A Perspective on Sea Level Rise and Coastal Storm Surge from Southern and Eastern Africa: A Case Study Near Durban, South Africa
:1. Introduction
2. Problem Statement
3. Coastal Flooding, Erosion and Wave Hazards in the Region
3.1. Weather Systems
Month | September | October | November | December | January | February | March | April | May |
% | 1 | 2 | 3 | 13 | 30 | 26 | 17 | 6 | 2 |
3.2. The March 2007 Storm in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
3.2.1. Conditions Preceding the Storm
3.2.2. Conditions During the Storm
3.2.3. Tide, Storm Surge and Wave Run Up Levels
3.2.4. The Impact of the Storm
3.3. The Likelihood and Magnitude of Future Storm Events and Sea Level Rise by 2100
3.4. Past and Future Storm Activity
Coastal segment | Duration limited | Fetch limited | Maximum regional wave height (m) (lesser of duration or fetch limited) | |
From | To | Maximum wave height generated by wind duration(m) | Maximum wave height generated by fetch length (m) | |
Cape Town South Africa | Mossel Bay South Africa | 10 | 10 | 10 |
Mossel Bay South Africa | Lake Poelela Mozambique | 9 | 9 | 9 |
Lake Poelela Mozambique | Ruvuma Bay Mozambique | 9 | 8 | 8 |
Ruvuma Bay Mozambique | Mombasa Kenya | 10 | 10 | 10 |
3.5. Sea Level Changes by 2100
- Scenario 1: 300 mm based on current linear SLR
- Scenario 2: 600 mm based on doubling of the current SLR rate
- Scenario 3: 1,000 mm based on an accelerated ice melt scenario.
3.6. High Water Mark and Wave Run Up
4. High Water Mark and Coastal Flood Hazard Delineation Model: A Case Study of the Durban Coastline
4.1. The Model
4.2. The Input Data
4.3. GIS Procedures and Data Presentation
4.4. Costs
4.5. Presentation of the Model Results
5. Results
6. Discussions on the Management Implications
6.1. Rocky Shores
6.2. Undeveloped Natural Sandy Shorelines
6.3. Beachfronts and Coastal Development
6.4. Estuaries and Mangroves
6.5. Harbors
6.6. Large Prehistoric Dune Systems
6.7. Armored or Fortified Coastlines
Value of infrastructurein South African Rands (ZAR) | Life of infrastructure | Impacts of failure of the infrastructure | Planned amount of sea level rise |
Low (up to ZAR 2 million) i.e., Recreational facilities, car parks, board walks, temp beach facilities | Short term Less than 20 years | Low Minor inconvenience, alternative facilities in close proximity, short rebuild times | 0.3 m |
Medium (ZAR 2 million to 20 million) Tidal pools, piers, recreational facilities, sewerage pump stations. | Short to Medium Term Between 20 and 50 years | Medium Local impacts, loss of infrastructure and property | 0.6 m |
High (ZAR 20 million to 200 million) Beachfronts, small craft harbors, Residential homes, sewerage treatment works. | Medium to Long Term Between 50 and 100 years | High Regional impacts, loss of significant infrastructure and property | 1.0 m |
Very High (greater then ZAR 200 million) Ports, desalination plants, nuclear power stations | Long term In excess of 100 years | Very High Major disruption to the regional and national economy, failure of key national infrastructure | 2.0 m |
7. Conclusions
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Mather, A.A.; Stretch, D.D. A Perspective on Sea Level Rise and Coastal Storm Surge from Southern and Eastern Africa: A Case Study Near Durban, South Africa. Water 2012, 4, 237-259. https://doi.org/10.3390/w4010237
Mather AA, Stretch DD. A Perspective on Sea Level Rise and Coastal Storm Surge from Southern and Eastern Africa: A Case Study Near Durban, South Africa. Water. 2012; 4(1):237-259. https://doi.org/10.3390/w4010237
Chicago/Turabian StyleMather, Andrew A., and Derek D. Stretch. 2012. "A Perspective on Sea Level Rise and Coastal Storm Surge from Southern and Eastern Africa: A Case Study Near Durban, South Africa" Water 4, no. 1: 237-259. https://doi.org/10.3390/w4010237