4.1. In Vitro Fermentation Kinetics
The use of mathematical models to predict in vitro fermentation kinetics is useful because these models allow the user to obtain valuable data from relatively little information (i.e., the volume of gases produced) [
43]. Data such as asymptotic gas volume, gas production rate, T
0.5, and lag time are some of the examples that yield meaningful information for the evaluation of a substrate [
According to the results of the model (
Table 3), at 96 h of incubation, treatments were still not at asymptotic levels of gas production, as the V
96 values were still about three percent short of the asymptotic values (V
f). Also, from the gas production curves (
Figure 1), we can see a slight underestimation of the gas volumes by the model in the latter gas measurement times. This shows how the model sought to adjust the data to an asymptote and could also mean that factors such as the hydration of particles and the increase in microbial numbers could still be the sources of gas production at those times, as mentioned by France et al. [
44]. These authors also mentioned that the assumption that the gas production rate approaches and asymptote is not indisputable and that factors such as the accumulation of fermentation end products, the reduced availability of growth factors, and chemical and structural restrictions could be behind the reduced gas production as degradation proceeds.
Some authors argue that the only really valuable information gained from gas production alone is the fermentation rates [
45]. In the present study, no major differences were observed in the gas production rates (
k) between the different substrates; nonetheless, the tendency in the increasing
k and the differences in μ
0.5 are consistent with the results obtained in the IVDOM, discussed later, granted that the latter results were more conclusive. Usually,
k is considered to be proportional to the degradation of substrate [
44], although some authors have mentioned that this assumption is not incontrovertible given that the gas is a product of substrate composition, microbial population, and hexoses utilization by microorganisms and is not solely a product of the degradation of the material [
Unfortunately, there is not much work in the literature describing the IVGP kinetics of TD inclusion in concentrate diets, although some authors have described its kinetic behavior in forage diets. Firsoni et al. [
46] reported a gas production rate of 0.038 h
−1 for a substrate using 75%
T. diversifolia and 25% rice bran, values similar to our highest TD inclusion, and Rivera et al. [
47] reported that
B. brizantha, in association with different genotypes of TD, had a specific gas accumulation rate between 0.09 and 0.1 h
−1, values higher than those obtained in the present study.
All diets attained half their total gas production (V
0.5) at about 21 h of incubation (T
0.5) (
Table 3), suggesting that, by this time, about half of the incubated organic matter in the substrate was already degraded. An earlier T
0.5 could translate to a faster passage rate in vivo, increased intake, and, consequently, better animal performance. Nonetheless, no statistical differences were observed among diets, and although there were some minor dose effects and tendencies in the
k and μ
0.5 values, the statistical similarity suggests that those differences (in
k and μ
0.5) were not strong enough to translate to a significant reduction in T
4.2. Presence of Tannins in the Diets
Tannins are a subclass of polyphenols with the ability to bind to and precipitate proteins in aqueous solutions [
49]. High tannin content (60 to 120 g kg
−1 DM of condensed tannins) in feed has been associated with low palatability, low digestibility, and low ruminant productivity [
50]. Nonetheless, Naumann et al. [
49] argued that the efficiency of the protein binding ability of the tannins rather than the whole tannin content is what defines its effects [
51]. Mueller-Harvey [
52] also commented that the effect of the tannins depends on the type of tannin being evaluated, but that concentrations below 50 g of CT kg
−1 are considered to have beneficial effects, such as protecting dietary protein from ruminal degradation and shifting its site of digestion to the intestine. This is also consistent with the findings of Ban et al. [
53], who did not report any negative effects while using 42 g kg
−1 of CT in goat diets.
In in vitro studies, it has been reported that tannins improved N incorporation into microbes and shifted the partitioning of organic matter more to microbial biomass synthesis and less to SCFA production [
48]. Makkar [
51] also mentioned that tannins had a greater effect on the rate of gas production rather than the ultimate plateau value and attributed this to the reduction in microbe attachment to feed particles. Getachew et al. [
54] concluded that browses with considerable amounts of phenolic compounds reduce IVGP compared to the same browses being incubated with a tannin complexing agent (PEG).
More specifically, regarding TD, Delgado et al. [
55] and Galindo et al. [
56], using diets based solely on
Cynodon nlemfuenesis, included TD up to 300 g kg
−1 from different plant fractions and ages and reported a “moderate” concentration of tannins in the inclusion. They also found a reduction in protozoa and bacteria presence and associated this with the increase in the tannin content. The mechanisms of the cytotoxicity of tannins on protozoa and bacteria have been discussed elsewhere [
The results of Delgado et al. [
55] and Galindo et al. [
56] contrast with the findings of the present experiment, as the content of phenols and total tannins decreased with the increasing inclusion of TD in the diet (
Table 1). The tannin content in our TD was likely low due to the age of the plant used. Makkar [
59] explained that the loss of cellular integrity resulting from plant senescence increases the oxidation processes of phenolic compounds and that drying in the air for prolonged periods can change their nature and content. In the present study, the TD used in the diets was collected from aged ruderal material (flowered stage) and sun-dried for several days. It is also relevant to note that it was also the whole plant that was used and not just the leaves (that could have had a higher TD content). These factors may have influenced the loss of phenolic compounds in the plant and thus resulted in little influence on the final diets, as observed.
