Assessing Seagrass Restoration Actions through a Micro-Bathymetry Survey Approach (Italy, Mediterranean Sea)
:1. Introduction
1.1. Seagrass Mapping
1.2. Georeferencing and Scaling Techniques
1.3. Image and Point Cloud Classification
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Sites
2.2. Equipment, Camera Calibration, and Survey Techniques
2.3. Camera Pre-Calibration
2.4. Underwater Photogrammetric Survey
2.5. Multibeam Data Collection and Accuracy
2.6. Image Enhancement Tools
2.7. Photogrammetric Processing
2.8. Co-Registration of Multibeam Bathymetry and 3D Trilateration Data at Local Scale
2.9. Data Classification and Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA)
3.2. Three-Dimensional Measurements and Analysis
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Distance (m) | Width (m) | Height (m) | Surface (m2) | GSD cm |
1 | 1.23 | 0.91 | 1.12 | 0.3 |
2 | 2.47 | 1.82 | 4.49 | 0.6 |
3 | 3.70 | 2.73 | 10.11 | 0.9 |
4 | 4.94 | 3.64 | 17.97 | 1.2 |
5 | 6.17 | 4.55 | 28.07 | 1.5 |
6 | 7.40 | 5.46 | 40.43 | 1.9 |
7 | 8.64 | 6.37 | 55.02 | 2.2 |
Target | LAS Corrected from MBES | LAS Corrected from 3D Trilateration | Difference X, Y |
GCP1-GCP11 | 5.46 m | 5.41 m | 0.05 m |
GCP1-GCP15 | 22.20 m | 22.16 m | 0.04 m |
GCP11-GCP13 | 21.80 m | 21.78 m | 0.02 m |
GCP1-GCP10 | 11.70 m | 11.68 m | 0.02 m |
GCP10-GCP11 | 9.97 m | 9.91 m | 0.06 m |
GCP10-GCP13 | 12.20 m | 12.18 m | 0.02 m |
GCP10-GCP15 | 12.20 m | 12.16 m | 0.04 m |
GCP13-GCP15 | 7.51 m | 7,.48 m | 0.03 m |
GCP2-GCP13 | 12.10 m | 12.18 m | −0.08 m |
GCP2-GCP4 | 3.27 m | 3.24 m | 0.03 m |
GCP4-GCP15 | 11.20 m | 11.15 m | 0.05 m |
GCP13-GCP12 | 6.79 m | 6.73 m | 0.06 m |
GCP15-GCP12 | 6.37 m | 6.30 m | 0.07 m |
GCP2-GCP12 | 6.11 m | 6.04 m | 0.07 m |
GCP4-GCP12 | 6.57 m | 6.55 m | 0.02 m |
Target | LAS Corrected on MBES | LAS Corrected from 3D Trilateration | Difference Z |
GCP1 | 6.65 m | 6.53 m | 0.12 m |
GCP2 | 7.40 m | 7.53 m | −0.13 m |
GCP3 | 6.46 m | 6.30 m | 0.16 m |
GCP4 | 7.40 m | 7.34 m | 0.06 m |
GCP6 | 7.10 m | 7.01 m | 0.09 m |
GCP8 | 6.54 m | 6.41 m | 0.13 m |
GCP9 | 7.09 m | 6.98 m | 0.11 m |
GCP10 | 6.59 m | 6.45 m | 0.14 m |
GCP11 | 6.49 m | 6.33 m | 0.16 m |
GCP12 | 7.13 m | 7.16 m | −0.02 m |
GCP13 | 7.06 m | 7.22 m | −0.16 m |
GCP15 | 7.01 m | 6.98 m | 0.03 m |
(October 2020) Overall Accuracy: 93.67% K = 0.90 | (August 2021) Overall Accuracy: 99.02% K = 0.98 | |||
Thematic Classes | User’s Accuracy Producer’s Accuracy | User’s Accuracy Producer’s Accuracy | ||
Dead matte | 83.87% | 100% | 96.97% | 100% |
P. oceanica meadows | 100% | 86.67% | 100% | 100% |
Rock | 100% | 95.65% | 100% | 95.45% |
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Rende, S.F.; Bosman, A.; Menna, F.; Lagudi, A.; Bruno, F.; Severino, U.; Montefalcone, M.; Irving, A.D.; Raimondi, V.; Calvo, S.; et al. Assessing Seagrass Restoration Actions through a Micro-Bathymetry Survey Approach (Italy, Mediterranean Sea). Water 2022, 14, 1285.
Rende SF, Bosman A, Menna F, Lagudi A, Bruno F, Severino U, Montefalcone M, Irving AD, Raimondi V, Calvo S, et al. Assessing Seagrass Restoration Actions through a Micro-Bathymetry Survey Approach (Italy, Mediterranean Sea). Water. 2022; 14(8):1285.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRende, Sante Francesco, Alessandro Bosman, Fabio Menna, Antonio Lagudi, Fabio Bruno, Umberto Severino, Monica Montefalcone, Andrew D. Irving, Vincenzo Raimondi, Sebastiano Calvo, and et al. 2022. "Assessing Seagrass Restoration Actions through a Micro-Bathymetry Survey Approach (Italy, Mediterranean Sea)" Water 14, no. 8: 1285.
APA StyleRende, S. F., Bosman, A., Menna, F., Lagudi, A., Bruno, F., Severino, U., Montefalcone, M., Irving, A. D., Raimondi, V., Calvo, S., Pergent, G., Pergent-Martinì, C., & Tomasello, A. (2022). Assessing Seagrass Restoration Actions through a Micro-Bathymetry Survey Approach (Italy, Mediterranean Sea). Water, 14(8), 1285.