Strong Authentication Scheme Based on Hand Geometry and Smart Card Factors
:1. Introduction
2. The Xu–Zhu–Feng Scheme
2.1. Review of the Xu–Zhu–Feng Scheme
- NotationsIn order to make future references more easy to understand, frequently repeated notations are enumerated below with their descriptions (see Table 1).
- Initial PhaseThe server picks large prime numbers, p and q, such that , and selects its secret key .
- Registration PhaseThe user sends his identity ID and password PW to the authentication server via a secure channel. Then, the server calculates when he receives the registration request message {ID,PW} from the valid user. After that, the server saves the important data into a new smart card and pushes it to the user.
- Login PhaseThe user attaches his smart card to a device reader and enters his ID and PW. The smart card selects a random number , establishes the time-stamp with the current time, and computes the following:.It then submits the login message to the server. However, we notice that the smart card is required to run the modulus exponentiation computation twice in this phase.
- Authentication PhaseAfter receiving the user’s login message at time , the server verifies the identity of the user ID and the time-stamp T by checking , where is a threshold defined in advance. Then, the server calculates and tests whether C is equal to . If the above validations go through effectively, the user is genuine and the server continues with the following procedure. Otherwise, it terminates the login request. The server selects a random number , sets the time-stamp , , and submits the message to the user. After receiving the message, the smart card verifies and and then compares with . If they are equal, the server is valid. Both the user and server compute .
2.2. Cryptanalysis of the Xu–Zhu–Feng Scheme
- ,
- ,
- .
3. Design Issues
3.1. Feature Extraction of Hand Geometry Images
- (1)
- Lengths connection the base of the hand and tips of finger;
- (2)
- Points viewing the base point of each finger;
- (3)
- Area surrounded by the registered points.
3.2. Our Proposed Scheme for Design Issues
3.3. Comparison
4. Our Proposed Scheme
- Registration PhaseIn this phase, everyone that will be registered on the remote server is provided with a smart card and features of hand geometry. To initialize, the user submits his biometric hand geometry , and his hashed password and identity to the remote server over a secure channel. Upon receiving the user’s registration request, the server performs the following operations:
- (1)
- S extracts the features of the user’s hand geometry and computes , where is a secret key kept by S in private;
- (2)
- S saves the data on a new smart card. S sends each of the user’s smart cards and hashes of his personal biometrics (hand-geometry’s features) to over a secure channel;: smart card, ;
- (3)
- saves in his USB.
- Login PhaseWhen the user wishes to login to S, then attaches his smart card in the card reader, his USB in the USB device to read , and inputs his password . The smart card fulfills the following steps:
- (1)
- Compute and ;
- (2)
- Generate a random number and perform the following steps:
- –
- Compute ;
- –
- Calculate , where T is the current time-stamp of the input device;
- –
- Encrypt by using ;
- (3)
- The user’s smart card sends a login request message M to the remote server;Smart card→S: .
- Authentication PhaseUpon receiving the user’s login request message at time , S performs the following computations:
- (1)
- S computes , and decrypts ;
- (2)
- S checks the legitimacy of the time-stamp T. If , then the authenticated server S accepts user’s login request and then executes the next step. Otherwise, S terminates this phase;
- (3)
- S computes , and checks whether is equal to . If so, S accepts the user’s login request;
- (4)
- S computes and sends message to .;
- (5)
- When receives the message at time executes the following steps:
- –
- Check whether . If this does not hold, then overthrows the message and terminates this phase. Otherwise, continues the next step;
- –
- decrypts message by using , computes , and compares a with . If so, decides that the remote server S is authenticated.
- Password Change PhaseWhen wants to change his password from to , runs this phase. The password change phase needs to go through the following steps:
- (1)
- needs to be executed in the above phases login and mutual authentication. The server S authenticates his old password ;
- (2)
- After the successful mutual authentication, enters a new password . Then, the smart card computes and replaces the old with a new .
