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Combined Effect of Light and Temperature on Wheat and Rice Growth: A Case Study in Controlled Environment Agriculture

Megan Thies
Rhuanito Soranz Ferrarezi
2,* and
Matthew Realff
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department, Georgia Institute of Technology, Ford ES&T Bldg, Atlanta, GA 30318, USA
Department of Horticulture, University of Georgia, 1111 Plant Sciences Bldg, Athens, GA 30602, USA
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Agronomy 2024, 14(8), 1641;
Submission received: 3 June 2024 / Revised: 16 July 2024 / Accepted: 22 July 2024 / Published: 26 July 2024


In light of projected climate changes that are expected to disrupt crop yields in previously stable regions, it is essential to understand how these changes will affect food supplies. This study investigated the combined effect of light and temperature on the yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and rice (Oryza sativa L.) in a controlled environment. Three treatment combinations were tested: 30.2 mol.m−2.d−1 with a 17.5 °C average (“low”), 38.9 mol.m−2.d−1 and 22.5 °C (“medium”), and 47.5 mol.m−2.d−1 and 27.5 °C (“high”). The low treatment resulted in the highest wheat yield, with total dry biomasses of 233 g, 140 g, and 115 g for the low, medium, and high treatments. Rice showed the highest growth in the medium and high treatments, with total dry biomasses of 145 and 144 g. The medium and high treatment biomasses were not statistically significant for wheat or rice at 95% confidence. However, the wheat’s edible biomass did significantly decrease between every treatment. These results demonstrate that wheat thrives in colder climates, even with less light available, while an increase in temperature will have either a positive or insignificant effect on rice within this study’s temperature range.

1. Introduction

In the coming century, the global food supply is expected to become increasingly variable, unpredictable, and potentially diminished due to more frequent and severe extreme climate variations [1]. These include heat waves, freezes, humidity changes, and rainfall variations, directly impacting agriculture. For example, the government in India temporarily banned exports of all rice (Oryza sativa L.) strains other than Basmati in response to perceived shortages from July 2023 until at least April 2024 because of the heat wave in 2023 [2,3]. As such, there is an arising need to determine detailed responses of crops to climate fluctuations. As staple food crops for most of the global population, understanding the responses of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and rice can inform decisions to help stabilize the food supply.
Before investigating how climate fluctuations affect wheat and rice, the climates where they are currently grown are first established. As seen in Figure 1a, wheat is mostly grown north of the Tropic of Cancer or south of the Tropic of Capricorn [4]. Those latitudes receive a daily light integral (DLI) ranging from 30.0 to 52.7 mol.m−2.d−1 on average, based on the equinox sunlight level [5]. The average annual temperatures at those latitudes range from about 0 to 26 °C, as demonstrated in Figure 2. On the other hand, rice is grown between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, as shown in Figure 1b. Those latitudes receive a DLI from 52.7 to 58.1 mol.m−2.d−1 on average from the sun, based on the equinox sunlight level [4,5,6]. The average annual temperatures at those latitudes range from about 16 to 30 °C and are also shown in Figure 2.
From the published research, the DLI, temperature, and carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration are the most important variables in determining plant growth rate, assuming the plants are irrigated properly. This research focuses on the effects of changing DLIs and temperatures since atmospheric CO2 concentration does not change significantly across geographic locations. The data in this review were chosen based on complete specifications of other environmental conditions (CO2 concentration, relative humidity, and pH) in the report such that the biomass results are comparable. Figure 3 shows the literature data for a subspace of light and temperature for wheat and rice.
The localized points on the graph represent a light and temperature combination in a given study. The dot size represents the amount of biomass produced from those conditions, normalized by the maximum wheat or rice produced from all the studies for each crop, and the different colors for the points indicate the different studies. As seen in Figure 3, previous research has largely focused on changing one variable per experiment to assess its effect on plant growth. Instead, this research focuses on how light levels and temperature interact to affect growth, testing whether one variable makes a bigger impact than the other. Thus, this research aims to study the combined effect of light levels and temperatures on biomass accumulation and plant size, meaning changing climates should affect how plants are positioned in the fields.
For both crops, it was hypothesized that there would be statistically significant differences between the crop yields for every treatment. Also, it was hypothesized that wheat and rice would have the highest yields under the highest DLI and temperature combination. This is because though wheat has a lower ideal temperature than rice, current research shows wheat accumulates more biomass as the DLI increases [8,9,10,11]. Similarly, research has shown that rice favors higher light and temperatures [12,13]. The morphological properties are expected to align with changes in biomass. For example, if the shoot biomass increases from one treatment to another, the shoots’ height, width, or both should also increase.

