The actual fixation thresholds on the PD return
r are numerically quantified, averaging simulation results on 100 randomly generated (connected) networks of
nodes with random initial conditions. We also investigate the role of the network’s heterogeneity, running simulations on both single-scale networks (i.e., networks in which the average degree
well describes the “scale” of the connection) and scale-free networks. For single-scale networks, we use the Watts–Strogatz (WS) model with full rewiring [
60], yielding, for large
N, most-likely connected networks with Poissonian-like degree distribution. For scale-free networks, we use the standard Barabási–Albert (BA) model of preferential attachment [
60], yielding, for large
N, a power-law degree distribution with unbounded variance. Theorems and proofs of results are shown in
Appendix A.
3.1. Tit-for-tat vs. D
We first present the analytical results. Recall that, when revising strategy after the game round
t, the agent
i with strategy
computes her expected future payoffs,
should she behave as T or D during the predictive horizon of
h rounds, by using the formulas in
Table 2, where
is the number of neighbors the agent classifies in class ‘label’ after the game round. The agent then opts for the more profitable strategy until the next update, i.e., the T-agent
i (
) changes strategy if the expected payoff gain
is positive; the D-agent
i (
) changes strategy if
Theorem 1. The tit-for-tat strategy invades from agent i if and only if andwhere . Note that for
the T-strategy cannot invade, confirming the need of a multi-step predictive horizon. Indeed, at the bottom of
Table 2, we report the expressions for
. Evidently, the first is zero (if the T-agent
i only has TCD-, DCD-, and DDD-neighbors) or positive, while the second is negative.
Corollary 1. The tit-for-tat strategy invades from any agent if andwhere . Note that the invasion threshold
set by the condition in Equation (
2) does not decrease monotonically with the length
h of the predictive horizon. For example, for
h from 2 to 5, we have
. Consider, e.g., a revising D-agent connected to T-agents classified as TDD. Passing from an even to an odd horizon
h, the agent counts one more exploitation by her T-agents at the end of the horizon, so the expected gain
is lowered and, consequently, the requirement on
r for invasion becomes stronger.
Theorem 2. The tit-for-tat strategy monotonically fixates if andwhere is the largest degree in the network. Note that the tit-for-tat strategy cannot fixate for
, independently on the value of the return
r. For
, the coefficient of
equals 1 (see
Table 2), so the T-agent
i is tempted to change to D if she has enough TCD-neighbors. Instead of exploiting them at the first round of the predictive horizon and being exploited at the second (alternate cooperation between T-neighbors), it is better to exploit them once by playing D twice. The gain per TCD-neighbor is indeed 1. This situation happens, in particular, when the D-agent
i is surrounded by TDD-neighbors and
r is large enough to induce
i to change strategy. Then, as soon as
i switches to T and plays C, she updates the classification of all her neighbors to TCD, thus becoming ready to switch back to D. If not immediately revising, and assuming the neighbors remain T,
i establishes alternate cooperation with her neighbors, whose label alternates between TCD and TDC. Then, every two rounds
i will be in the condition to change strategy and will eventually do it. This prevents the fixation of the T-strategy. This also means that for
the T-strategy is not absorbing, that is, the system can leave the state all-T. In contrast, the always-D strategy is absorbing, as
for the D-agent
i with only D-neighbors (see again
Table 2). However, the state all-D is never attracting, even at low
r, because the isolated T-agent
i is protected from exploiters and thus indifferent to strategy change (
if all neighbors are DCD or DDD).
Finally, note that on regular networks (all nodes with same degree
k), because
, the conditions in Equations (
1) and (
2) of Theorem and Corollary 1 coincide, so that the latter becomes ‘iff’ and we have the following
Corollary 2. On regular networks, for , the invasion of the tit-for-tat strategy implies its monotonic fixation.
Theorems 1 and 2 and their corollaries show network reciprocity in our EGT setup, as they set thresholds on the PD return
r for the invasion and the (monotonic) fixation of the T-strategy that all increase with the connectivity of the network. Because invasion depends on the position in the network of the initial T-agent (the conditions in Equation (
2) in Corollary 1), and the fixation threshold results from a sufficient condition (the condition in Equation (
3) in Theorem 2), we ran numerical simulations to quantify the thresholds on specific types of networks.
Figure 1 reports the results of numerical simulations on Watts–Strogatz (WS) and Barabási–Albert(BA) networks (left and right panels) with average degree
(top and bottom panels). The solid lines show the long-term fraction of T-agents as a function of the PD return
r, averaged over 100 simulations on randomly generated networks and initial conditions. The dashed lines show the corresponding fraction of cooperative actions, which saturates at 0.5 because of the alternate exploitation problem of the T-strategy.
