron J-P, Kerr Y. Mapping Dynamic Water Fraction under the Tropical Rain Forests of the Amazonian Basin from SMOS Brightness Temperatures. Water. 2017; 9(5):350.
Chicago/Turabian StyleParrens, Marie, Ahmad Al Bitar, Frédéric Frappart, Fabrice Papa, Stephane Calmant, Jean-François Crétaux, Jean-Pierre Wigneron, and Yann Kerr. 2017. "Mapping Dynamic Water Fraction under the Tropical Rain Forests of the Amazonian Basin from SMOS Brightness Temperatures" Water 9, no. 5: 350.
APA StyleParrens, M., Al Bitar, A., Frappart, F., Papa, F., Calmant, S., Crétaux, J.-F., Wigneron, J.-P., & Kerr, Y. (2017). Mapping Dynamic Water Fraction under the Tropical Rain Forests of the Amazonian Basin from SMOS Brightness Temperatures. Water, 9(5), 350.