2. Methods and Materials

2.1. Plant–Experiment Design

Three growth chambers enabled three combinations of light and temperature to be studied. To best use the three potential treatments, a design of experiments approach defined the major diagonal of a factorial design for two parameters, light level and temperature, with three levels. To clarify, one chamber had “low” light levels and temperature, another had “medium” light levels and temperature, and the last chamber had “high” light levels and temperature.
The wheat grown was Triticum aestivum L. cv. “Hard Red Spring Wheat” (All Good Things Organic Seeds, Ojai, CA, USA). This type of wheat was chosen because it is the second most common strain of wheat grown in the US, and it was easier to find seeds than the most common strain, hard red winter wheat [14]. The rice grown was Oryza sativa L. cv. “Indica Brown Rice” or long grain brown rice (Seedville, Canton, OH, USA). This type of rice was used because it is the most common type grown in the United States, accounting for about 75% of the rice produced [15].
The plants were grown in commercial growth chambers (PGR15; Conviron, Winnipeg, MB, Canada) with temperature control and equipped with light-emitting diode (LED) lighting (P1000-300-02; ViparSpectra, Richmond, CA, USA) composed of 660 nm red light, 3000–5000 K white light, and 730 nm far-red infrared. Wheat and rice plants were placed in each chamber, with nine plants of each species allocated to a treatment, resulting in fifty-four plants. The overall design within each chamber is shown in Figure 4.
The type of hydroponics system used for this experiment was a deep-water culture (DWC) hydroponics system. The 7.6 L buckets had dimensions of 23 × 24 cm (diameter × height). The plants sat in net cups placed in the buckets’ lids. Each bucket had a 5.08 cm air stone (Aquaneat, Madison, WI, USA) connected to a 0.79 × 0.48 cm (outside × inside diameter) flexible and clear PVC tubing (Dernord; Tangxia, Dongguan, China) connected to a 13.5 m3/h 48 kPa aeration pump with a 1.27 cm outlet (EcoAir 7; EcoPlus, Vancouver, WA, USA). A diagram of a single bucket in the system is shown in Figure 5.

Seeding and Transplant Procedures

The rice seeds were soaked in a beaker of water for 3 days to germinate. For wheat and rice, 49 seeds were placed into rockwool plugs measuring 2.5 × 2.5 × 4 cm (A0 25/40; Grodan Rockwool BV, Roermond, The Netherlands). The rice seeds were first soaked in a beaker of water for 3 days and then covered with pearlite. The rockwool trays were saturated and set under LED lights to facilitate germination. After a 10-day germination period, the rockwool cubes were separated and placed inside a 4.45 cm top diameter × 3.18 cm bottom diameter × 4.76 cm deep net cup (Orimerc Garden, Seattle, WA, USA). One net cup (each containing one seed) was placed in each bucket lid.

