Parameter Study of Geoeffective Active Regions
:1. Introduction
2. Data and Event Sample
- USFLUX: Total unsigned flux [Mx];
- MEANGAM: Mean inclination angle, [degrees];
- MEANGBT: Mean value of the total field gradient [G/Mm];
- MEANGBZ: Mean value of the vertical field gradient [G/Mm];
- MEANGBH: Mean value of the horizontal field gradient [G/Mm];
- MEANJZD: Mean vertical current density [mA/m2];
- TOTUSJZ: Total unsigned vertical current [A];
- MEANALP: Mean twist parameter, [1/Mm];
- MEANJZH: Mean current helicity [G2/m];
- TOTUSJH: Total unsigned current helicity [G2/m];
- ABSNJZH: Absolute value of the net current helicity [G2/m];
- SAVNCPP: Sum of the absolute value of the net currents [A];
- MEANPOT: Mean photospheric excess magnetic energy density [Ergs/cm3];
- TOTPOT: Total photospheric magnetic energy density [Ergs/cm3];
- MEANSHR: Mean shear angle for Btotal [degrees];
- RVALUE: Unsigned flux, R [35] [Mx].
3. Results
3.1. Timing Estimation
- An exact value taken just prior to the SF start;
- Averaged value during the rise phase of the SF (onset-to-peak);
- Averaged value during the entire SF duration (onset-to-end);
- Averaged value during the decline phase of the SF (peak-to-end).
3.2. Correlations
3.3. Scatter Plots
- Dst vs. MEANGBT: ();
- Dst vs. MEANGBZ: ();
- Dst vs. MEANJZD: ();
- Dst vs. MEANAPL: ();
- Dst vs. ABSNJZH: (),
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
- The mean (median) value of the Dst index of our sample of GSs is −86 (−72) nT, which is similar to the respective value over the last two SCs −86 (−69) nT [37].
- The GS-associated CMEs are slower with the mean (median) projected speed of ∼750 (620) km s−1, compared to the ∼1000 (870) km s−1 values reported by [37] over SC23+24.
- The GS-associated SFs have larger mean SXR flux of M6.9 compared to M1.5 reported by [37] over SC23+24, although the median value is nearly the same.
- Selected SHARP (MEANGBT, MEANGBZ, MEANJZD, MEANALP, and MEANJZH) and solar (flare rise and duration) parameters show weak or negative statistical correlations with the other SHARP or solar parameters, apart from a few strong inter-correlations.
- The remaining SHARP parameters (USFLUX, MEANGAM, MEANGBH, TOTUSJZ, TOTUSJH, ABSNJZH, SAVNCPP, MEANPOT, TOTPOT, and MEANSHR) show moderate-to-strong correlations with the SF class (but not to the rise and duration times) and to a degree also with the CME speed and AW, whereas no correlation is found with the Dst index of the GSs. The latter correlation trend is improved slightly when considering strong GSs (with Dst ≤ −100 nT).
- The weak correlations with the GSs are not improved after the removal of outliers from the event samples.
