Designing (Ultra)Fine-Grained High-Entropy Alloys by Spark Plasma Sintering and Equal-Channel Angular Pressing
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Phase Composition and Particle Size Distribution
3.2. Microstructural Characterization
3.3. Mechanical Characterization
4. Conclusions
- (1)
- XRD measurements reveal an FCC structure before and after ECAP-processing of sintered CrFeCoNi, showing that the single-phase state was retained. However, the peaks of the ECAP-processed material are broadened, which is typical after ECAP-processing.
- (2)
- Microstructural investigations (by optical microscopy and EBSD) confirm a considerable grain refinement. ECAP-processing leads to a majority of grains with a size below 1 µm. The corresponding microstructure is characterized by elongated grains due to the induced simple shear deformation. Differently distorted areas are found. Fine-grained areas alternate with areas characterized by much coarser grains. Both areas are arranged under an angle of approximately 27° (to the pressing direction). The thickness of the large twins (up to several µm) in the as-sintered material was reduced by ECAP to approximately 100–300 nm. From the present study, it is assumed that the dominating deformation mechanism in the investigated CrFeCoNi HEA during ECAP-processing is dislocation slip.
- (3)
- The mechanical properties (hardness and tensile properties) are significantly increased due to the introduction of defects and the formation of HAGBs during ECAP. Compared to a cast condition of the same alloy, the sintered condition shows significantly different mechanical properties. For instance, the YS of the as-sintered HEA is 150% higher than that of a cast counterpart (reported in the literature). A further significant increase of YS and UTS is found after a single pass of ECAP. The YS is increased to more than 1 GPa. A comparison of both conditions (as-sintered, ECAP-deformed) reveals a fundamentally different strain hardening behavior of CrFeCoNi, which is discussed in detail.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Material | Cr | Fe | Co | Ni |
Nominal CrFeCoNi | 25.0 | 25.0 | 25.0 | 25.0 |
Measured CrFeCoNi [29] | 25.7 | 25.0 | 24.6 | 24.7 |
Material | YS in MPa | UTS in MPa | UE in % | EF in % |
As-sintered CrFeCoNi | 355 | 654 | 44 | 60 |
ECAP-processed CrFeCoNi | 1032 | 1136 | ~1 | 7 |
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Rymer, L.-M.; Lindner, T.; Frint, P.; Löbel, M.; Lampke, T. Designing (Ultra)Fine-Grained High-Entropy Alloys by Spark Plasma Sintering and Equal-Channel Angular Pressing. Crystals 2020, 10, 1157.
Rymer L-M, Lindner T, Frint P, Löbel M, Lampke T. Designing (Ultra)Fine-Grained High-Entropy Alloys by Spark Plasma Sintering and Equal-Channel Angular Pressing. Crystals. 2020; 10(12):1157.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRymer, Lisa-Marie, Thomas Lindner, Philipp Frint, Martin Löbel, and Thomas Lampke. 2020. "Designing (Ultra)Fine-Grained High-Entropy Alloys by Spark Plasma Sintering and Equal-Channel Angular Pressing" Crystals 10, no. 12: 1157.
APA StyleRymer, L.-M., Lindner, T., Frint, P., Löbel, M., & Lampke, T. (2020). Designing (Ultra)Fine-Grained High-Entropy Alloys by Spark Plasma Sintering and Equal-Channel Angular Pressing. Crystals, 10(12), 1157.