2.2. Total Light Provided

The total light received by the plants each day, or the DLI, is a function of the instantaneous photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) and the photoperiod or the number of hours the light hits a plant per day. To calculate the integrated daily PPFD values, the formula shown in Equation (1) was used. The units are written in their standard measured form with the unit conversions.
D L I   [ m o l   p h o t o n s m 2 · d a y ] = P P F D [ μ m o l   p h o t o n s m 2 · s ] × [ 1   m o l   p h o t o n s 10 6   μ m o l   p h o t o n s ] × [ 3600   s 1   h r ] × P h o t o p e r i o d [ h r s d a y ]
The equipment’s limitations set the maximum value for the DLI. The LED lights in the chambers emitted a maximum instantaneous PPFD of 700 µmol.m−2.s−1 for a few hours at a time, but for safety, a maximum of 550 µmol.m−2.s−1 for 24 h every day was permitted. The lights were kept on for 24 h due to the high DLI requirements in the range of about 30–50 mol.m−2.d−1 on average, according to the natural light.
The instantaneous PPFD values were chosen to be 350, 450, and 550 µmol.m−2.s−1 or DLIs of 30.2, 38.9, and 47.5 mol.m−2.d−1 for the low, medium, and high treatments, respectively, given the 24 h photoperiod. To ensure the plants received similar exposure to the PPFD from the LED lights, the plants were rotated to different pots once a week. The wavelength spectrum emitted from the LED lights ranged from 400 to 700 nm.

2.3. Temperature Control

The current literature has data for wheat growth from average temperatures of 17.5–23 °C, while the data for rice range from 23 to 35 °C [8,9,10,11,12,13]. Given that the ranges barely overlap but both plants were to be grown in the same chambers, the medium chamber was kept at an average temperature of 22.5 °C, the bottom of the range for rice and the top of the range for wheat. Then, the low chamber used an average temperature within the wheat range, while the high chamber used an average temperature within the rice range. Therefore, the average chamber temperatures were 17.5, 22.5, and 27.5 °C for the low, medium, and high treatments, respectively. This was achieved using different temperatures for the day/night cycles, where each temperature was held for 12 h every day. The day/night temperatures for each chamber were 20/15, 25/20, and 30/25 °C for the low, medium, and high treatments.

2.4. Other Measurement Information

The initial fertilizer solution in the buckets had 1.65 g/L of fertilizer. Each week, the buckets were refilled with solution at the same concentration back to 7.2 L of solution. We prepared a solution containing 250 mg/L of nitrogen using a 15N-2.2P-12.5K fertilizer (15-5-15 Ca-Mg Professional LX; J.R. Peters, Allentown, PA, USA). Specifically, the composition of the fertilizer was 15% nitrate (12% nitrate nitrogen and 3% ammoniacal nitrogen), 5% phosphorus pentoxide, 15% potassium oxide, 4% calcium, 2% magnesium, 0.015% boron, 0.0075% copper, 0.075% iron, 0.0375% manganese, 0.0075% molybdenum, and 0.0375% zinc. Magnesium sulfate was added at a concentration of 0.06 g/L starting in the fourth week after being transplanted since there was no sulfur in the fertilizer.
Once a week, the pH was adjusted back to the standard pH levels for each crop. For rice, the desired pH was between 5.5 and 6.5, and the range for wheat was around 6.5 [16,17,18]. The pH was corrected with 8 M potassium hydroxide (KOH) when a bucket solution became too acidic and 1 M phosphoric acid (H3PO4) when a bucket solution became too basic. The CO2 concentration was assumed to be atmospheric, or approximately 420 mg/L. Relative humidity controls or measurements were not available.

