The Process of Microbiological Remediation of the Polluted Słoneczko Reservoir in Poland: For Reduction of Water Pollution and Nutrients Management
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. The Characteristics of the Area
2.2. The Composition and the Application of the Microbiological Biopreparation
- ACS ODO—1 biopreparation: Water, a consortium of lactic acid bacteria, phototrophic bacteria, yeast, ecological molasses from sugar cane, fermented wheat bran, minerals. The additional ingredients of biopreparation at the micro-level: Phytosterols (sitosterol, taraxasterol), phytohormones, triterpenes (lupeol, betulin, betulinic acid), flavonoids (hyperoside, quercetin, kaempferol), ellagic acid, pyrocatechic acid, brevofolin (ellagic acid derivative), vitamins (C, PP, P, B3, B5, B8, B11, B1, B2, A, E, F), and tannins.
- ACS aqua 2 biopreparation: Water, sugar cane molasses, and effective microorganisms including the main strains of effective microorganisms: Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus plantarum—5.0 × 106 cfu·mL−1 and Saccharomycces cerevisiae—5.0 × 103 cfu·mL−1.
2.3. The Area Measurements
2.4. Statistical Analysis
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
- The microbiological revitalization process showed a positive effect on improving the quality parameters of the Słoneczko reservoir waters.
- Bottom sediments (soft organic fractions) have been virtually eliminated to result in a sandy bottom.
- Water clarity has improved significantly, and in 2018 the bottom of the reservoir was visible at all measuring points.
- Microorganisms from biomass mixtures introduced into the reservoir water also reduced the level of organic pollution to a safe state for aquatic ecosystems.
- The eutrophication process was eliminated, which had a positive effect on the oxygen concentration in the reservoir water in summer.
- Natural plant formation (emerging and submerged macrophytes) in the coastal zone and littoral allowed for effective nutrient uptake, therefore, their level despite intensive nitrification processes was also reduced.
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Name of Water Reservoir | Surface Area (ha) | Volume (m3) | Depth (m) (average–max) | Lake Types |
Słoneczko Reservoir | 6.5 | 68,685 | 1.3–2.2 | polymictic |
The Measurement Campaigns in Years: 2016–2018 | |||||
Parameters | Measurement Points | May | July | October | November |
Ntot, Ptot. (mg·dm−3) | P1 | 5 samp. × 6 rep. | 5 samp. × 6 rep. | 5 samp. × 6 rep. | 5 samp. × 6 rep. |
P2 | 5 samp. × 6 rep. | 5 samp. × 6 rep. | 5 samp. × 6 rep. | 5 samp. × 6 rep. | |
P3 | 5 samp. × 6 rep. | 5 samp. × 6 rep. | 5 samp. × 6 rep. | 5 samp. × 6 rep. | |
P4 | 5 samp. × 6 rep. | 5 samp. × 6 rep. | 5 samp. × 6 rep. | 5 samp. × 6 rep. | |
P5 | 5 samp. × 6 rep. | 5 samp. × 6 rep. | 5 samp. × 6 rep. | 5 samp. × 6 rep. | |
P6 | 5 samp. × 6 rep. | 5 samp. × 6 rep. | 5 samp. × 6 rep. | 5 samp. × 6 rep. | |
COD, BOD5 (mg O2·dm−3) TSS (mg·dm−3) | P1 | 5 samp. × 4 rep. | 5 samp. × 4 rep. | 5 samp. × 4 rep. | 5 samp. × 4 rep. |
P2 | 5 samp. × 4 rep. | 5 samp. × 4 rep. | 5 samp. × 4 rep. | 5 samp. × 4 rep. | |
P3 | 5 samp. × 4 rep. | 5 samp. × 4 rep. | 5 samp. × 4 rep. | 5 samp. × 4 rep. | |
P4 | 5 samp. × 4 rep. | 5 samp. × 4 rep. | 5 samp. × 4 rep. | 5 samp. × 4 rep. | |
P5 | 5 samp. × 4 rep. | 5 samp. × 4 rep. | 5 samp. × 4 rep. | 5 samp. × 4 rep. | |
P6 | 5 samp. × 4 rep. | 5 samp. × 4 rep. | 5 samp. × 4 rep. | 5 samp. × 4 rep. | |