Looking at a single panel, the solid curves define the actual invasion and fixation thresholds (the theoretical invasion threshold , averaged over the 100 networks, is systematically larger), so that, for given connectivity ( or 8), cooperation is favored if r is sufficiently increased. Comparing top and bottom panels, we can see network reciprocity. Indeed, the invasion and fixation thresholds both increase by doubling the network connectivity. Note that, in accordance with Corollary 1, the invasion threshold does not always decrease by extending the predictive horizon.
Similar results can be obtained for regular networks, e.g., lattices, rings, and complete networks. Invasion and fixation on regular networks are however ruled by Corollary 2, so the long-term fraction of T-agents jumps from 0 to 1 when
r exceeds the invasion thresholds. The thresholds for degree-4 and -8 are marked by dotted lines in the left and right panels in
Figure 1.
Comparing left and right panels, we can see the effect of the network’s heterogeneity (single-scale vs. scale-free networks). The effect is quite limited, in agreement with the empirical observations [
53]. Indeed, although the average invasion threshold of Corollary 1 is much larger for BA networks than for WS networks, the actual thresholds resulting from the simulations are comparable. Looking more closely, it can however be noted that scale-free (BA) networks make invasion easier and fixation more demanding, compared to same-average-degree single-scale (WS) networks. The effect on invasion is due to the skewness of the degree distributions of BA networks toward small degrees (the minimum degree being
), which lowers, on average, the invasion threshold of Theorem 1. The effect on fixation is evidently due to D-hubs, which raise the requirement on
r to eventually switch to T.
A secondary effect is due to the fact that, by construction, the degree distribution of our random networks is more heterogeneous (larger variance) the larger is the average degree. As a result, there is no invasion in networks with for r smaller or equal than the invasion threshold for a same-degree regular network (see the dotted vertical lines in the top panels), whereas in networks with (bottom panels) invasion is present in more than 90% of the experiments for r at the dotted threshold.
3.2. Tit-for-two-tats vs. D
In the case of the tit-for-two-tats strategy, against unconditional defection, the expressions for the expected payoffs are reported in
Table 4. As in
Table 2 for the classical tit-for-tat, we also report the horizon-1 payoff gains
, respectively, expected by a T- and a D-agent when changing strategy. Evidently, the first is zero (if the T-agent
i only has DCD and DDD-neighbors) or positive, while the second is negative, confirming that cooperation needs a multi-step predictive horizon.
A substantial difference with respect to the classical tit-for-tat is that the tit-for-two-tats strategy cannot invade from a single agent. Indeed, the single T-agent
i classifies all her neighbors as DCD1 after the first game round, so that, if strategy revising, she will compute
for all
r and
h (see
Table 4). However, with probability
, agent
i will not revise her strategy after the first round and she will classify defecting neighbors as DCD after the second round and as DDD later on, hence computing, before any change in her neighborhood,
Considering all possible realizations of the evolutionary processes, thus including the strategy revision of the initial T-agents after the first round, we can only derive invasion and fixation conditions starting from a pair of connected T-agents.
Theorem 3. The tit-for-two-tats strategy invades from the agent pair if and only if andwhere,, and.
Corollary 3. The tit-for-two-tats strategy invades from any pair of connected agents if and only if andwhere (introduced in Theorem 2) is the largest degree in the network, and . Note that only a fraction
of all possible realizations of the evolutionary processes require
in Theorem 3 and Corollary 3, i.e., those in which at least one of the two initial T-agents change to D after the first game round. Neglecting this unfortunate situation (recall that the rate
of strategy update is assumed small), the invasion condition from a pair of connected T-agents weakens to the second in Equations (
4) and (
5) (valid also for
More interestingly, we can now consider the invasion condition from a single T-agent, neglecting the -fraction of the realizations in which the agent does not revise strategy after the first round.
Theorem 4. Assuming agent i does not revise strategy after the first round, the tit-for-two-tats strategy invades from agent i if and only if andwhere (introduced in Theorem 1) is the lowest of i-neighbors’ degrees. Corollary 4. The tit-for-two-tats strategy invades from any agent, provided she does not revise strategy after the first round, if and only if andwhere (introduced in Corollary 1) is the largest of the . Note that the invasion threshold
set by the condition in Equation (
7) does decrease monotonically with the length
h of the predictive horizon, contrary to the threshold for the classical tit-for-tat, essentially because the tit-for-two-tats agents establish permanent cooperation with their T-neighbors.
