System Dynamics Approach for Water Resources Management: A Case Study from the Souss-Massa Basin
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Modeling Approach
2.3. Literature Review on SD for Water Resources Management
2.4. Data Collection
2.5. Data Analysis
2.5.1. Quantitative Data Analysis
- Pi: rainfall at station i (mm).
- Si: area of influence of rain gauge i (Km2).
- S: watershed area (Km2).
- GWR: groundwater recharge (m3).
- β: the average of the ratio of precipitation infiltration to total groundwater input during the years of record for each aquifer.
- P: annual precipitation (mm).
2.5.2. Model Equations
- WD: total water demand.
- Dom, D: domestic water demand.
- Touris, D: tourism water demand.
- Agri, D: agricultural water demand.
- Ind, D: industrial water demand.
- WS: total water supply.
- NSW: natural surface water.
- RW, DW, and TRW are the recycled, desalinated, and transferred water supplies.
- E: evaporation.
- ASW: available surface water supply.
- NGW: natural groundwater supply.
- IRW: irrigation return water.
- P: percolation.
- AGW: available groundwater supply.
3. Results
3.1. Modeling
3.1.1. Qualitative Model
3.1.2. Quantitative Model
Model Structure
Model Simulation
3.2. Simulation Results
3.3. Sensitivity Analysis
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Detailed Coding Equations
- (1)
- Domestic water demand equations
- Wp(t): the per capita water demand at time t.
- POP(t): the population at time t.
- Wpi: the per capita water demand of the i-th year.
- Wp0: the initial per capita water demand.
- P0Pi: the population of the i-th year.
- P0P0: the initial population.
- rwpi: the growth rate of the per capita demand of the i-th year.
- rpi: the growth rate of the population in the i-th year.
- (2)
- Tourism water demand equations
- WT(t): the water demand per tourist at time t.
- TOUR(t): the number of tourists at time t.
- rw(t): the growth rate of water demand per tourist at time t.
- rt(t): the growth rate of tourists at time t.
- (3)
- Industrial water demand equations
- WI0: the initial water demand per unit of industrial production.
- αii: the rate of reduction in water demand per unit of output in the i-th year.
- INPi: the industrial output in the i-th year.
- rin: the growth rate of industrial production.
- (4)
- Agricultural water demand equations
- IRD,i: the water demand per hectare in year i.
- AIrr,i: the area of irrigated land in hectare in the i-th year.
- Ki: the agricultural development index.
- rAi: the growth rate of the irrigated area in year i.
- KMi: the multiplier factor of land in year i.
- Kobsi: the conservative factor of land in year i.
- αAi: the rate of decrease in irrigation demand per hectare at the i-th year.
- (5)
- Surface water supply equations
- TISF: the total incoming surface water.
- NF: natural inflow.
- ITF: transferred inflow.
- RSF: recycled water flow.
- DF: Desalination water flow.
- ASW: available surface water.
- S: seepage.
- E: evapotranspiration.
- P: percolation to groundwater.
- (6)
- Groundwater supply equations
- TIGW: total incoming groundwater.
- NIGW: natural groundwater inflow.
- RGWP: recycled groundwater flow.
- AGW: available groundwater.
- EGW: evaporation from groundwater.
- (7)
- Balance sheet
- ➢
- Total water demand:𝐷 = 𝐷𝐷𝑜𝑚 + 𝐷𝐼𝑛𝑑 + 𝐷𝐴𝑔𝑟 + 𝐷𝑇𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑠
- ➢
- Total water supply:𝐴 = 𝐴𝑆𝑊 + 𝐾 × 𝐴𝐺𝑊
- ➢
- The durability index SI is calculated:
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Factors | Key Variables | Stocks |
Surface water supply | Desalination water: DW Interbasin transfer water: TRW Recycled water: RW Rate of increase of recycled water: αR Interbasin transfer water rate: αTR Rate of increase of desalination water: αD Rate of industrial development: rin,i Total natural inflow surface water: Total NSW Precipitation: P Flow: Q Evaporation: E | Available surface water supply ASW |
Groundwater supply | Natural incoming groundwater: NGW Returned groundwater after use: RGW | Available groundwater supply AGW |
Water demand | Water demand per capita: WP Population: POP Rate of decrease in per capita water consumption: rwp Population growth rate: rp | Domestic water demand Dom,D |
Water demand per tourist: WT Tourists: TOUR Rate of water demand per tourist: rwt Growth rate of tourists: rt | Tourism water demand Touris,D | |
