Smooth Spatial Modeling of Extreme Mediterranean Precipitation
:1. Introduction
2. Study Area and Data
2.1. Rainfall Station Data
2.2. CHIRPS Data Set
2.3. Inter-Covariate Correlation Analysis
3. Statistical Methods
3.1. Extreme Value Theory
3.2. Smooth Spatial Modeling for Extremes
3.2.1. Generalized Linear Models
3.2.2. Artificial Neural Networks
- Shuffle the data set randomly.
- Split the data set into k = 10 folds.
- For each fold:
- –
- Define that fold as the validation data set.
- –
- Define the remaining folds as the training data set.
- –
- Fit the model on the training set and evaluate on the validation set.
- The error is calculated as the average of the error over all validation sets. The optimal number of hidden units corresponds to the minimum of errors.
4. Results
4.1. Pointwise GEV Parameters Estimation
4.2. Spatial GEV Parameters Estimation
4.3. Model Evaluation
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Appendix A.1. Estimation of the GEV Parameters Using ANN on the Tunisian Sites
Appendix A.2. 10-Fold Cross-Validation Results
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Covariate | French Mediterranean | Merguellil | Lebna |
x | 4341.18 | 488.39 | 364.70 |
y | 4382.88 | 488.36 | 367.07 |
z | 4341.94 | 488.46 | 366.97 |
chirps | 4326.7 | 488.56 | 365.08 |
(x,y) | 4305.67 | 487.34 | 361.42 |
(x,z) | 4301.3 | 487.21 | 364.51 |
(y,z) | 4340.35 | 488.63 | 363.98 |
(x,chirps) | 4296.11 | 486.64 | 364.42 |
(y,chirps) | 4313.43 | 487.00 | 364.65 |
(z,chirps) | 4314.11 | 487.50 | 363.04 |
(x,y,z) | 4275.84 | 486.52 | 360.75 |
(x,y,chirps) | 4295.64 | 486.93 | 360.91 |
(y,z,chirps) | 4301.79 | 487.46 | 361.89 |
(x,z,chirps) | 4277.24 | 486.60 | 362.39 |
(x,y,z,chirps) | 4274.04 | 486.55 | 361.25 |
Site | GLM Covariate | ANN Covariate | Number of Hidden Units |
French Mediterranean | (x,y,z,chirps) | (x,y,z,chirps) | 4 |
Merguellil | (x,y,z) | (y,chirps) | 1 |
Lebna | (x,y,z) | (y,z) | 1 |
Site | Negative Log-Likelihood | Kolmogorov–Smirnov |
French Mediterranean | 72.67% | 74.35% |
Merguellil | 61.53% | 65.38% |
Lebna | 61.1% | 61.1% |
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Hammami, H.; Carreau, J.; Neppel, L.; Elasmi, S.; Feki, H. Smooth Spatial Modeling of Extreme Mediterranean Precipitation. Water 2022, 14, 3782.
Hammami H, Carreau J, Neppel L, Elasmi S, Feki H. Smooth Spatial Modeling of Extreme Mediterranean Precipitation. Water. 2022; 14(22):3782.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHammami, Hela, Julie Carreau, Luc Neppel, Sadok Elasmi, and Haifa Feki. 2022. "Smooth Spatial Modeling of Extreme Mediterranean Precipitation" Water 14, no. 22: 3782.
APA StyleHammami, H., Carreau, J., Neppel, L., Elasmi, S., & Feki, H. (2022). Smooth Spatial Modeling of Extreme Mediterranean Precipitation. Water, 14(22), 3782.