Harvest Procedure and Plant Part Testing

All the rice plants were harvested after 120 days. The wheat plants in the low treatment were harvested after 120 days, those in the medium treatment were harvested after 113 days, and those in the high treatment were harvested after 102 days. The wheat plants in the low treatment never fully dried and turned a golden yellow color that is indicative of harvest but were instead harvested due to the research’s time limit.
The plant heights and root lengths were measured from the bucket lid to the tip of the shoots or roots with a meter stick. The width of the shoots was measured 10 cm above the lid. The width of the roots was measured at the widest point.
For each plant, the root, shoot, and edible biomass (if available) were separated and weighed separately and then averaged together for each treatment. All plant parts were measured on a fresh and dry basis to account for the mass of water within the cells. We determined the fresh biomass and placed plants in a dryer at 80 °C for a week to measure the dry biomass.
The harvest index (HI) was found by dividing the edible biomass by the total biomass for each plant, which is the sum of the shoot, root, and edible biomass.
The crop growth rate (CGR) was calculated by dividing the accumulated biomass by the growing area and the harvest periods for each treatment. Since each bucket had a diameter of 23 cm, the growing area was estimated to be a square of 69 cm in length (0.476 m2), as shown in Equation (2).
C G R   [ g m 2 · d a y ] = D r y   b i o m a s s   ( g ) 0.476   ( m 2 ) × H a r v e s t   P e r i o d   ( d a y s )

2.5. Statistical Analysis

Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey’s Honest Significant Difference (HSD) post hoc test were performed for each measurement category to determine if there was a statistical difference in the results between each of the chambers. The procedure for the ANOVA test was from [19], and the Tukey HSD post hoc test was given by [20]. A significance level of 5% or 0.05 was used, meaning the data were interpreted with 95% confidence.

3. Results

3.1. Harvested Wheat Biomass Results

After harvesting the wheat, the biomass was separated into its major morphological components, shoots, roots, and edible biomass, and dry and fresh weights were determined. The dry basis does not include water mass, while the fresh basis does. The resulting averages are shown in Figure 6. The means for each category are compared with a Tukey HSD test between each treatment and evaluated with 95% confidence. The p-values from this test are displayed in Table 1.
Figure 6a shows the harvested biomass measurements for wheat on a dry basis. The graph indicates a decreasing trend across all the treatments; however, only the low treatment produced biomass statistically different from the other two treatments for all categories. Furthermore, the medium and high treatments were statistically similar for the most part, but the edible biomass measured was statistically different between the two.
Figure 6b shows the CGR on a dry basis. The CGR of each plant part, including the root, edible, and total biomass, generally followed the same statistical significance as the dry biomass results. The notable exception is that the shoot CGRs were statistically the same across all treatments, which was odd because the low treatment produced statistically different shoot masses from the others.
In Figure 6c, the harvest biomass measurements on a fresh basis show a decreasing trend across the treatments, like the dry basis. Nevertheless, like the dry basis, the medium and high treatments were not statistically different from one another, except for the edible biomass again. The low treatment produced statistically different biomass in almost all categories, except the low and medium treatments, which had different root biomasses.
The harvest index decreased across all treatments, on both a fresh and dry basis, as seen in Figure 6d, and was all statistically different between categories.

3.2. Harvested Rice Biomass Results

Like the wheat, the rice biomass was separated and weighed fresh and dry. The resulting averages, graphed in Figure 7, were compared using a Tukey HSD test with a 0.05 significance level. The p-values from this test are displayed in Table 2. Also, the rice plants did not flower, so there were no data for the edible biomass.
Figure 7a shows the biomass measured on a dry basis. The low treatment was statistically different from the other two treatments for both the shoot biomass and total biomass. The medium and high treatments were statistically the same for all categories, and all root biomass measurements were statistically the same. Figure 7b shows the biomass measured on a fresh basis, and the statistical trends in the data were the same as on a dry basis.

