Technological Reliability and Efficiency of Wastewater Treatment in Two Hybrid Constructed Wetlands in the Roztocze National Park (Poland)
:1. Introduction
2. Material and Methods
2.1. Characteristics of the Roztocze National Park
2.2. Characteristics of the Experimental Facilities
2.3. Analytical Methods
2.4. Statistical Analysis
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. The Efficiency of Pollutants Removal Processes
3.2. The Technological Reliability of the Studied Systems
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
References and Notes
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Facility | No. 1 | No. 2 |
Start of operation | 2014 | 2014 |
Number of person equivalent | 4 | 10 |
Amount of treated wastewater Q (m3/day) | 0.4 | 1.0 |
Active capacity of the initial settling tank V (m3) | 4.9 | 4.9 |
Area of bed of the CWs | ||
Reed bed—VF (m2) | I—18 | I—40 |
Willow bed—HF (m2) | II—30 | II—56 |
Total area (m2) | 48 | 96 |
Bed area per 1 inhabitant (m2/PE) | 12.0 | 9.6 |
Bed depth (m) | VF—0.9 HF—1.2 | VF—0.9 HF—1.2 |
Average hydraulic load of the first bed (m3/m2/day) | 0.022 | 0.025 |
Hydraulic retention time in the bed (day) | VF—3.6 HF—24.0 | VF—3.2 HF—17.9 |
Wastewater receiver | pond | soil |
Parameters | 1—Inflow to the 1st Bed (VF) | 2—Outflow from the 1st Bed (VF) | 3—Outflow from the 2nd Bed (HF) | |||||||||
min | max | min | max | min | max | |||||||
pH | 7.0 | 8.05 | - | 0.25 | 6.06 | 7.68 | - | 0.38 | 6.62 | 7.51 | - | 0.27 |
Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) | 0.02 | 1.64 | 0.55 | 0.50 | 2.02 | 5.94 | 4.32 | 0.96 | 1.3 | 8.32 | 4.90 | 1.72 |
Total suspended solids (mg/L) | 56.0 | 286 | 129 | 64.3 | 8.9 | 107 | 54.0 | 30.5 | 3.7 | 53.1 | 26.7 | 15.3 |
BOD5 (mg/L) | 193 | 345 | 275 | 38.6 | 3.4 | 149 | 15.4 | 31.8 | 1.1 | 11.2 | 3.5 | 2.4 |
CODCr (mg/L) | 575 | 1220 | 785 | 148 | 24.0 | 630 | 88.4 | 130 | 5.2 | 82.0 | 34.8 | 15.3 |
Ammonium nitrogen (mg/L) | 78.0 | 139 | 110 | 18.9 | 0.28 | 58.0 | 17.0 | 16.5 | 0.12 | 41.4 | 11.4 | 10.8 |
Nitrate nitrogen (mg/L) | 0.10 | 2.70 | 1.03 | 0.66 | 5.01 | 75.20 | 49.4 | 16.06 | 1.70 | 57.10 | 23.6 | 15.1 |
Nitrite nitrogen (mg/L) | 0.01 | 0.41 | 0.21 | 0.10 | 0.06 | 14.95 | 1.93 | 3.18 | 0.04 | 1.14 | 0.41 | 0.27 |
Total nitrogen (mg/L) | 82.9 | 209 | 144 | 29.4 | 55.0 | 130 | 81.4 | 20.3 | 9.1 | 95.2 | 39.9 | 20.8 |
Total phosphorus (mg/L) | 14.2 | 71.8 | 27.2 | 13.7 | 9.1 | 27.0 | 12.7 | 4.4 | 0.1 | 7.0 | 2.6 | 2.0 |
Parameters | 1—Inflow to the 1st Bed (VF) | 2—Outflow from the 1st Bed (VF) | 3—Outflow from the 2nd Bed (HF) | |||||||||
min | max | min | max | min | max | |||||||
pH | 6.88 | 7.48 | - | 0.15 | 6.35 | 7.46 | - | 0.26 | 7.52 | 8.35 | - | 0.26 |
Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) | 0.02 | 2.33 | 0.71 | 0.64 | 2.84 | 5.90 | 4.59 | 0.67 | 2.35 | 10.7 | 7.24 | 2.01 |
Total suspended solids (mg/L) | 25.0 | 135 | 70.6 | 26.9 | 4.9 | 46.8 | 19.5 | 9.2 | 2.5 | 25.5 | 9.9 | 6.9 |
BOD5 (mg/L) | 22.5 | 295 | 123 | 72.7 | 0.9 | 107 | 16.7 | 21.9 | 0.25 | 7.6 | 3.0 | 1.8 |