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
AR | active region |
AW | angular width |
CDAW | Coordinated Data Analysis Workshop |
CME | coronal mass ejection |
Dst | disturbance storm time |
EM | electromagnetic |
GOES | Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite |
GS | geomagnetic storm |
HMI | Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager |
ICME | interplanetary coronal mass ejection |
IMF | interplanetary magnetic field |
IP | interplanetary |
PIL | polarity inversion line |
LASCO | Large Angle and Spectrometric COronagraph |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
SC | solar cycle |
SDO | Solar Dynamics Observatory |
SEE | solar energetic electron |
SEP | solar energetic proton |
SF | solar flare |
SHARP | Space-weather HMI Active Region Patch |
SN | sunspot number |
SOHO | Solar and Heliospheric Observatory |
SR | sunspot region |
SXR | soft X-ray |
SW | space weather |
UT | universal time |
Appendix A. Pearson Correlation Coefficients
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No. | GS | SR | CME | SF | |||||||
yyyy-mm-dd | h | Dst | Type | Day/Onset | Speed | AW | Onset/Peak/End | Class | Location | AR | |
1 | 2010-08-04 | 2 | −74 | 01/13:42 | 850 | 360 | 07:55/08:26/09:35 | C3.2 | N20E36 | 11092 | |
2 | 2011-03-11 | 6 | −83 | 07/20:00 u | 2125 | 360 | 19:43/20:12/20:58 | M3.7 | N31W53 | 11164 | |
3 | 2011-08-06 | 4 | −115 | () | 04/04:12 | 1315 | 360 | 03:41/03:57/04:04 | M9.3 | N19W36 | 11261 |
4 | 2011-09-10 | 5 | −75 | () | 06/23:06 u | 575 | 360 | 22:12/22:20/22:24 | X2.1 | N14W18 | 11283 |
5 | 2011-09-26 | 24 | −118 | () | 24/12:48 | 1915 | 360 | 12:33/13:20/14:10 | M7.1 | N10E56 | 11302 |
6 | 2011-09-28 | 7 | −68 | () | 24/19:36 u | 972 | 360 | 19:09/19:21/19:41 | M3.0 | N12E42 | 11302 |
7 | 2011-10-25 | 2 | −147 | (no) | 22/10:24 | 1005 | 360 | 10:00/11:10/13:09 | M1.3 | N25W77 | 11314 |
8 | 2012-01-23 | 6 | −71 | 19/14:36 | 1120 | 360 | 13:44/16:05/17:50 | M3.2 | N32E22 | 11402 | |
9 | 2012-01-25 | 11 | −75 | 23/04:00 | 2175 | 360 | 03:38/03:59/04:34 | M8.7 | N28W21 | 11402 | |
10 | 2012-02-27 | 20 | −57 | () | 25/15:12 u | 1039 | 97 | 14:20/15:00/15:15 | B5.9 | N09E68 v | 11424 |
11 | 2012-03-04 | 2 | −50 | no | 02/18:00 u | 710 | 206 | 17:29/17:46/18:07 | M3.3 | N16E83 | 11429 |
12 | 2012-03-07 | 10 | −88 | () | 04/11:00 d | 1306 | 360 | 10:29/10:52/12:16 | M2.0 | N19E61 | 11429 |
13 | 2012-03-09 | 9 | −145 | 07/00:24 | 2684 | 360 | 00:02/00:24/00:40 | X5.4 | N17E27 | 11429 | |
14 | 2012-03-12 | 17 | −64 | 10/18:00 | 1296 | 360 | 17:15/17:44/18:30 | M8.4 | N17W24 | 11429 | |
15 | 2012-03-15 | 21 | −88 | 13/17:36 | 1884 | 360 | 17:12/17:41/18:25 | M7.9 | N17W66 | 11429 | |
16 | 2012-04-13 | 5 | −60 | no | 09/12:36 u | 921 | 360 | 12:12/12:44/13:08 | C3.9 | N20W65 | 11451 |