3.3. Measurement of Harvested Crop’s Morphological Properties

The shoots and roots were measured for both wheat and rice. The resulting averages, graphed in Figure 8, were compared using a Tukey HSD test at a 0.05 significance level. The p-values from this test are displayed in Table 3 and Table 4.
The trends in the wheat’s morphological properties across treatments were somewhat erratic, as shown in Figure 8a. The average shoot heights were statistically different between all treatments, decreasing from the low treatment to the higher treatment. The width of the shoots decreased between the low to the medium treatment but increased between the medium and the high treatment. The shoot width average for the low treatment was between the averages of the medium and high treatments and was not significantly different from either. However, the shoot width from the high treatment was significantly larger than the medium treatment.
The wheat’s root length increased from the low to the high treatment, but only the high treatment resulted in an average shoot height significantly different from the others. There was a visual decrease in the root widths from the low to the high treatment, but none were significantly different.
On the other hand, the rice’s morphological properties followed the changes in biomass between treatments. As shown in Figure 8b, the height of the rice shoots increased from the low to the high treatment. There was a significant difference between the shoot heights between the low treatment and the other two treatments, with the low treatment shoots being lower than the others. There was only a statistical difference between the low and high treatment for the shoot widths.
The length of the roots decreased slightly between the low and high treatments, but it was determined that there was only a significant difference in that the low-treatment roots were slightly longer than the high-treatment roots. There were no significant differences between the root widths.

4. Discussion

4.1. Analysis of Differences in Wheat Biomass Growth across Treatments

Previous studies showed wheat growth increases as the DLI increases [8]. As such, the wheat plants were expected to grow the best in the condition with the highest light level, which would be the high treatment in this experiment. In contrast, the data show that the wheat plants grew better in the low treatment and grew equally worse in the medium and high treatments. The only statistical difference between the medium and high treatment was the edible biomass, which also translated to significantly different HIs.
While one possible explanation is the DLI used in the medium and high treatments approached the photo-saturation level for wheat, this is unlikely. A previous study shows that wheat responds positively to a DLI three times greater than the highest DLI used in this experiment [8]. The previous study was conducted at a different temperature, but it is not likely that photo-saturation is such a strong function of temperature that increasing it by 10 °C decreases the level by more than 100 mol.m−2.d−1.
Contingent on that assumption, the most likely explanation is that higher temperatures limit crop growth. Heat stress has been shown to negatively affect wheat growth above roughly 30 °C [21]. The reduced growth is attributed to a decrease in the photosynthetic rate of wheat chloroplasts and is caused by degrading the chlorophyll and reducing electron transport. The changes include reducing shoot and root growth, reducing the number of productive tillers, reducing grains per spike, and decreasing grain weight.
The negative growth effects from heat stress on the edible biomass were especially sensitive. The experimental difference in the edible biomass shows that although the changes between the medium and high treatments did not significantly affect the total biomass accumulated, it did affect how it was distributed. In short, while an increase in temperature overall inhibits wheat growth, it is most inhibiting on edible biomass accumulation.
Based on the results of this research, temperature range has a greater influence in determining the relative growth of wheat plants than the DLI. Once the ideal temperature range was exceeded, as in the medium and high treatments, the increase in the DLI was undermined by the temperature increase. It is then conceivable that above a certain threshold temperature, the temperature of the photosynthetic process is more important in determining the overall yield of wheat than the total light energy supplied to catalyze the process. In other words, the temperature of the photosynthetic reactions predicts wheat yield better than the amount of “catalyst” supplied (as photons) above a characteristic temperature. These research results suggest that the temperature threshold is between 17.5 and 22.5 °C, or between the low and medium treatments.