Sediment depth, transparency (cm) | P1 | 5 meas. × 2 rep. | 5 meas. × 2 rep. | 5 meas. × 2 rep. | 5 meas. × 2 rep. |
P2 | 5 meas. × 2 rep. | 5 meas. × 2 rep. | 5 meas. × 2 rep. | 5 meas. × 2 rep. | |
P3 | 5 meas. × 2 rep. | 5 meas. × 2 rep. | 5 meas. × 2 rep. | 5 meas. × 2 rep. | |
P4 | 5 meas. × 2 rep. | 5 meas. × 2 rep. | 5 meas. × 2 rep. | 5 meas. × 2 rep. | |
P5 | 5 meas. × 2 rep. | 5 meas. × 2 rep. | 5 meas. × 2 rep. | 5 meas. × 2 rep. | |
P6 | 5 meas. × 2 rep. | 5 meas. × 2 rep. | 5 meas. × 2 rep. | 5 meas. × 2 rep. | |
pH, (-) O2 (mg·dm−3) | P1 | 5 meas. × 4 rep. | 5 meas. × 4 rep. | 5 meas. × 4 rep. | 5 meas. × 4 rep. |
P2 | 5 meas. × 4 rep. | 5 meas. × 4 rep. | 5 meas. × 4 rep. | 5 meas. × 4 rep. | |
P3 | 5 meas. × 4 rep. | 5 meas. × 4 rep. | 5 meas. × 4 rep. | 5 meas. × 4 rep. | |
P4 | 5 meas. × 4 rep. | 5 meas. × 4 rep. | 5 meas. × 4 rep. | 5 meas. × 4 rep. | |
P5 | 5 meas. × 4 rep. | 5 meas. × 4 rep. | 5 meas. × 4 rep. | 5 meas. × 4 rep. | |
P6 | 5 meas. × 4 rep. | 5 meas. × 4 rep. | 5 meas. × 4 rep. | 5 meas. × 4 rep. |
Indication | Unit | Research Method | The Limit of Quantification | Uncertainty Expressed as Precision |
BOD5 | mgO2·dm−3 | PN-EN ISO 5815-1:2019-12 PN-EN ISO 934-2+A1:2012 | ±4.5 | 11% |
COD–Cr | mgO2·dm−3 | ISO 15705 | ±8.5 | 9% |
Total nitrogen | mgN·dm−3 | EN-ISO 11905/1 ISO 7890-1 | ±0.5 | 1.3% |
Total phosphorus | mgP·dm−3 | EN-ISO 6878 | ±0.5 | 1.2% |
Total suspended solids | mg·dm−3 | ISO 11923: 1997(R2019) | ±1.5 | 2% |
ANOVA | ||||||
Df | Sum Sq | Mean Sq | F Value | Pr (>F) | ||
Sediments | Months | 11 | 114,811.1 | 10,437.4 | 167.7 | 0.00 |
Residuals | 44,064.9 | 708 | 62.2 | |||
BOD5 | Groups | 11 | 85,784.7 | 7798.6 | 4420.81 | 0.00 |
Residuals | 2519.1 | 1428 | 1.8 | |||
COD | Groups | 11 | 112,290 | 10,208 | 1443.8 | 0.00 |
Residuals | 10,097 | 1428 | 7 | |||
Water transparence | Groups | 11 | 2,477,432 | 225,221 | 1118.57 | 0.00 |
Residuals | 142554 | 708 | 201 | |||
O2 | Groups | 11 | 850.3 | 77.3 | 388.1 | 0.00 |
Residuals | 284.4 | 1428 | 0.2 | |||
TN | Groups | 11 | 53.6275 | 4.875225 | 2200.6 | 0.00 |
Residuals | 4.75877 | 2148 | 0.002215 | |||
TP | Groups | 11 | 0.948310 | 0.08621 | 3039.9 | 0.00 |
Residuals | 0.060917 | 2148 | 2.84 ×10−5 | |||
TSS | Groups | 11 | 61,692.6 | 5608.4 | 1418.7 | 0.00 |
Residuals | 5645 | 1428 | 4 |
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Mazurkiewicz, J.; Mazur, A.; Mazur, R.; Chmielowski, K.; Czekała, W.; Janczak, D. The Process of Microbiological Remediation of the Polluted Słoneczko Reservoir in Poland: For Reduction of Water Pollution and Nutrients Management. Water 2020, 12, 3002.
Mazurkiewicz J, Mazur A, Mazur R, Chmielowski K, Czekała W, Janczak D. The Process of Microbiological Remediation of the Polluted Słoneczko Reservoir in Poland: For Reduction of Water Pollution and Nutrients Management. Water. 2020; 12(11):3002.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMazurkiewicz, Jakub, Agata Mazur, Robert Mazur, Krzysztof Chmielowski, Wojciech Czekała, and Damian Janczak. 2020. "The Process of Microbiological Remediation of the Polluted Słoneczko Reservoir in Poland: For Reduction of Water Pollution and Nutrients Management" Water 12, no. 11: 3002.
APA StyleMazurkiewicz, J., Mazur, A., Mazur, R., Chmielowski, K., Czekała, W., & Janczak, D. (2020). The Process of Microbiological Remediation of the Polluted Słoneczko Reservoir in Poland: For Reduction of Water Pollution and Nutrients Management. Water, 12(11), 3002.