17 | 2012-06-17 | 14 | −86 | 14/14:12 u | 987 | 360 | 12:52/14:35/15:56 | M1.9 | S17E06 | 11504 | |
18 | 2012-07-09 | 13 | −78 | 06/23:24 u | 1828 | 360 | 23:01/23:08/23:14 | X1.1 | S13W59 | 11515 | |
19 | 2012-07-15 | 17 | −139 | 12/16:48 | 885 | 360 | 15:37/16:49/17:30 | X1.4 | S15W01 | 11520 | |
20 | 2012-09-03 | 11 | −69 | 31/20:00 u | 1442 | 360 | 19:45/20:43/21:51 | C8.4 | S19E42 | 11562 | |
21 | 2012-09-05 | 6 | −64 | 02/04:00 | 538 | 360 | 01:50/01:58/02:10 | C2.9 | N03W05 | 11560 | |
22 | 2012-10-01 | 5 | −122 | 28/00:12 | 947 | 360 | 23:36/23:57/00:34 | C3.7 | N06W34 | 11577 | |
23 | 2012-10-13 | 8 | −90 | no | 09/00:48 u | 692 | 122 | 23:56/01:06/02:01 | C2.0 | S26E86 | 11589 |
24 | 2013-03-01 | 11 | −55 | 27/04:00 u | 622 | 138 | 03:25/03:32/03:39 | B8.3 | S19W05 | 11682 | |
25 | 2013-03-17 | 21 | −132 | 15/07:12 | 1063 | 360 | 05:46/06:58/08:35 | X1.1 | N11E12 | 11692 | |
26 | 2013-03-29 | 17 | −59 | no () | 23/12:24 u | 663 | 177 | 12:15/12:22/12:27 | B6.8 | N17E87 u | 11704 |
27 | 2013-05-18 | 5 | −61 | 15/01:48 m | 1366 | 360 | 01:25/01:48/01:58 | X1.2 | N12E64 | 11748 | |
28 | 2013-05-19 | 15 | −51 | 17/09:12 | 1345 | 360 | 08:43/08:57/09:19 | M3.2 | N12E57 | 11748 | |
29 | 2013-05-25 | 7 | −59 | 22/13:26 | 1466 | 360 | 13:08/13:32/14:08 | M5.0 | N14W87 | 11745 | |
30 | 2013-07-06 | 19 | −87 | no () | 03/07:24 u | 807 | 267 | 07:00/07:08/07:18 | M1.5 | S11E82 | 11787 |
31 | 2013-10-02 | 8 | −72 | 29/22:12 | 1179 | 360 | 21:43/23:39/01:03 | C1.2 | N10W43 | 11850 v | |
32 | 2013-10-30 | 24 | −54 | 28/02:24 | 695 | 360 | 01:41/02:03/02:12 | X1.0 | N04W66 | 11875 | |
33 | 2014-02-19 | 9 | −119 | 16/10:00 | 634 | 360 | 09:20/09:26/09:29 | M1.1 | S11E01 | 11977 | |
34 | 2014-02-27 | 24 | −97 | 25/01:26 | 2147 | 360 | 00:39/00:49/01:03 | X4.9 | S12E82 | 11990 | |
35 | 2014-11-10 | 18 | −65 | 07/18:08 u | 795 | 293 | 16:53/17:26/17:34 | X1.6 | N15E33 | 12205 | |
36 | 2014-12-22 | 6 | −71 | 17/05:00 u | 587 | 360 | 04:25/04:51/05:20 | M8.7 | S20E09 | 12242 | |
37 | 2014-12-23 | 23 | −57 | 19/01:05 u | 1195 | 360 | 21:41/21:58/21:45 | M6.9 | S11E15 | 12242 | |
38 | 2014-12-24 | 23 | −53 | 20/01:26 u | 830 | 257 | 00:11/00:28/00:55 | X1.8 | S21W24 | 12242 | |
39 | 2014-12-26 | 2 | −57 | 21/12:12 u | 669 | 360 | 11:24/12:17/12:57 | M1.0 | S14W25 | 12241 | |
40 | 2015-03-17 | 23 | −234 | 15/01:48 | 719 | 360 | 01:15/02:13/03:20 | C9.1 | S22W25 | 12297 | |
41 | 2015-06-23 | 5 | −198 | 21/02:36 m | 1366 | 360 | 01:02/01:42/02:00 | M2.0 | N12E16 | 12371 | |
42 | 2015-06-25 | 17 | −81 | 22/18:36 d | 1209 | 360 | 17:39/18:23/18:51 | M6.5 | N12W08 | 12371 | |
43 | 2015-06-26 | 18 | −51 | 25/08:36 u | 1627 | 360 | 08:02/08:16/09:05 | M7.9 | N09W42 | 12371 | |
