Increasing Block Tariffs in an Arid Developing Country: A Discrete/Continuous Choice Model of Residential Water Demand in Jordan
:1. Introduction
1.1. Background: Residential Water Demand under Increasing Block Tariffs
1.2. Research Objectives
2. Data
3. Methods
4. Demand Function Estimation Results
5. Cross-Subsidization Analysis
5.1. Cost Recovery and Affordability under the 2013 IBTs
5.2. Simulation of IBT Modifications
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
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Variable | Units | Weighted | Min. | Max. | |
Mean | Std. Dev. | ||||
Household water demand (q) | m3/qtr. | 46.7084 | 31.9897 | 18.0 | 812.7 |
Marginal Price (p) | JD/m3 | 0.5261 | 0.5546 | 0 | 4.8 |
Income (y) | JD/a | 9469.8 | 10,965.6 | 84.0 | 844,349.1 |
Virtual Income (y + d) | JD/qtr. | 9537.3 | 11,003.2 | 109.2 | 845,057.2 |
No. of Adults (ADT) | Count | 3.7107 | 1.9786 | 1 | 15 |
No. of Children (CHD) | Count | 1.8549 | 1.7735 | 0 | 12 |
No. of Seniors (SEN) | Count | 0.2440 | 0.5312 | 0 | 3 |
Marital Status (MAR) | Boolean | 0.8519 | 0.3552 | 0 | 1 |
Higher Education Spouse (EDU) | Boolean | 0.1941 | 0.3955 | 0 | 1 |
Own Residence (OWN) | Boolean | 0.7139 | 0.4520 | 0 | 1 |
Large Residence (LGR) | Boolean | 0.1609 | 0.3674 | 0 | 1 |
Rural/Urban (URB) | Boolean | 0.82984 | 0.37577 | 0 | 1 |
Variable | 2013 Only | All Years | |||||
OLS1 | OLS2 | DCC | OLS1 | OLS2 | DCC | ||
Intercept | 3.2674*** (0.0522) | 2.2834*** (0.0913) | 1.9885*** (0.1508) | 3.3217*** (0.0343) | 1.9951*** (0.0590) | 1.4587*** (0.1019) | |
0.6065*** (0.0059) | – | −0.1877** (0.0602) | 0.7798*** (0.0043) | - | −0.4510*** (0.0601) | ||
0.0014 (0.0064) | 0.1216*** (0.0111) | 0.1536*** (0.0186) | −0.0067 (0.0042) | 0.1526*** (0.0071) | 0.2181*** (0.0125) | ||
0.0658*** (0.0085) | 0.1612*** (0.0150) | 0.2010*** (0.0162) | 0.0386*** (0.0047) | 0.1345*** (0.0081) | 0.1852*** (0.0132) | ||
−0.0041*** (0.0009) | −0.0117*** (0.0016) | −0.0149*** (0.0016) | −0.0018*** (0.0005) | −0.0084*** (0.0008) | −0.0113*** (0.0012) | ||
0.0222*** (0.0024) | 0.0391*** (0.0043) | 0.0445*** (0.0054) | 0.0085*** (0.0015) | 0.0236*** (0.0026) | 0.0313*** (0.0038) | ||
−0.0024 (0.0070) | 0.0492*** (0.0125) | 0.0612*** (0.0183) | −0.0124** (0.0045) | 0.0286*** (0.0079) | 0.0443*** (0.0116) | ||
−0.0111 (0.0101) | −0.0372* (0.0180) | −0.0382 (0.0238) | 0.0076 (0.0068) | −0.0258* (0.0120) | −0.0423* (0.0167) | ||
−0.0107 (0.0088) | −0.0569*** (0.0156) | −0.0638** (0.0221) | −0.0169** (0.0060) | −0.0409*** (0.0106) | −0.0542*** (0.0145) | ||
0.0595*** (0.0085) | 0.1337*** (0.0150) | 0.1421*** (0.0204) | 0.0762*** (0.0054) | 0.1493*** (0.0095) | 0.1673*** (0.0127) | ||
0.0115 (0.0108) | 0.0673*** (0.0192) | 0.1109*** (0.0300) | 0.0031 (0.0075) | 0.1055*** (0.0132) | 0.1546*** (0.0195) | ||
−0.1993*** (0.0092) | −0.2218*** (0.0164) | −0.2430*** (0.0221) | −0.1970*** (0.0060) | −0.1951*** (0.0105) | −0.2268*** (0.0157) | ||
N | 4847 | 4847 | 4847 | 15,811 | 15,811 | 15,811 | |
RSE | 0.2094 | 0.3728 | - | 0.2764 | 0.4857 | - | |
- | - | 0.0355 (0.0372) | - | - | 0.3315*** (0.0175) | ||