4.2. Analysis of Differences in Rice Biomass Growth across Treatments

Like the wheat, the rice was expected to grow the most biomass in the high treatment and the least in the low treatment. The data somewhat supported this hypothesis. The rice grew statistically less biomass overall in the low treatment than in both the medium and high treatments, but the roots notably did not have any significant differences between the treatments. The higher DLI in the medium treatment could have supported more growth since more photosynthetic photons were available. Alternatively, the higher temperature could have supported growth since the range was closer to the ideal temperature. Therefore, the increase in the DLI, temperature, or both could have promoted growth. Without clear trends from previous studies, it is not clear which option is most likely, so this could be a source of further research.
There were no statistical differences between the medium and high treatments for any biomass category. One possible reason that the medium and high treatments produced the same amount of rice, statistically, is that both the high DLI exceeded the photo-saturation limit, also like the wheat biomass. However, unlike wheat, there is not enough evidence to infer that this is not a valid explanation, and the photo-saturation limit could very well be this low compared to wheat’s inferred limit from this research.
Another explanation is that the increase in temperature stunted the rice growth between the medium and high treatments. Heat stress in rice is generally defined as above 42–45 °C or above 34 °C, depending on the growth stage [22,23]. That stressor causes rice leaves to wither and slow root growth. Yet, the high treatment only had a temperature range from 25 to 30 °C, below the range considered heat stress.
Finally, the rice crop did not have any data for the edible biomass because the rice plants did not flower under any treatment. Upon further research, this is because rice is sensitive to the photoperiod and the DLI. Rice grows best with a photoperiod of 9 to 12 h of light per day; anything above a photoperiod of 15 h prevents rice from flowering entirely [24]. Since a photoperiod of 24 h was utilized to achieve a high DLI, the rice plants did not flower at all.

4.3. Analysis of Both Crops’ Morphological Measurements

The purpose of measuring the overall morphological development of the plants was to determine if the changes in biomass distribution affected the size of the plants. The final wheat morphology was sometimes inconsistent with the biomass results. There were statistical differences for both the shoots’ heights and widths between the medium and high treatments, but the shoot biomass was not statistically different. Yet, the edible biomass was statistically different between these treatments, so the greater edible biomass in the medium treatment could have made the shoots taller overall.
Additionally, there were no statistical differences in the roots’ length and widths between the low and medium treatments, but the dry root biomass was statistically different. This could be because the low treatment resulted in more dense roots than the medium treatment but still occupied close to the same volume.
The comparison of the low shoots with the medium and high treatment shoots was consistent with both biomass results and the low and high treatment roots. The roots from the medium and high treatments had statistically different lengths, even though the biomass did not grow differently. Nonetheless, the roots’ widths were statistically the same for those treatments, so this is not inconsistent with the biomass results but suggests that the root density could have changed between treatments.
Finally, the rice morphology matched the biomass results. The shoots grew to statistically different heights between the low treatment and both the medium and high treatments, consistent with the biomass results. The roots from the low and high treatments did have statistically different lengths despite the similar root biomass, but they had similar widths, so the root density was likely different, like the wheat’s medium and high treatment roots.

4.4. Discussion of Vapor Pressure Deficit Effects

The growth chambers used were not equipped with relative humidity control, so the vapor pressure deficit (VPD) was likely too low for the plants to transpire properly. To reinforce this hypothesis, mold developed at the base of the stems for all the plants and within some of the wheat’s flag leaf sheaths. That makes it likely the VPD was not ideal since the environment encouraged mold growth.
Furthermore, the wheat plants started to flower around day 52–57, with the plants in the low treatment flowering first. They should have reached physiological maturity within about four weeks afterward (around day 80–85), signified by the plants drying out and turning a golden yellow [25]. Instead, the wheat turned yellow between days 102 and 120, where the high treatment changed color first. This means that the wheat could not lose its moisture in a normal time frame, reinforcing the idea that the VPD was too low to allow the normal vaporization rate. Still, without humidity measurements, it is not possible to conclude whether the VPD was outside the limits to which the plants could adapt.

5. Conclusions

This experiment was designed to test the combined effects of light and temperature on the growth of wheat and rice using low, medium, and high treatments. The research showed that wheat grew the best in the low treatment, and edible biomass decreased across all the treatments. Even though increasing the DLI has been shown to increase wheat yields, higher light levels do not compensate for the negative effects of temperature increases. Thus, if the locations where wheat is grown are changed due to shifts in climate, then the temperature of new locations will be a critical factor in the yield. Furthermore, the high treatment produced wider wheat shoots than the medium treatment. Accordingly, it may help to space wheat crops further apart if they grow in climates similar to the high treatment.
On the other hand, rice grew the worst in the low treatment and had only a few statistical differences between the medium and high treatments. This suggests that moving rice may not be necessary in locations where the average temperature increases from 22.5 to 27.5 °C. However, the rice did not flower in this study, so further testing should determine if edible rice biomass behaves the same way. The high treatment produced wider rice shoots than the low treatment, so the crops may benefit from being spaced further apart.
To improve understanding of the optimal growth conditions for wheat and rice, it is recommended to vary CO2 concentration with the DLI and temperature to give a better picture of the highest yields possible for these plants. Additionally, future testing should include controls for the VPD to correct this factor as a potential error source.