4.3. IVGP, Degradability, and CH4 Production
Overall, there were no differences in the gas produced as a consequence of the inclusion of TD in the substrates (
Table 4). Similar results were found by Terry et al. [
60], who, replacing sugar cane and concentrate with TD, also did not find differences in gas production at 48 h of fermentation. In the present experiment, the lack of effect of TD inclusion on gas production coincided with the lack of effect on CH
4 production. This was expected, as the latter is one of the main components of the measured gas [
43]. It is worth noting that despite the increase in the IVDOM as a consequence of TD inclusion, there was no increase in CH
4 production between the substrates.
Although a linear increase was observed in gas production at 6 h of incubation, this relationship had a low determination coefficient (R
2 = 0.19). This increase in gas production at 6 h could be related to the increase in the IVDOM at that same incubation time, although that does not explain why, at 2 and 10 h of incubation, when the IVDOM also increased linearly with TD inclusion, there were no significant increases in gas production. We hypothesized that this discrepancy between gas production and degradability could suggest that (1) the TD inclusion favored propiogenic production routes, which are known to produce fewer gases than acetogenic routes [
43], or that (2) the degraded organic matter was being allocated into another fermentation product instead of gas (i.e., MB) [
Regarding the first, most of the gas measured during IVGP is composed of CO
2 and H
2 [
43]. These are also the primary substrates utilized by methanogenic archaea to generate ruminal CH
4 [
63] and constitute the main by-products of carbohydrate fermentation into SCFA (mainly acetate, propionate, and butyrate) [
43]. Thus, the more SCFA produced, the more gas. However, the individual production of one SCFA does not have the same impact on gas production as the other [
43]; the in vitro fermentation of carbohydrates to propionate does not contribute to the direct production of CO
2 and H
2, which are by-products solely of the fermentation to acetate and butyrate [
43]. In this way, substrates that favor the presence of propiogenic microorganisms produce less gas in vitro. However, in the present experiment, the molar proportions of propionate did not support this hypothesis as they were reduced with the increase in the TD level as well as total SCFA production. Consequently, this suggests that our second hypothesis about the degraded organic matter being allocated to another fermentation product is the most plausible explanation for the discrepancy between gas production and degradability. The NDF degradability and gas-produced relationship, PF, MB, and iso-acid values serve as supportive evidence for this hypothesis, as discussed later on.
Generally, the volume of gases produced in vitro is highly correlated with substrate degradation. Higher gas volumes are often explained by high degradability [
22], and although this was the case in the present experiment, we can deduce that this relationship is not constant throughout the whole fermentation period (
Figure 2). In
Figure 2, it can be seen how the relationship (R
2) between NDFD and gas produced grows stronger as the incubation time increases. This exemplifies how gas production in later incubation times could be a product of the cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin (fiber fraction) content, while the weaker relationship in early incubation times suggests that rapidly degradable carbohydrates and other components (non-NDF) could be responsible for gas production at early times of in vitro fermentation (2, 6 h). The main ruminal SCFA (acetate, propionate, and butyrate) and gas are mainly a product of carbohydrate (fiber) degradation, with other substrate components, such as protein, contributing less to SCFA and more into branched short-chained fatty acids (BCFA) (valerate, isovalerate, and isobutyrate) [
64]. In the present study, a moderate correlation was observed between the TDOM and the concentration of isobutyrate (iBUT) (R = 0.79) and isovalerate (iVAL) (R = 0.77) (
Figure 3). These isoacids are products of the ruminal degradation of amino acids, which could suggest that the TDOM in the diets was associated more strongly with the protein content (R = 0.56;
p < 0.001) rather than with the fiber content (NDF) (R = 0.34;
p > 0.05) (
Figure 3).
Regarding the IVDOM of TD, some authors have mentioned that the incorporation of TD into substrates results in greater IVDOM [
66], while others did not report significant differences [
67]. In most of these cases, the IVDOM differences were explained by changes in the proportion of soluble carbohydrates within the substrates. This, however, appears to be unlikely in the case of the present experiment, as the NFC content remained unchanged between treatments (
Table 1), also suggesting that the IVDOM in the present diets was not predominantly a consequence of their fiber content.
