Unlocking Blockchain UTXO Transactional Patterns and Their Effect on Storage and Throughput Trade-Offs
:1. Introduction
- 1.
- Analysis and abstraction of transactional models.
- 2.
- Formal comparison of models to highlight their cost on storage.
- 3.
- Run experiments with data from the Bitcoin and the Ethereum blockchains.
2. Fundamental Background of Transactional Models
2.1. UTXO Model
- 1.
- All outputs are not the same.
- 2.
- An unspent output refers to a specific output when spending.
- 3.
- Unspent outputs are consumed, creating new outputs.
- 4.
- An output can only be spent once.
2.2. Account Model
- The process of contract deployment essentially involves the creation of a smart contract. This can be equated to an executable program that is assigned a unique address within the blockchain. The smart contract contains a set of predefined functions or instructions that are written in a programming language compatible with the Ethereum blockchain, such as Solidity [26].
- On the other hand, contract invocation refers to the process of executing or “calling” the functions embedded within the smart contract. These functions can be invoked by other addresses within the blockchain network, allowing them to interact with the smart contract and initiate specific operations. These operations can range from simple value transfers to more complex interactions involving multiple smart contracts [27].
3. Related Work
3.1. Approaches to Enhance Throughput
3.1.1. Block Size
3.1.2. Off-Chain
- (a)
- Payment channels increase transactional throughput by creating private paths between entities. For example, the Lightning Network [9,10] is capable of handling up to one million TPS off the main blockchain, recording transactions on the blockchain only when the channels are closed. This method shifts the storage overhead from the main chain to external systems to increase transaction throughput, altering the balance between these two parameters. In addition, managing the states of the channels off the main chain requires additional resources to ensure the integrity of the transactions.
- (b)
- Sidechains [11,12] operate as independent blockchains with their own storage and consensus mechanisms, linked to the main chain by two-way pegs. This setup allows them to process transactions that do not burden the main chain, enhancing overall system performance. However, the need for additional infrastructure to maintain the security and operability of sidechains increases off-chain storage and management overhead.
3.1.3. Sharding
3.2. Approaches to Reduce Storage
3.2.1. Centralized Data
3.2.2. Decentralized Data
3.3. Summary
4. Understanding the Execution of Transaction Models and Their Relation to Blockchain Storage
4.1. UTXO Model Storage Growth Analysis
- (a)
- In the first case, as shown in Figure 5a, Alice has a single output in her wallet with a value of BTC 0.2. To pay for the coffee, she creates a transaction that splits the BTC 0.2 unspent output into two new outputs: one with BTC 0.1 that she sends to Bob and another with BTC 0.1 that she sends back to herself.
- (b)
- In the second case, as shown in Figure 5b, Alice has multiple outputs in her wallet with a value less than the input value. To pay for the coffee, Alice merges the unspent outputs with a lesser value up to BTC 0.1, and creates a transaction that she pays to Bob.
- (c)
- In the third case, as shown in Figure 5c, Alice has multiple outputs in her wallet with a value equal to the input value. To pay for the coffee, Alice transfers the unspent output with the same value as the coffee and creates a new transaction that is sent to Bob.
4.2. Account Model Storage Growth Analysis
4.3. Transaction Sizes in Bitcoin and Ethereum
4.4. Summary
5. Unlocking Transactional Patterns Based on Spent-By Relation
5.1. Defining the UTXO Model as a DAG
- The set of vertices represents the outputs of the UTXO model and is divided into two subsets . Here, is the set of spent outputs, and is the set of unspent outputs.
- The set of edges R is determined by the spent-by relation, which specifies how the and are related.
5.2. Spent-By Relation “←”
- . This represents all pairs , where x and y are elements of the sets and , respectively.
- . This means that the number of edges in is one less than the number of vertices in .
5.3. Unlocking Transactional Patterns
5.3.1. Splitting Pattern
5.3.2. Merging Pattern
5.3.3. Transferring Pattern
5.4. Relationship between Throughput and Storage
- Outputs across transactional patterns This parameter, denoted as , represents the total number of outputs generated by all transactional patterns (splitting, merging, and transferring). It is the sum of the outputs from each pattern, expressed as follows:
- Number of outputs of all transactional patterns in a time interval: This parameter, denoted as , represents the total number of outputs generated by all transactional patterns per time interval. It is calculated by dividing the total number of outputs by the time interval t, expressed as follows:
- Average number of outputs per transaction: This parameter, denoted as , represents the average number of outputs generated per transaction. It is calculated by dividing the total number of outputs by the total number of transactions , expressed as follows:
5.5. Summary
6. Experimental Comparison of Storage Costs in UTXO Transactional Patterns
6.1. Storage Cost in Splitting Pattern
6.2. Storage Cost in Transferring Pattern
6.3. Storage Costs in the Merging Pattern
6.4. Analysis of Transaction Pattern in Storage/Throughput Flexibility
6.5. Summary
7. Discussion
7.1. Practical Implications of Transactional Patterns
7.2. Discussion of Experimental Results
7.3. Future Research
8. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
DApps | decentralized applications |
DAG | directed acyclic graph |
P2P | peer-to-peer |
UTXO | unspent transaction output |
TPS | transactions per second |
CUB | consensus unit-based |
EVM | Ethereum virtual machine |
SE-Chain | secure and efficient chain |
SASLedger | secure, accelerated scalable ledger |
Jidar | jigsaw-like data reduction |
SegWit | segregated witness |
Appendix A. Formal Comparison of the Transactional Models of Bitcoin and Ethereum
Appendix A.1. Formalization of Transaction Execution in Ethereum
Appendix A.1.1. Defining the Fundamental Sets
- (a)
- T: This set represents all possible transactions in the system. A transaction is a simple token transfer or the invocation of a smart contract.