CODCr (mg/L) | 188 | 700 | 390 | 167 | 5.0 | 74.0 | 35.8 | 158 | 2.0 | 27.3 | 15.2 | 6.9 |
Ammonium nitrogen (mg/L) | 59.0 | 95.0 | 77.5 | 9.2 | 0.03 | 63.1 | 6.6 | 13.9 | 0.01 | 6.2 | 0.49 | 1.4 |
Nitrate nitrogen (mg/L) | 0.01 | 1.80 | 0.62 | 0.52 | 7.77 | 81.4 | 50.4 | 15.7 | 0.90 | 41.2 | 11.5 | 12.1 |
Nitrite nitrogen (mg/L) | 0.01 | 0.27 | 0.10 | 0.05 | 0.07 | 1.61 | 0.64 | 0.39 | 0.01 | 3.04 | 0.25 | 0.68 |
Total nitrogen (mg/L) | 62.0 | 146 | 98.6 | 19.8 | 46.0 | 103 | 71.3 | 14.0 | 2.0 | 40.8 | 13.8 | 13.1 |
Total phosphorus (mg/L) | 10.2 | 48.3 | 19.4 | 9.9 | 2.89 | 22.2 | 9.2 | 5.8 | 0.2 | 2.5 | 1.1 | 0.5 |
Object | No. 1 | No. 2 | |||||
Parameters | VF | HF | VF–HF | VF | HF | VF–HF | |
TSS | APL | 2.87 | 0.72 | 1.08 | 1.77 | 0.35 | 0.74 |
MRR | 1.67 | 0.36 | 0.85 | 1.28 | 0.17 | 0.63 | |
BOD5 | APL | 6.11 | 0.21 | 2.29 | 3.08 | 0.30 | 1.28 |
MRR | 5.77 | 0.16 | 2.26 | 2.66 | 0.24 | 1.25 | |
COD | APL | 17.44 | 1.18 | 6.54 | 9.75 | 1.23 | 4.06 |
MRR | 15.48 | 0.71 | 6.25 | 8.03 | 0.96 | 3.90 | |
TN | APL | 3.20 | 1.09 | 1.20 | 2.47 | 1.27 | 1.03 |
MRR | 1.39 | 0.55 | 0.87 | 0.68 | 1.03 | 0.88 | |
N-NH4 | APL | 2.44 | 0.23 | 0.92 | 1.94 | 0.12 | 0.81 |
MRR | 2.07 | 0.07 | 0.82 | 1.77 | 0.11 | 0.80 | |
TP | APL | 0.60 | 0.17 | 0.23 | 0.49 | 0.19 | 0.20 |
MRR | 0.32 | 0.13 | 0.21 | 0.22 | 0.17 | 0.19 |
Parameter | Parameters of Weibull Distribution | Hollander–Proschan Goodness-of-Fit Test | |||
θ | c | b | stat | p | |
Object No. 1—Zwierzyniec | |||||
TSS | −0.5000 | 1.8225 | 29.973 | −0.1096 | 0.9126 |
BOD5 | 1.0162 | 1.6296 | 4.0002 | 0.2118 | 0.8322 |
COD | −1.0000 | 2.3924 | 39.104 | −0.0097 | 0.9922 |
Total Nitrogen | 2.1111 | 2.0874 | 45.1160 | 0.0944 | 0.9247 |
Total Phosphorus | 0.0000 | 1.2020 | 2.7683 | −0.2077 | 0.8354 |
Object No. 2—Florianka | |||||
TSS | 2.1061 | 1.5301 | 11.0160 | 0.1567 | 0.8754 |
BOD5 | −0.0500 | 1.7327 | 3.3194 | 0.1058 | 0.9157 |
COD | −0.5000 | 2.3262 | 16.9940 | −0.3844 | 0.7006 |
Total Nitrogen | 1.8636 | 1.0891 | 14.2960 | 0.2203 | 0.8255 |
Total Phosphorus | −0.0500 | 2.1764 | 1.2472 | 0.8150 | 0.9350 |
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Micek, A.; Jóźwiakowski, K.; Marzec, M.; Listosz, A. Technological Reliability and Efficiency of Wastewater Treatment in Two Hybrid Constructed Wetlands in the Roztocze National Park (Poland). Water 2020, 12, 3435.
Micek A, Jóźwiakowski K, Marzec M, Listosz A. Technological Reliability and Efficiency of Wastewater Treatment in Two Hybrid Constructed Wetlands in the Roztocze National Park (Poland). Water. 2020; 12(12):3435.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMicek, Agnieszka, Krzysztof Jóźwiakowski, Michał Marzec, and Agnieszka Listosz. 2020. "Technological Reliability and Efficiency of Wastewater Treatment in Two Hybrid Constructed Wetlands in the Roztocze National Park (Poland)" Water 12, no. 12: 3435.
APA StyleMicek, A., Jóźwiakowski, K., Marzec, M., & Listosz, A. (2020). Technological Reliability and Efficiency of Wastewater Treatment in Two Hybrid Constructed Wetlands in the Roztocze National Park (Poland). Water, 12(12), 3435.