44 | 2015-08-16 | 8 | −98 | 12/14:48 u | 647 | 204 | 14:26/15:26/16:47 | B7.0 | S27W27 | 12399 v | |
45 | 2015-08-23 | 9 | −57 | () | 22/07:12 u | 547 | 360 | 06:39/06:49/06:59 | M1.2 | S15E13 | 12403 |
46 | 2015-09-20 | 16 | −81 | 18/05:00 | 823 | 131 | 04:22/06:31/07:20 | C2.6 | S21W10 | 12415 | |
47 | 2015-10-18 | 10 | −56 | () | 14/00:24 u | 770 | 79 | 23:34/23:40/23:44 | B6.4 | S06E76 | 12434 |
48 | 2015-11-03 | 13 | −51 | () | 01/12:00 m | 751 | 114 | 12:03/12:06/12:10 | C1.3 | N07E30 | 12443 |
49 | 2015-11-07 | 7 | −87 | 04/14:48 | 578 | 360 | 13:31/13:52/14:13 | M3.7 | N09W04 | 12443 | |
50 | 2015-11-10 | 14 | −56 | 09/13:26 u | 1041 | 273 | 12:49/13:12/13:28 | M3.9 | S11E41 | 12449 | |
51 | 2015-12-14 | 20 | −55 | 11/04:36 u | 628 | 84 | 04:22/04:47/05:15 | C1.4 | S15E52 | 12468 | |
52 | 2015-12-20 | 23 | −166 | 16/09:36 | 579 | 360 | 08:34/09:03/09:23 | C6.6 | S13W04 | 12468 | |
53 | 2016-02-01 | 9 | −53 | () | 28/22:12 u | 684 | 71 | 21:48/21:57/22:02 | C3.3 | N09W50 | 12488 |
54 | 2016-02-16 | 20 | −65 | () | 11/21:18 u | 719 | 360 | 20:18/21:03/21:28 | C8.9 | N09W08 | 12497 |
55 | 2017-04-22 | 17 | −51 | no () | 18/19:48 | 926 | 360 | 19:21/20:10/20:49 | C5.5 | N14E77 | 12651 |
56 | 2017-07-16 | 16 | −72 | 14/01:26 | 1200 | 360 | 01:07/02:09/03:24 | M2.4 | S06W29 | 12665 | |
57 | 2017-09-08 | 2 | −122 | 06/12:24 | 1571 | 360 | 11:53/12:02/12:10 | X9.3 | S08W33 | 12673 | |
58 | 2021-05-12 | 15 | −61 | () | 09/12:00 | 266 | 284 | 13:38/13:58/14:09 | C4.0 | N15E51 | 12822 |
59 | 2021-10-12 | 15 | −65 | 09/07:12 | 712 | 360 | 06:19/06:38/06:53 | M1.6 | N17E09 | 12882 | |
60 | 2022-02-03 | 11 | −66 | 29/23:36 | 530 | 360 | 22:32/23:32/00:32 | M1.1 | N17E11 v | 12936 v | |
61 | 2022-02-10 | 20 | −60 | 06/14:00 | 334 | 360 | 12:52/13:41/14:41 | C3.1 | S20W07 | 12939 | |
62 | 2022-04-14 | 22 | −81 | no | 11/05:48 | 940 | 360 | 04:59/05:21/05:58 | C1.6 | S18E11 | 12987 v |
63 | 2023-02-27 | 13 | −132 | 25/19:24 | 1170 | 360 | 20:03/20:30/21:29 | M3.7 | N23W43 | 13229 v | |
64 | 2023-04-24 | 7 | −213 | 21/18:12 | 1284 | 360 | 17:44/18:12/18:44 | M1.7 | S22W11 | 13283 u |
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Miteva, R.; Nedal, M.; Veronig, A.; Pötzi, W. Parameter Study of Geoeffective Active Regions. Atmosphere 2024, 15, 930.
Miteva R, Nedal M, Veronig A, Pötzi W. Parameter Study of Geoeffective Active Regions. Atmosphere. 2024; 15(8):930.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMiteva, Rositsa, Mohamed Nedal, Astrid Veronig, and Werner Pötzi. 2024. "Parameter Study of Geoeffective Active Regions" Atmosphere 15, no. 8: 930.
APA StyleMiteva, R., Nedal, M., Veronig, A., & Pötzi, W. (2024). Parameter Study of Geoeffective Active Regions. Atmosphere, 15(8), 930.