Tourism Adaptation to Coastal Risks: A Socio-Spatial Analysis of the Magdalen Islands in Québec, Canada
:1. Tourism as a Coastal Activity
1.1. Climate Change and Tourism
1.2. Beyond the Material Adaptations: Space Relationality and Climate Change Adaptation
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
3.1. Climate Change and the Magdalen Islands
3.2. The Desire for Water as a Spatial Relationality
“We think at first that it [the human settlement] occurred randomly, but it did not. People settled on the edge of the bays where they could fish safely. They also left space for farming, because back then fishing alone could not provide for the needs of a family. This led to a particular way of living on the land that might appear somewhat anarchic. The residents’ lifestyle also makes for the charm and beauty of the environment here on the islands.”(Interview 3)
“The rules were not formal back then; instead land use was contingent on local constraints, including wind, water, tides, and the like. Houses were not built directly along the roads or directly by the water. They were built on top of hills or small ridges so that water would naturally flow down and away from the houses. Those hilltops also offer views on the sea and the boats.”(Field notes, 31 May 2018)
3.3. Tourism as Value Fixing Activity
“The value of the land is disproportionate; being on the waterfront, its value far exceeds land prices on the rest of the archipelago, so you can compensate for potential losses. Look, there’s a cost benefit to being on the waterfront, but there’s also a risk.”(Interview 2)
“I have friends who built a house on the water’s edge ten years ago. They were told to construct it 100 feet from the shoreline. To save money, they built the house 150 feet away. In the first 5 years, they lost 30 feet of land. They had to erect a riprap to protect their house.”(Interview 4)
3.4. The La Grave Historical Site: A Material Heritage
A Space for the Safeguarding of Capital Accumulation
“First, I am thinking of the La Grave historical site, which really must be conserved. Especially with everything going on now, the climate change issues and then the erosion, this is a site that needs to be looked after. I think this is the first site I would recommend to visitors when they arrive in the Magdalen Islands.”(Interview 10)
“La Grave is a site known throughout the province. It has a socio-economic importance because it is a tourist attraction that people appreciate. So if we do nothing, the site will be badly damaged by the ever-increasing storms.”(Interview 3)
“La Grave? Well, you’ve got businesses there; they provide work for local people. And it’s an important tourism spot as well.”(Interview 7)
4. Discussion
5. Closing Remarks
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Three-Tier Conceptualization of Space | |
Perceived space | Locus of experience, interactions of senses with space. Mobility and restraint. |
Conceived space | Representation of space through maps, images, and blueprints for land use planning. Symbolic representations of space. |
Lived space | Daily life routine in space, history, and identity in space. |
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Lapointe, D.; Renaud, L.; Blanchard, M.E. Tourism Adaptation to Coastal Risks: A Socio-Spatial Analysis of the Magdalen Islands in Québec, Canada. Water 2021, 13, 2410.
Lapointe D, Renaud L, Blanchard ME. Tourism Adaptation to Coastal Risks: A Socio-Spatial Analysis of the Magdalen Islands in Québec, Canada. Water. 2021; 13(17):2410.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLapointe, Dominic, Luc Renaud, and Mathias Emmett Blanchard. 2021. "Tourism Adaptation to Coastal Risks: A Socio-Spatial Analysis of the Magdalen Islands in Québec, Canada" Water 13, no. 17: 2410.
APA StyleLapointe, D., Renaud, L., & Blanchard, M. E. (2021). Tourism Adaptation to Coastal Risks: A Socio-Spatial Analysis of the Magdalen Islands in Québec, Canada. Water, 13(17), 2410.