Theorem 5. The tit-for-two-tats strategy monotonically fixates in a network with at least a pair of T-agent if andwhere (introduced in Theorem 2) is the largest degree in the network. Note that the tit-for-two-tats strategy cannot fixate for
, independently on the value of the return
r. The reason is twofold. For
, similarly to the case of the classical tit-for-tat, the coefficient of
equals 2, but also the coefficient of
is positive and equal to 1 (see
Table 4). Thus, the T-agent
i is tempted to change to D if she has enough TCD1- and DCD1-neighbors. Instead of cooperating twice with TCD1-neighbors and being exploited once by DCD1-neighbors in the two rounds of the predictive horizon, it is better to exploit TCD1-neighbors twice and avoid being exploited. The gains per TCD1- and DCD1-neighbor are indeed 2 and 1, respectively. This situation happens, in particular, when the D-agent
i is surrounded by a mix of TDD- and DDD-neighbors and
r is large enough to induce
i to change strategy. Then, as soon as
i switches to T and plays C, she updates the classification of TDD- and DDD-neighbors into TCD1 and DCD1, respectively. New T-agent can therefore switch back to D, but only if strategy revising twice in a row. Assuming this does not happen (because of the small rate of strategy change
), fixation is realized also for
, under the second condition in Equation (
Another related difference, with respect to the case of the classical tit-for-tat, is that the system can reach the state all-D, because isolated T-agents can change to D immediately after getting first exploited by D-neighbors. Being obliged, as T-agents, to cooperate a second time, they prefer to switch to C.
Finally, note that on regular networks (all nodes with same degree
k), because
, the conditions in Equations (
4) and (
5) of Theorem 3 and Corollary 3 coincide, so that the latter becomes ‘iff’ and we have the following
Corollary 5. On regular networks, for , the invasion of the tit-for-two-tats strategy implies its monotonic fixation.
Theorems 3–5 and their corollaries show network reciprocity also in the case of the tit-for-two-tats strategy. As done in
Section 3.1, to quantify the actual invasion and fixation thresholds, we ran numerical simulations.
Figure 2 shows the results on Watts–Strogatz (WS) and Barabási–Albert(BA) networks (left and right panels) with average degree
(top and bottom panels). As in
Figure 1, the solid lines show the long-term fraction of T-agents as a function of the PD return
r, averaged over 100 simulations on randomly generated networks and initial conditions. The dashed lines showing the fraction of cooperative actions are however invisible, being indistinguishable (at the scale of the figure) from the corresponding solid lines. Although T-agents do not always cooperate, they establish permanent cooperation with their T-neighbors, thus the defective actions of T-agents essentially occur only at the border of T-clusters and constitute a minor fraction. Consequently, T-agents always cooperate at fixation, i.e., the fixation of the tit-for-two-tats implies the fixation of cooperation.
Most of the other observations presented at the end of
Section 3.1 also hold for the tit-for-two-tats strategy. Comparing top and bottom panels, we can see network reciprocity, i.e., the invasion and fixation thresholds both increase by doubling the network connectivity. Similar results hold for regular networks (lattices, rings, and complete networks) for which the invasion and fixation threshold are ruled by Corollary 5 and displayed in
Figure 2 (for degree-4 and -8) by the vertical dotted lines. Regarding the network’s heterogeneity, the effect it is still quite limited (comparison between single-scale and scale-free networks; left and right panels).
Differently from the classical tit-for-tat, the invasion threshold does decrease monotonically with the length of the predictive horizon, in accordance with Corollary 4 (see the increasing values of the purple, yellow, and red threshold and the left-to-right order of the corresponding curves), confirming the role of the multi-step prediction in the strategy update.
Finally note that the fraction of T-agents does not reach one for large
r (this is particularly visible in the right panels). The reason is that we started all simulations from one (randomly placed) T-agent and, accordingly with Theorem 4 and Corollary 4, there is a
-probability that the initial T-agent changes to D after the first game round. If this happens to agent
i, and
r is above the invasion threshold in Equation (
6) of Theorem 4, then a neighbor
j of
i could have changed to T, otherwise the network remains trapped in the absorbing state all-D.
3.3. New-tit-for-two-tats vs. D
In the case of the new-tit-for-two-tats strategy, against unconditional defection, the expressions for the expected payoffs are reported in
Table 6. As in the previous cases, we also report the horizon-1 payoff gains
, respectively, expected by a T- and a D-agent when changing strategy. Evidently, the first is zero (if the T-agent
i only has DCD-, DCD1-, and DDD-neighbors) or positive, while the second is negative, confirming that cooperation needs a multi-step predictive horizon.