- | - | 0.4167*** (0.0053) | - | - | 0.3996*** (0.0106) | ||
R² | 0.7472 | 0.1984 | - | 0.7344 | 0.1797 | - | |
Log-Likelihood | - | - | −2097.41 | - | - | −10,938.12 |
Price Elasticities by Observation Subset | Price Elasticities by 2013 Tariff Block | ||
All Observations (0.5261 JD/m3) | −0.2373 | Tariff Block 1 (0 JD/m3) | 0 |
All 2013 Observations (0.5812 JD/m3) | −0.2621 | Tariff Block 2 (0.1541 JD/m3) | −0.0695 |
2013 Income Quintile 1 a (0.3671 JD/m3) | −0.1656 | Tariff Block 3 (0.6203 JD/m3) | −0.2798 |
2013 Income Quintile 2 a (0.4949 JD/m3) | −0.2232 | Tariff Block 4 (1.0665 JD/m3) | −0.4810 |
2013 Income Quintile 3 a (0.5473 JD/m3) | −0.2468 | Tariff Block 5 (1.3612 JD/m3) | −0.6139 |
2013 Income Quintile 4 a (0.6418 JD/m3) | −0.2895 | Tariff Block 6 (1.8599 JD/m3) | −0.8388 |
2013 Income Quintile 5 a (0.8067 JD/m3) | −0.3638 | Tariff Block 7 (3.2040 JD/m3) | −1.4450 |
Governorates Served by Companies | Governorates Served by WAJ | ||||||||
Blocks | Variable Rate | Fixed Charge | Blocks | Variable Rate | Fixed Charge | ||||
m3/qtr. | Water | WW | Water | WW | m3/qtr. | Water | WW | Water | WW |
0–20 | 0 | 0 | 4.53 | 0.6 | 0–18 | 0 | 0 | 3.9 | 0.6 |
20–38 | 0.145 | 0.04 | 6.18 | 0.6 | 18–36 | 0.075 | 0.04 | 5.1 | 0.6 |
38–56 | 0.5 | 0.25 | 7.83 | 0.6 | 36–54 | 0.4 | 0.2 | 6.75 | 0.6 |
56–74 | 0.935 | 0.495 | 7.83 | 0.6 | 54–72 | 0.715 | 0.33 | 6.75 | 0.6 |
74–92 | 1.15 | 0.69 | 7.83 | 0.6 | 72–90 | 0.748 | 0.345 | 6.75 | 0.6 |
92–128 | 1.61 | 0.805 | 7.83 | 0.6 | 90–126 | 1.15 | 0.575 | 6.75 | 0.6 |
≥128 | 3.2 | 1.6 | 7.83 | 0.6 | ≥126 | 1.44 | 0.84 | 6.75 | 0.6 |
Simulation Experiment | Tariff Rate Multiplication Factor | Tariff Increase Threshold Value | Upper Block Tariff Rate, in JD/m3 | |||||
Min. | Incr. | Max. | Unit | Values | Min. | Incr. | Max. | |
1 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 4.0 | m3/qtr. | 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 | - | - | - |
2 | - | - | - | m3/qtr. | 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 | 0.2 | 0.2 | 3.0 |
3 | - | - | - | L/day | 10, 20, 30, 50, 75, 100 | 0.2 | 0.2 | 10.0 |
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Share and Cite
Klassert, C.; Sigel, K.; Klauer, B.; Gawel, E. Increasing Block Tariffs in an Arid Developing Country: A Discrete/Continuous Choice Model of Residential Water Demand in Jordan. Water 2018, 10, 248.
Klassert C, Sigel K, Klauer B, Gawel E. Increasing Block Tariffs in an Arid Developing Country: A Discrete/Continuous Choice Model of Residential Water Demand in Jordan. Water. 2018; 10(3):248.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKlassert, Christian, Katja Sigel, Bernd Klauer, and Erik Gawel. 2018. "Increasing Block Tariffs in an Arid Developing Country: A Discrete/Continuous Choice Model of Residential Water Demand in Jordan" Water 10, no. 3: 248.
APA StyleKlassert, C., Sigel, K., Klauer, B., & Gawel, E. (2018). Increasing Block Tariffs in an Arid Developing Country: A Discrete/Continuous Choice Model of Residential Water Demand in Jordan. Water, 10(3), 248.