4.4. Microbial Protein Synthesis
The negative correlation of TDOM with IVGP and its positive relationship with isoacids (iBUT and iVAL) (
Figure 3) further support the conclusion that the substrate was being converted to microbial protein rather than being fermented into gases. In this regard, Blümmel et al. [
22] showed, with stoichiometric calculations, how a substrate with lower gas production could have a greater amount of MB produced than a substrate with higher gas production. This could be the case in the present study, as indicated by the PF and MB values (
Table 6). The PF summarizes the relationship between the gases produced and the degraded substrate, with higher values being related to greater microbial efficiency, whereas MB estimates how much of the degraded substrate was put into microbial synthesis (in mg) [
The positive effect of TD on iso-butyric and iso-valeric acids (
Table 5) also suggests that the plant could have a positive effect on microbial protein. There was also a positive correlation between MB and iVAL (
p < 0.05; R = 0.59) and between MB and iBUT (
p < 0.05; R = 0.60) (
Figure 3). Isoacids (valerate, isovalerate, isobutyrate) are synthesized in the rumen from branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) and play an important role in bacterial growth by providing carbon skeletons for microbial biosynthesis [
68]. Multiple studies have reported the benefits of iso-acid supplementation for ruminants, which include the improvement of digestion and the stimulation of ruminal microorganisms [
71], the potentiation of ruminal fermentation [
73], and the increase in cellulose and hemicellulose degradability [
76]. BCAAs such as leucine and valine are precursors for iVAL and iBUT, respectively [
68], and TD has been reported to be rich in these BCAA [
77]. Oluwasola et al. [
77] and Fasuyi et al. [
78] both reported concentrations of leucine, valine, and iso-leucine in TD of 8.02 and 7.5; 4.0 and 5.2; 4.2 and 4.2 mg 100 g of DM
−1, respectively. This is consistent with the increase in isoacids as a consequence of TD inclusion that was found in the present study. Much like the observations in the current investigation, Ribeiro et al. [
19] reported higher amounts of isoacids in diets that had more TD, and Akanmu et al. [
79] reported higher amounts of isobutyrate and valerate in TMR, Lucerna grass, and Eragostis diets when they included TD extract.
Another result that also supports the effects of TD on microbial synthesis is the N-NH
3 concentration. BM and N-NH
3 showed a negative relationship (
Figure 3), with higher BM values correlated with a lower N-NH
3 concentration (
p < 0.05; R = −0.45). N-NH
3 has been considered the preferred source of nitrogen for the growth of rumen bacteria [
80] and decreases in its concentration could be an indication that more ammonia is being converted into microbial protein [
In the present study, during the early incubation times (2 and 6 h), the N-NH
3 concentration did not differ between the diets (
Table 6) but, as time passed (10, 24, and 96 h), a negative correlation was observed between TD increase and the concentration of N-NH
3, which may suggest that the ammonia product of dietary protein degradation was being incorporated into the microorganisms.
Under in vivo conditions, N-NH
3 escapes from the rumen through absorption by the rumen wall or by its incorporation into microorganisms [
81]. Hristov and Ropp [
82] mentioned that between 32 and 66% of the ammonia in the rumen was incorporated into microbial nitrogen.
Given that, in in vitro conditions, the absorption of ammonia by the rumen wall is non-existent, it is possible to affirm that the reduction of N-NH
3 in the rumen at advanced in vitro incubation times was due to its incorporation by ruminal microorganisms. Other authors have suggested positive results in the synthesis of microbial protein with the use of TD. Galindo et al. [
84] reported that the replacement of 200 g kg
−1 of
Cynodon nlemfuensis with TD increased the presence of cellulolytic bacteria; Jamarun et al. [
66] and Pazla et al. [
65] also reported greater microbial protein synthesis when including TD in their diets. Nonetheless, these authors highlighted the higher CP content of their diets, a product of TD inclusion, as being responsible for the greater availability of ammonia for rumen microorganisms and the consequential improvements in fiber degradation. In the present study, there were no significant differences in the CP content between diets (
Table 1), which could be used as a justification for the increase in degradability or in the N-NH
3 content. However, based on the increase in the isobutyrate and isovalerate concentrations, there may have been a change in the amino acid profile of the CP as a result of the inclusion of TD (e.g., leucine and valine) that led to better degradability and microbial efficiency.
The P/E ratio further supports this. Although the ME content of the diet decreased with the TD inclusion (probably due to a similar reduction in the fat content of the diets), the P/E ratio increased. The P/E ratio represents the protein available for digestion in the intestines relative to the energy absorbed as SCFAs and is directly proportional to the microbial growth efficiency, i.e., the ability of the rumen microorganisms to convert available organic matter into microbial cells [
34]. More research is needed to corroborate this conjecture.
In general, it seems that the effects of TD on IVGP and ruminal fermentation parameters are a simple consequence of the quality of the substrate used. In general terms, the level of TD inclusion in the diet was not a very good predictor of any of the IVGP variables evaluated in the present experiment. The value of the coefficient of determination was moderate (R2 < 0.5) in most cases in which there was a significant regression, with some of the higher values only explaining 55, 53, 50, 45, and 42% of the variability, as was the case with MB, pH, PF, and ammoniacal nitrogen, respectively. This suggests that the inclusion of TD may have an influence on the variability of the responses but is not the only factor that explains the changes in the variables.