Hands across the Water: How the 57-Year Dispute over the Edwards Aquifer Began, Persisted, and Was Resolved
:1. The Edwards Aquifer: Hydrology, Law, and Ecology
1.1. Hydrology
1.2. Groundwater and Surface Water Regulation in Texas
1.3. Ecology
1.4. Sierra Club et al. v. Babbitt et al.: Pumping Limits Mandated
“The next session of the Texas Legislature offers the last chance for adoption of an adequate state plan before the ‘blunt axes’ of Federal intervention have to be dropped.”
1.5. EAA
1.5.1. The Texas Legislature Creates the EAA
1.5.2. Pumping Limits
1.5.3. Habitat Conservation Plan
2. The Edwards Aquifer Recovery Implementation Program Is Created
2.1. The EARIP Forges the Edwards Aquifer HCP
2.2. Funding the Implementation of the EAHCP
2.3. The Stakeholders, the EAA, and the USFWS Approve EAHCP
2.4. The Key Components of the EAHCP
2.5. Ensuring That the EAHCP Can Accomplish Its Goals
2.6. The Status of the EAHCP after 10 Years
3. Discussion
How Did the Stakeholders Reach a Consensus on the Future of the Edwards Aquifer?
4. Conclusions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Short Name or Acronym | Descriptive Name |
ac-ft | acre-feet |
AMF | aquifer management fees |
ASR | aquifer storage and recovery |
cfs | cubic feet per second |
EAA | Edwards Aquifer Authority |
EAHCP | Edwards Aquifer Habitat Conservation Plan |
EARIP | Edwards Aquifer Recovery Implementation Plan |
ESA | Endangered Species Act |
FMA | Funding and Management Agreement |
GBRA | Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority |
HCP | habitat conservation plan |
ITP | Incidental Take Permit |
km | kilometers |
m3/s | cubic meters per second |
m | Meters |
m/s | Meters per second |
NWS | National Weather Service |
RIP | recovery implementation plan |
SAWS | San Antonio Water System |
TCEQ | Texas Commission on Environmental Quality |
TNRIS | Texas Natural Resource Information System |
TPWD | Texas Parks and Wildlife Department |
TWDB | Texas Water Development Board |
USFWS | United States Fish and Wildlife Service |
VISPO | voluntary irrigation suspension program option |
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One Acre-Foot (ac-ft) | 325,851 Gallons of Water (1233 m3) |
Average annual recharge (1934–2020) | 700,000 ac-ft (8.6 × 107 m3) |
Median annual recharge (1934–2020) | 556,100 ac-ft (6.9 × 107 m3) |
Record lowest recharge (1956) | 43,700 ac-ft (0.5 × 107 m3) |
Record highest recharge (1992) | 2,486,000 ac-ft (30.7 × 107 m3) |
Average annual discharge of Comal Springs to the Guadalupe River (1928–2020) | 208,300 ac-ft (2.6 × 107 m3) |
Average annual discharge of San Marcos Springs to the Guadalupe River (1957–2020) | 127,800 ac-ft (1.6 × 107 m3) |
Average annual discharge of both Comal and San Marcos Springs to the Guadalupe River during the overlapping data range (1957–2020) | 338,500 ac-ft (4.2 × 107 m3) |
Species | Year Listed | Current Status | Present in Comal Springs Ecosystem | Present in San Marcos Springs Ecosystem | Habitats |
Fountain Darter (Estheostoma fonticola) | 1973 | Endangered | Yes | Yes | Springs and rivers |
Comal Springs Dryopid Beetle (Stygoparnus comalensis) | 1997 | Endangered | Yes | No | Springs |
Peck’s Cave Amphipod Stygobromus pecki) | 1997 | Endangered | Yes | No | Springs |
Comal Springs Riffle Beetle (Heterelmis comalensis) | 1997 | Endangered | Yes | Yes | Springs |
San Marcos Salamander (Eurycea nana) | 1980 | Threatened | No | Yes | Springs |
San Marcos Gambusia (Gambusia georgei) | 1980 | Extinct | No | Last record 1980 | Springs and river |
Texas Blind Salamander (Typhlomolge rathbuni) | 1967 | Endangered | No | Yes | Subterranean |
Texas Wild-Rice (Zizania texana) | 1978 | Endangered | No | Yes | River |
Edwards Aquifer Diving Beetle (Haideoporus texanus) | 2009 | Listing may be warranted | Yes | Yes | Subterranean |
Texas Troglobitic Water Slater (Lirceolus smithii) | 2009 | Listing may be warranted | Yes | Yes | Subterranean |
Comal Springs Salamander (Eurycea sp.) | 2009 | Listing may be warranted | Yes | No | Subterranean |
Regulatory Requirement, Record, or Event | Water Volume |
Total groundwater withdrawals in 1956 during the drought of record when Comal Springs ceased to flow | 321,100 ac-ft (4.0 × 107 m3) |
Record high groundwater withdrawals (1989) | 542,400 ac-ft (6.7 × 107 m3) |
Total amount of groundwater withdrawals requested in 1084 permit applications | 846,180 ac-ft (10.4 × 107 m3) |
Total groundwater withdrawals originally allowed under Senate Bill 1477 before 2008 | 450,000 ac-ft (5.6 × 107 m3) |
Total groundwater withdrawals originally allowed under Senate Bill 1477 beginning in 2008 | 400,000 ac-ft (4.9 × 107 m3) |
Amount the Texas Water Development Board’s model and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service indicated could be pumped during a repeat of the drought of record without causing jeopardy at Comal and San Marcos Springs | 175,000 ac-ft (2.6 × 107 m3) |
Breakdown of the total groundwater permits initially authorized by the Edwards Aquifer Authority in 2005 | 549,000 ac-ft (6.8 × 107 m3) total 253,400 ac-ft (3.1 × 107 m3) irrigated agricultural 253,400 ac-ft (3.1 × 107 m3) municipal 42,100 ac-ft (0.5 × 107 m3) industrial |
Total amount of permitted groundwater ultimately authorized by the Texas Legislature in 2007 | 572,000 ac-ft (7.1 × 107 m3) |
Total groundwater withdrawals in 2020 | 362,400 ac-ft (4.8 × 107 m3) |
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Votteler, T.H. Hands across the Water: How the 57-Year Dispute over the Edwards Aquifer Began, Persisted, and Was Resolved. Water 2023, 15, 1835. https://doi.org/10.3390/w15101835
Votteler TH. Hands across the Water: How the 57-Year Dispute over the Edwards Aquifer Began, Persisted, and Was Resolved. Water. 2023; 15(10):1835. https://doi.org/10.3390/w15101835
Chicago/Turabian StyleVotteler, Todd H. 2023. "Hands across the Water: How the 57-Year Dispute over the Edwards Aquifer Began, Persisted, and Was Resolved" Water 15, no. 10: 1835. https://doi.org/10.3390/w15101835
APA StyleVotteler, T. H. (2023). Hands across the Water: How the 57-Year Dispute over the Edwards Aquifer Began, Persisted, and Was Resolved. Water, 15(10), 1835. https://doi.org/10.3390/w15101835