Towards a Chilean Water Governance: A Study on the Los Batros and Paicaví Wetland Reservoirs
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Literary Background, Methodology, and Research Strategies
2.2. Case Study
2.2.1. Los Batros Wetland
2.2.2. Paicaví Wetland
3. Results
3.1. The European Governance Debate
3.2. The Latin American Debate about Governance
3.3. The Chilean Governance Debate
3.4. The International Debate on Water Governance
3.5. The Latin American Debate on Water Governance
3.6. The Chilean Debate on Water Governance
3.7. Climate Change and Water Security: A Difficult Relationship
3.8. Lessons Learned from the Case of Studies
3.9. Network of Public and Private Actors in Water Resource Management
3.10. Decentralization
4. Discussion
4.1. Perception of Climate Change and Productive Activities Related to Water Resources
4.2. Disarticulation of the Water Administration
4.3. Towards Polycentric Water Governance?
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Authors | Governance Definition |
Jessop [43] | Heterarchy, interdependence and negotiated coordination between systems and organizations. |
Rhodes [48] | A network of institutions and individuals that collaborate together and are united by a pact of mutual trust. |
Scharpf [44]; Mayntz [45]; Kooiman [46]; and Kickert; Klijn and Koppenjan [47] | Political interactions that are organized in horizontal networks. |
Pierre and Peters [49]; Meuleman [50] | Totality of interactions between public agencies, the private sector and civil society. |
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Quevedo, F.; Rojas Hernández, J.; Barra, R.O. Towards a Chilean Water Governance: A Study on the Los Batros and Paicaví Wetland Reservoirs. Water 2022, 14, 2861.
Quevedo F, Rojas Hernández J, Barra RO. Towards a Chilean Water Governance: A Study on the Los Batros and Paicaví Wetland Reservoirs. Water. 2022; 14(18):2861.
Chicago/Turabian StyleQuevedo, Francisca, Jorge Rojas Hernández, and Ricardo O. Barra. 2022. "Towards a Chilean Water Governance: A Study on the Los Batros and Paicaví Wetland Reservoirs" Water 14, no. 18: 2861.
APA StyleQuevedo, F., Rojas Hernández, J., & Barra, R. O. (2022). Towards a Chilean Water Governance: A Study on the Los Batros and Paicaví Wetland Reservoirs. Water, 14(18), 2861.