Supplementary Materials

The following supporting information can be downloaded at; a file containing the raw data along with the statistical analyses is available.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, M.T.; methodology, M.T. and R.S.F.; validation, formal analysis, and investigation, M.T.; resources, R.S.F. and M.T.; data curation and writing—original draft preparation, M.T.; writing—review and editing, M.T., R.S.F. and M.R.; visualization, supervision, and project administration, M.T.; funding acquisition, R.S.F. and M.R. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Data Availability Statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/Supplementary Material, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.


We thank Matthew Seader for technical support in operating the growth chambers. We also thank Matt Housley for technical support in germinating the seeds and building the deep-water culture hydroponics system. We thank Mackenzie Thies for assistance in harvesting the crops and measuring the biomass. Finally, we thank Michele Forrester and Marie Thies for their assistance in maintaining the root zone environment.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the study, in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data, in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to publish the results.


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Figure 1. Global map of (a) wheat and (b) rice yields by region in 2010 by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN) [4]. Modified to include major latitude lines and a numerical legend, describing the color relationship with values of tonnes/ha, based on the values provided by the data portal [4].
Figure 1. Global map of (a) wheat and (b) rice yields by region in 2010 by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN) [4]. Modified to include major latitude lines and a numerical legend, describing the color relationship with values of tonnes/ha, based on the values provided by the data portal [4].
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Figure 2. Average air temperature by geographic location. Source: [7].
Figure 2. Average air temperature by geographic location. Source: [7].
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Figure 3. Summary of the previous literature describing wheat and rice yields as a function of the DLI and temperature. The size of the dot represents the biomass production at that a combination of light and temperature conditions and the color represent the data’s source. Sources: [8,9,10,11,12,13].
Figure 3. Summary of the previous literature describing wheat and rice yields as a function of the DLI and temperature. The size of the dot represents the biomass production at that a combination of light and temperature conditions and the color represent the data’s source. Sources: [8,9,10,11,12,13].
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Figure 4. Overhead view of the hydroponic system setup inside each chamber.
Figure 4. Overhead view of the hydroponic system setup inside each chamber.
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Figure 5. Side view of a bucket used in the experiment, employing a DWC hydroponic system.
Figure 5. Side view of a bucket used in the experiment, employing a DWC hydroponic system.
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Figure 6. Metrics of wheat biomass accumulation measured in terms of (a) total dry biomass accumulation (not including water mass); (b) crop growth rate (CGR) on a dry basis; (c) total fresh biomass accumulation (including water mass); and (d) the harvest index (HI) for each treatment. The error bars represent the 95% confidence interval for that category’s mean. Raw data are given in Tables S1–S4.
Figure 6. Metrics of wheat biomass accumulation measured in terms of (a) total dry biomass accumulation (not including water mass); (b) crop growth rate (CGR) on a dry basis; (c) total fresh biomass accumulation (including water mass); and (d) the harvest index (HI) for each treatment. The error bars represent the 95% confidence interval for that category’s mean. Raw data are given in Tables S1–S4.
Agronomy 14 01641 g006aAgronomy 14 01641 g006b