Theorem 6. The new-tit-for-two-tats strategy invades from agent i if and only if andwhere (introduced in Theorem 1) is the lowest of i-neighbors’ degrees. Corollary 6. The new-tit-for-two-tats strategy invades from any agent if and (introduced in Corollary 1) is the largest of the . Note that the invasion threshold
set by the condition in Equation (
10) does decrease monotonically with the length
h of the predictive horizon. As in the case of the standard tit-for-two-tats, this is due to the permanent cooperation established by T-agents with their T-neighbors.
Theorem 7. The new-tit-for-two-tats strategy monotonically fixates if andwhere (introduced in Theorem 2) is the largest degree in the network. Note that the new-tit-for-two-tats strategy can fixate also for , provided the game return r is large enough. The reason is that, differently from the two previously analyzed cooperative strategies, TCD1- and DCD1-neighbors no longer tempt the T-agent i to change strategy. By remaining T in the two rounds of the predictive horizon, agent i cooperates twice with TCD1-neighbors and defects twice with DCD1-neighbors, whereas she exploits TCD1-neighbors once by changing to D. The gains per TCD1- and DCD1-neighbor are for and 0, respectively. This situation happens, in particular, when the D-agent i is surrounded by a mix of TDD- and DDD-neighbors and r is large enough to induce i to change strategy. Then, as soon as i switches to T and plays C, she updates the classification of TDD- and DDD-neighbors into TCD1 and DCD1, respectively.
Finally, note that on regular networks (all nodes with same degree
k), because
, the conditions in Equations (
9) and (
10) of Theorem 6 and Corollary 6 coincide, so that the latter becomes ‘iff’ and we have the following
Corollary 7. On regular networks, the invasion of the new-tit-for-two-tats strategy implies its monotonic fixation.
Theorems 6 and 7 and their corollaries show network reciprocity also in the case of the new-tit-for-two-tats strategy. As done for the other two cases, we quantified the actual invasion and fixation thresholds by running numerical simulations.
Figure 3 show the results on Watts–Strogatz (WS) and Barabási–Albert(BA) networks (left and right panels) with average degree
(top and bottom panels). As in
Figure 2, the solid lines show the long-term fraction of T-agents as a function of the PD return
r, averaged over 100 simulations on randomly generated networks and initial conditions, while the dashed lines, showing the fraction of cooperative actions, are indistinguishable from the corresponding solid lines. As for the tit-for-two-tats strategy, new-tit-for-two-tats-agents establish permanent cooperation with their T-neighbors, thus only a minority of T-agents’ actions are defective and the fixation of the T-strategy implies the fixation of cooperation.
Most of the other observations presented at the end of
Section 3.1 and
Section 3.2 also hold for the new-tit-for-two-tats strategy. Comparing top and bottom panels, we can see network reciprocity, i.e., the invasion and fixation thresholds both increase by doubling the network connectivity. Similar results hold for regular networks (lattices, rings, and complete networks) for which the invasion and fixation threshold are ruled by Corollary 7 and displayed in
Figure 3 (for degree-4 and -8) by the vertical dotted lines. Regarding the network’s heterogeneity, the effect it is still quite limited (comparison between single-scale and scale-free networks; left-to-right panels).
Comparing the three types of analyzed cooperative strategies, we can see that the invasion and fixation thresholds in
Figure 3 are both lower than those in
Figure 1 and
Figure 2. The same can be seen to hold between the theoretical thresholds for the new-tit-for-two-tats (Theorem and Corollary 6) and those for the tit-for-tat and of the tit-for-two-tats (Theorems and Corollaries 3 and 1). This is related to the ‘degree’ of reciprocity implemented by the cooperative strategy. The classical tit-for-tat has the highest degree, i.e., the strategy is unforgiving toward defectors; The standard tit-for-two-tats has the lowest, always forgiving the first defection. Both these extrema hinder the evolution of cooperation, the first because it prevents the establishment of permanent cooperation among T-neighbors and the second because it is too exposed to defectors. Our new variant well combines an intermediate reciprocity with the model-predictive horizon. As tit-for-two-tats-agents, new-tit-for-two-tats agents expect to cooperate with all their T-neighbors during the predictive horizon. However, contrary to the former tit-for-two-tats-agents, they avoid being exploited twice in a row, so that, after the first exploitation, they do not predict the cost of the second in the first round of the horizon.