Prospects for Improving Gravity-Fed Surface Irrigation Systems in Mediterranean European Contexts
:1. Introduction
2. European Policies and Guidelines
3. Case Studies
3.1. The Est Ticino-Villoresi District
3.2. The Baix Ter Irrigation District
3.3. Urgell District
3.4. Lis Valley District
4. General Issues That Emerge from the Case Studies
Reasons for These Limitations
5. What Can We Do?
5.1. Technical Advice
5.2. Economic Advice
5.3. Reviving Interest in Gravity-Fed Surface Irrigation Systems
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Masseroni, D.; Ricart, S.; De Cartagena, F.R.; Monserrat, J.; Gonçalves, J.M.; De Lima, I.; Facchi, A.; Sali, G.; Gandolfi, C. Prospects for Improving Gravity-Fed Surface Irrigation Systems in Mediterranean European Contexts. Water 2017, 9, 20.
Masseroni D, Ricart S, De Cartagena FR, Monserrat J, Gonçalves JM, De Lima I, Facchi A, Sali G, Gandolfi C. Prospects for Improving Gravity-Fed Surface Irrigation Systems in Mediterranean European Contexts. Water. 2017; 9(1):20.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMasseroni, Daniele, Sandra Ricart, Francisco Ramirez De Cartagena, Joaquim Monserrat, José Manuel Gonçalves, Isabel De Lima, Arianna Facchi, Guido Sali, and Claudio Gandolfi. 2017. "Prospects for Improving Gravity-Fed Surface Irrigation Systems in Mediterranean European Contexts" Water 9, no. 1: 20.
APA StyleMasseroni, D., Ricart, S., De Cartagena, F. R., Monserrat, J., Gonçalves, J. M., De Lima, I., Facchi, A., Sali, G., & Gandolfi, C. (2017). Prospects for Improving Gravity-Fed Surface Irrigation Systems in Mediterranean European Contexts. Water, 9(1), 20.