5. Security Analysis of Our Proposed Scheme
6. Discussion and Comparison with the State-of-the-Art Methods
- C1 :
- Freely chosen password;
- C2 :
- User anonymity;
- C3 :
- Secure password change;
- C4 :
- Session key agreement;
- C5 :
- Mutual authentication;
- C6 :
- No password revealed;
- C7 :
- Revocation by using personal biometrics.
- (1)
- : Time for performing a one-way hash function.
- (2)
- : Time for performing the XOR operation.
- (3)
- : Time for performing a concatenation function.
- (4)
- : Time performing for exponentiation function.
- (5)
- :Time performing for a symmetric encryption function.
- (6)
- :Time performing for a symmetric decryption function.
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Symbol | Description |
Identity of user A. | |
Identity of user B. | |
Password of user A. | |
The one-time random number generated by the user A. | |
The time-stamp of user A. | |
The time-stamp of server S. | |
Threshold’s time defined in advance by the system. | |
h(.) | A cryptography one-way hash function. |
The message M encrypted by session key K. | |
x mod p | The remainder of x divided by p. |
⊕ | The bitwise XOR operation. |
The concatenation operation. | |
p,q | The two large prime numbers. |
The multiplicative set of . | |
The ring of integers modulo q. |
Symbol | Description |
A legitimate user . | |
S | A trustworthy server. |
Identity of user . | |
Password of user . | |
Hashed password of user . | |
Hashed identity of user . | |
Hand geometry of user . | |
Features of hand geometry. | |
A secret key kept by S in private. | |
h(.) | A cryptography one-way hash function. |
The one-time random number generated by the user . | |
The one-time key generated for each user’s login request. | |
The time-stamp of the user . | |
The time-stamp of server S. | |
Threshold’s time defined in advance by the system. | |
Symmetric encryption function based on key . | |
M | Login request message from the user to the remote server S. |
Other miscellaneous values that are applied in the verification. | |
⊕ | The bitwise XOR operation. |
The concatenation operation. |
Scheme | C1 | C2 | C3 | C4 | C5 | C6 | C7 |
Our Scheme | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Das et al. [14] | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | No |
Liao et al. [15] | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | No |
Wang et al. [25] | No | No | No | No | Yes | No | No |
Yoon and Yoo [27] | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | No |
Khan et al. [26] | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | No |
Xu–Zhu–Feng [3] | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Scheme | Registration Phase | Login & Authentication Phase | Total Cost |
Our Scheme | |||
Das et al. [14] | |||
Liao et al. [15] | |||
Wang et al. [25] | |||
Yoon and Yoo [27] | |||
Khan et al. [26] | |||
Xu–Zhu–Feng [3] |
Scheme | From User to Server | From Server to User | Total Communication Cost (Numbers of Bits) | ||
Login Message | Cost (Bits) | Mutual Message | Cost (Bits) | ||
Our Scheme | 384 | 192 | 576 | ||
Das et al. [14] | 448 | - | - | 448 | |
Liao et al. [15] | 448 | 192 | 640 | ||
Wang et al. [25] | 448 | 192 | 640 | ||
Khan et al. [26] | 384 | 192 | 576 | ||
Yoon and Yoo [27] | 448 | 192 | 640 |
© 2016 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license (
Share and Cite
Yassin, A.A.; Yao, J.; Han, S. Strong Authentication Scheme Based on Hand Geometry and Smart Card Factors. Computers 2016, 5, 15.
Yassin AA, Yao J, Han S. Strong Authentication Scheme Based on Hand Geometry and Smart Card Factors. Computers. 2016; 5(3):15.
Chicago/Turabian StyleYassin, Ali A., Jian Yao, and Shiyao Han. 2016. "Strong Authentication Scheme Based on Hand Geometry and Smart Card Factors" Computers 5, no. 3: 15.
APA StyleYassin, A. A., Yao, J., & Han, S. (2016). Strong Authentication Scheme Based on Hand Geometry and Smart Card Factors. Computers, 5(3), 15.