Water consumption by industry: WI Rate of growth of industrial development: rin | Industrial water demand Ind,D | |
Irrigation water consumption/ha: IRE Area of irrigated farmland: IrrA Rate of change of irrigated area: rAi Rate of change of water consumption per hectare: rAgri | Agricultural water demand Agri,D |
Years | Water Demand (m3) | Water Supply (m3) | SI | GWD (Mm3) | ||||||||
Domestic | Industrial | Tourism | Agricultural | WD | AGW | ASW | ASW/WD (%) | RW | WS | |||
2007 | 69,849,318 | 658,000 | 885,619 | 994,000,000 | 1,092,410,853 | 227,740,000 | 114,600,000 | 7.34 | 0 | 342,340,000 | −215.92 | 746.62 |
2008 | 71,743,214 | 689,913 | 861,446 | 979,792,917 | 1,079,338,925 | 234,060,000 | 128,820,000 | 8.35 | 0 | 362,880,000 | −195.96 | 1461.26 |
2009 | 73,653,457 | 721,826 | 824,744 | 965,500,668 | 1,066,792,066 | 452,720,000 | 439,340,000 | 28.83 | 0 | 892,060,000 | −23.67 | 1665.44 |
2010 | 755,880,048 | 753,739 | 916,598 | 951,123,253 | 1,056,874,390 | 513,960,000 | 731,010,000 | 48.42 | 0 | 1,244,970,000 | 10.9 | 1536.19 |
2011 | 77,522,986 | 785,652 | 889,166 | 936,660,673 | 1,040,770,052 | 412,290,000 | 500,010,000 | 33.63 | 0 | 912,300,000 | −18.76 | 1700.61 |
2012 | 79,482,272 | 817,565 | 920,881 | 921,906,960 | 1,031,267,621 | 195,320,000 | 140,240,000 | 9.52 | 0 | 335,560,000 | −207.5 | 2396.5 |
2013 | 81,457,906 | 849,478 | 946,388 | 915,453,611 | 1,024,717,546 | 353,810,000 | 396,580,000 | 27.09 | 0 | 750,390,000 | −41.45 | 2696.76 |
2014 | 83,449,886 | 881,391 | 961,529 | 909,000,263 | 1,020,408,259 | 146,280,000 | 82,790,000 | 5.68 | 0 | 229,070,000 | −335.29 | 3482.75 |
2015 | 85,458,215 | 913,304 | 944,498 | 902,546,914 | 1,015,209,965 | 481,590,000 | 642,210,000 | 44.28 | 0 | 112,380,000 | 5.4 | 3424.84 |
2016 | 87,482,891 | 945,217 | 972,451 | 896,093,565 | 1,011,276,682 | 263,380,000 | 184,250,000 | 12.75 | 0 | 447,620,000 | −128.47 | 3993.48 |
2017 | 89,523,914 | 977,130 | 1,051,989 | 889,640,216 | 1,008,744,224 | 1,906,640,000 | 122,720,000 | 10.8 | 23 × 106 | 313,350,000 | −198.95 | 4664.8 |
2018 | 91,581,285 | 1,009,043 | 1,147,207 | 883,186,868 | 1,006,597,901 | 551,700,000 | 573,160,000 | 42.14 | 23 × 106 | 1,124,860,000 | 8.81 | 4567.61 |
2019 | 93,692,518 | 1,040,956 | 1,190,071 | 876,733,519 | 1,003,054,229 | 455,120,000 | 486,780,000 | 36.26 | 23 × 106 | 941,900,000 | −7.93 | 4641.29 |
2020 | 95,821,585 | 1,072,869 | 333,220 | 870,121,200 | 975,752,266 | 359,260,000 | 369,790,000 | 29.4 | 23 × 106 | 729,040,000 | −33.1 | 4883.92 |
Parameters | Value | Rate of Change between 2007 and 2020 |
Urban population | 1,181,537 1,580,897 | 2.60% |
Rural population | 1,239,034 1,118,228 | −0.75% |
Water consumption per urban inhabitant (m3/year) | 48.4 52.35 | 0.62% |
Water consumption per rural inhabitant (m3/year) | 10.22 11.68 | 1.10% |
Number of tourists | 885,619 1,190,071 | 3.20% |
Water consumption per tourist (Mm3) | 189 99 | −1.10% |
Industrial water consumption (m3) | 658,000 1,186,902 | 5% |
Irrigated area (ha) | 148,640 150,540 | From 148,640 ha in 2007 to 154,540 ha in 2010 |
Water consumption per hectare (m3/ha) | 6687 6151 | A reduction of 536 m3/ha and an improvement in irrigation efficiency of 8.7%. |
Water recycling (m3) | 2007–2017: 0 2017–2019: 23,000,000 2020: 28,000,000 | 2.18% |
Desalination water (m3) | 0 | Desalination plant in progress |
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Guemouria, A.; Chehbouni, A.; Belaqziz, S.; Epule Epule, T.; Ait Brahim, Y.; El Khalki, E.M.; Dhiba, D.; Bouchaou, L. System Dynamics Approach for Water Resources Management: A Case Study from the Souss-Massa Basin. Water 2023, 15, 1506.
Guemouria A, Chehbouni A, Belaqziz S, Epule Epule T, Ait Brahim Y, El Khalki EM, Dhiba D, Bouchaou L. System Dynamics Approach for Water Resources Management: A Case Study from the Souss-Massa Basin. Water. 2023; 15(8):1506.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGuemouria, Ayoub, Abdelghani Chehbouni, Salwa Belaqziz, Terence Epule Epule, Yassine Ait Brahim, El Mahdi El Khalki, Driss Dhiba, and Lhoussaine Bouchaou. 2023. "System Dynamics Approach for Water Resources Management: A Case Study from the Souss-Massa Basin" Water 15, no. 8: 1506.
APA StyleGuemouria, A., Chehbouni, A., Belaqziz, S., Epule Epule, T., Ait Brahim, Y., El Khalki, E. M., Dhiba, D., & Bouchaou, L. (2023). System Dynamics Approach for Water Resources Management: A Case Study from the Souss-Massa Basin. Water, 15(8), 1506.