Degradation of Pyraclostrobin in Water Using a Novel Hybrid Gas–Liquid Phase Discharge Reactor
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Experimental Setup
2.2. Materials and Analytical Methods
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Discharge Characteristics of NPG-LD
3.2. Effect of Pulse Peak Voltage on the Removal Efficiency of PYR
3.3. The Optical Emission Spectra of NPG-LD
3.4. Plasma Electron Density of NPG-LD
3.5. The Degradation Mechanism and Pathways of PYR
3.6. DFT Calculations and Ecotoxicity Analysis
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Method | Concentration (mg/L) | Pollutant | Treatment Time | Applied Voltage (kV) | Remediation Efficiency (%) |
Microbial/Fenton [37] | 30 | PYR | 24/72 h | - | 100 |
Photocatalysis/H2O2 [38] | 0.5 | PYR | 12 h | - | 90 |
Gas–liquid plasma [24] | 6 | Azoxystrobin | 9 min | 10 | 98.9 |
Dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) [39] | 1.7 | Azoxystrobin | 5 min | 80 | 69 |
This study | 20 | PYR | 10 min | 28 | 100 |
Pulsed Voltage (kV) | (nm) | (nm) | (nm) | Electron Density (1017 cm−3) |
20 | 0.0224 | 0.070 | 0.3035 | 0.418 |
22 | 0.0225 | 0.069 | 0.3285 | 0.470 |
24 | 0.0225 | 0.069 | 2.0885 | 7.141 |
26 | 0.0225 | 0.069 | 2.2325 | 7.877 |
28 | 0.0225 | 0.067 | 2.3785 | 8.647 |
30 | 0.0225 | 0.068 | 2.4885 | 9.242 |
Structure | Retention Time (min) | m/z | Intensity |
13.749 | 388.2 | 388.2 (100) 194.2 (43.7) 163.2 (21.85) 356.2 (11.04) | |
3.023 | 356.2 | 141.2 (100) 356.2 (90.95) 224.2 (78.29) 194.2 (72.9) 252.2 (61.4) | |
5.427 | 340.4 | 340.4 (100) 341.4 (20.28) 362.3 (5.23) | |
7.241 | 340.4 | 340.4 (100) 114.2 (4.76) | |
9.622 | 246.4 | 141.2 (100) 246.4 (62.72) 123.2 (34.95) 275.2 (25.75) | |
13.741 | 194.2 | 388.2 (100) 194.2 (42.82) 163.2 (22.12) | |
1.482 | 181.1 | 181.1 (100) 123.2 (72.81) 141.2 (68.59) 194.1 (45.23) | |
14.89 | 149.1 | 149.1 (100) 338.5 (34.96) 141.2 (14.4) 279 (12.12) | |
8.012 | 127.1 | 99.1 (100) 183.2 (63.84) 155.2 (46.77) 127.1 (41.29) | |
1.421 | 123.2 | 123.2 (100) 141.2 (28.04) 224.2 (21.04) |
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Shen, H.; Yuan, H.; Liang, J.; Zhou, X.; Ge, P.; Liu, Y.; Gao, T.; Yang, K.; Yang, D. Degradation of Pyraclostrobin in Water Using a Novel Hybrid Gas–Liquid Phase Discharge Reactor. Water 2023, 15, 1562.
Shen H, Yuan H, Liang J, Zhou X, Ge P, Liu Y, Gao T, Yang K, Yang D. Degradation of Pyraclostrobin in Water Using a Novel Hybrid Gas–Liquid Phase Discharge Reactor. Water. 2023; 15(8):1562.
Chicago/Turabian StyleShen, Hongwei, Hao Yuan, Jianping Liang, Xiongfeng Zhou, Pingji Ge, Yang Liu, Tian Gao, Kun Yang, and Dezheng Yang. 2023. "Degradation of Pyraclostrobin in Water Using a Novel Hybrid Gas–Liquid Phase Discharge Reactor" Water 15, no. 8: 1562.
APA StyleShen, H., Yuan, H., Liang, J., Zhou, X., Ge, P., Liu, Y., Gao, T., Yang, K., & Yang, D. (2023). Degradation of Pyraclostrobin in Water Using a Novel Hybrid Gas–Liquid Phase Discharge Reactor. Water, 15(8), 1562.