- (b)
- B: This set represents the blocks in the blockchain. In Ethereum, each block contains an ordered set of transactions that have been validated and confirmed by the network.
- (c)
- S: This is the global state of the system, which includes information such as the balance of each account, the code of smart contracts, and other relevant global data.
- (d)
- C: This set represents all smart contracts deployed in the system. A smart contract is an autonomous program that runs on the blockchain.
Appendix A.1.2. Defining Functions
- (a)
- State transition function: This function takes an initial state (S) and a transaction (t) and returns a new state (). If the transaction is invalid, is equal to S.
- (b)
- Validation function: This function checks if a transaction (t) is valid given a state (S). This involves checking if the sender has enough funds to complete the transaction or whether the transaction complies with certain smart contract rules.
- (c)
- Sequentiality function: This function extracts the serialized order of transactions in a block, B.
- (d)
- State update function: = It shows how the global state (S) is updated by sequentially applying each transaction in B, taking into account validation.
Appendix A.2. Simple Transaction in Ethereum
Appendix A.3. Smart Contract Execution in Ethereum: Success and Failure Scenarios
Appendix A.3.1. Success Scenario
Appendix A.3.2. Failure Scenario
Appendix A.4. Sequentiality Function in Ethereum Transactions
Appendix A.5. Formalization of Transaction Execution in Bitcoin
Appendix A.5.1. Definition of Fundamental Sets
- (a)
- T: Encapsulates all transactions within the system. A transaction is defined as a simple token transfer operation.
- (b)
- B: This set comprises all blocks in the blockchain. In the context of Bitcoin, each block contains a set of transactions that are validated and confirmed by the network nodes.
- (c)
- USet: Refers to a set of all available unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs) at any given time. USet is an abstraction of the set of microstates in Bitcoin.
Appendix A.6. Simple Transaction in Bitcoin
Appendix A.7. Comparative Complexity Analysis in Transactional Models
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Issue | Enhancing Throughput | Proposal | Blockchain System | Throughput | Advantages | Disadvantages |
Throughput | Block size | SegWit 2015 | Permissionless | 20 TPS | Enhances storage efficiency and latency | Increases capacity, not scalable solution. |
Block size | London 2021 | Permissionless | 85 TPS | Increase throughput reduce fees | Increased gas and block size | |
Off-chain | Polygon 2018 | Permissionless | 65,000 TPS | Ethereum compatibility low fees | Inconsistency and security risks | |
Off-chain | Lightning 2015 | Permissionless | 1 Million TPS | Instant transactions low fees | Funds blocked in payment channels | |
Sharding | Elastico 2016 | Permissionless | 40 TPS | Parallelizes transactional processing | Increase storage 1 GB per day | |
Sharding | OmniLedger 2018 | Permissionless | 4000 TPS | Ensures that nodes redistributed | Increase storage 28 GB per day | |
Sharding | RapidChain 2018 | Permissionless | 7380 TPS | Efficiency in network configuration | Increase storage 159.6GB per day | |
Issue | Reducing Storage | Proposal | Blockchain System | Saving Storage | Advantages | Disadvantages |
Storage | Centralized | CUB 2018 | Permissioned | 90% Saving | Block Allocation Optimization | Assume all nodes are honest |
Centralized | Jidar 2019 | Permissionless | 98% Saving | Only stores transaction relevant | Extra storage for transaction | |
Centralized | SASLedger 2021 | Permissioned | 93% Saving | Guarantee integrity of the database | Requires remote database server | |
Decentralized | SE-Chain 2021 | Permissionless | 70% Saving | The consistent blocks stored fewer replicas | High Latency Low availability | |
Decentralized | Lightweight 2021 | Permissioned | 46% Saving | Optimization scheme based on Reed-Solomon | Limited full-scale Compatibility |
Attribute | Description | Size |
PrevTxid | Hashed ID of the to-be-used transaction | 32 bytes |
Output Index | Number of the output in the transaction | 4 bytes |
SigScript | Signature data to unlock spent output | Variable |
Sequence | Transaction sequence number | 4 bytes |
Attribute | Description | Size |
PkScript | Script that sets the conditions to unlock funds | Variable |
Value | Satoshi Amount | 8 bytes |
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Share and Cite
Melo, D.; Pomares-Hernández, S.E.; Rodríguez-Henríquez, L.M.X.; Pérez-Sansalvador, J.C. Unlocking Blockchain UTXO Transactional Patterns and Their Effect on Storage and Throughput Trade-Offs. Computers 2024, 13, 146. https://doi.org/10.3390/computers13060146
Melo D, Pomares-Hernández SE, Rodríguez-Henríquez LMX, Pérez-Sansalvador JC. Unlocking Blockchain UTXO Transactional Patterns and Their Effect on Storage and Throughput Trade-Offs. Computers. 2024; 13(6):146. https://doi.org/10.3390/computers13060146
Chicago/Turabian StyleMelo, David, Saúl Eduardo Pomares-Hernández, Lil María Xibai Rodríguez-Henríquez, and Julio César Pérez-Sansalvador. 2024. "Unlocking Blockchain UTXO Transactional Patterns and Their Effect on Storage and Throughput Trade-Offs" Computers 13, no. 6: 146. https://doi.org/10.3390/computers13060146
APA StyleMelo, D., Pomares-Hernández, S. E., Rodríguez-Henríquez, L. M. X., & Pérez-Sansalvador, J. C. (2024). Unlocking Blockchain UTXO Transactional Patterns and Their Effect on Storage and Throughput Trade-Offs. Computers, 13(6), 146. https://doi.org/10.3390/computers13060146