Figure 7. Metrics of rice biomass accumulation measured in terms of (a) total dry biomass accumulation (not including water mass) and (b) total fresh biomass accumulation (including water mass). The error bars represent the 95% confidence interval for that category’s mean. Raw data are given in Tables S6 and S7.
Figure 7. Metrics of rice biomass accumulation measured in terms of (a) total dry biomass accumulation (not including water mass) and (b) total fresh biomass accumulation (including water mass). The error bars represent the 95% confidence interval for that category’s mean. Raw data are given in Tables S6 and S7.
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Figure 8. Measurements of morphological properties for both the shoots and roots across the three treatments for (a) wheat and (b) rice. The shoot height includes the edible biomass for wheat. The error bars represent the 95% confidence interval for that category’s mean. Raw data are given in Tables S9 and S11.
Figure 8. Measurements of morphological properties for both the shoots and roots across the three treatments for (a) wheat and (b) rice. The shoot height includes the edible biomass for wheat. The error bars represent the 95% confidence interval for that category’s mean. Raw data are given in Tables S9 and S11.
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Table 1. p-values for the wheat biomass results.
Table 1. p-values for the wheat biomass results.
MeasurementLow and Medium Treatment ComparisonLow and High Treatment ComparisonMedium and High Treatment Comparison
Dry Shoot Biomass***NS
Dry Root Biomass***NS
Dry Edible Biomass********
Dry Total Biomass******NS
Dry Root CGR***NS
Dry Edible CGR*******
Dry Total CGR******NS
Fresh Shoot Biomass*****NS
Fresh Root BiomassNS*NS
Fresh Edible Biomass********
Fresh Total Biomass*****NS
Dry Harvest Index*********
Fresh Harvest Index********
NS, *, **, and *** indicate nonsignificant or significant at p < 0.05, 0.01, or 0.001, respectively, according to Tukey’s HSD test. The numerical p-values are given in Table S5.
Table 2. p-values for the rice biomass results.
Table 2. p-values for the rice biomass results.
MeasurementLow and Medium Treatment ComparisonLow and High Treatment ComparisonMedium and High Treatment Comparison
Dry Shoot Biomass****NS
Dry Root BiomassNSNSNS
Dry Total Biomass****NS
Fresh Shoot Biomass****NS
Fresh Root BiomassNSNSNS
Fresh Total Biomass***NS
NS, *, **, and *** indicate nonsignificant or significant at p < 0.05, 0.01, or 0.001, respectively, according to Tukey’s HSD test. The numerical p-values are given in Table S8.
Table 3. p-values for the wheat morphological properties.
Table 3. p-values for the wheat morphological properties.
MeasurementLow and Medium Treatment ComparisonLow and High Treatment ComparisonMedium and High Treatment Comparison
Shoot Height********
Shoot WidthNSNS*
Root LengthNS*****
Root WidthNS*NS
NS, *, **, and *** indicate nonsignificant or significant at p < 0.05, 0.01, or 0.001, respectively, according to Tukey’s HSD test. The numerical p-values are given in Table S10.
Table 4. p-values for the rice morphological properties.
Table 4. p-values for the rice morphological properties.
MeasurementLow and Medium Treatment ComparisonLow and High Treatment ComparisonMedium and High Treatment Comparison
Shoot Height******NS
Shoot WidthNS*NS
Root LengthNS*NS
Root WidthNSNSNS
NS, *, and *** indicate nonsignificant or significant at p < 0.05 or 0.001, respectively, according to Tukey’s HSD test. The numerical p-values are given in Table S12.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Thies, M.; Ferrarezi, R.S.; Realff, M. Combined Effect of Light and Temperature on Wheat and Rice Growth: A Case Study in Controlled Environment Agriculture. Agronomy 2024, 14, 1641.

AMA Style

Thies M, Ferrarezi RS, Realff M. Combined Effect of Light and Temperature on Wheat and Rice Growth: A Case Study in Controlled Environment Agriculture. Agronomy. 2024; 14(8):1641.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Thies, Megan, Rhuanito Soranz Ferrarezi, and Matthew Realff. 2024. "Combined Effect of Light and Temperature on Wheat and Rice Growth: A Case Study in Controlled Environment Agriculture" Agronomy 14, no. 8: 1641.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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