Mycotoxins: Biotransformation and Bioavailability Assessment Using Caco-2 Cell Monolayer
:1. Introduction
2. Biotransformation of Mycotoxins
2.1. Biotransformation of Aflatoxins
2.2. Biotransformation of Ochratoxin A
2.3. Biotransformation of Deoxynivalenol
2.4. Biotransformation of T-2 and HT-2
2.5. Biotransformation of Fumonisins
2.6. Biotransformation of Zearalenone
2.7. Biotransformation of Enniatins
2.8. Biotransformation of Beauvericin
2.9. Biotransformation of Alternaria Mycotoxins
2.10. Biotransformation of Patulin
3. Assessment of Bioavailability of Mycotoxins Using Caco-2 Cell Monolayer
4. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
3′-OH-HT-2 | 3′-hydroxy-HT-2 |
3′-OH-T-2 | 3′-hydroxy-T-2 |
4-OH-OTA | 4-hydroxy-ochratoxin A |
10-OH-OTA | 10-hydroxy-ochratoxin A |
α-ZEA | α-zearalenone |
β-ZEA | β-zearalenone |
ABC | ATP–binding cassette |
AFB1 | aflatoxin B1 |
AFB2 | aflatoxin B2 |
AFBO | Aflatoxin B1–8,9-epoxide |
AFBO-GSH | Aflatoxin B1–8,9-epoxide-glutathiones |
AFG1 | aflatoxin G1 |
AFG2 | aflatoxin G2 |
AFL | aflatoxicol |
AFM1 | aflatoxin M1 |
AFM2 | aflatoxin M2 |
AFP1 | aflatoxin P1 |
AFQ1 | aflatoxin Q1 |
AhR | aryl the hydrocarbon receptor |
AKR7 | aldo-keto reductase subfamily 7 |
ALT | altenuene |
AME | alternariol monomethyl ether |
AOH | alternariol |
AP | apical compartment |
ATX I | altertoxin I |
ATX II | altertoxin II |
ATXs | altertoxins |
BCRP | breast cancer resistance protein |
BEA | beauvericin |
BL | basolateral compartment |
Caco-2 | caucasian colon adenocarcinoma |
Caco-2/TC7 | TC7 clone was isolated from a late passage of the parental Caco-2 line |
CAR | constitutive androstane receptor |
CYP | cytochrome P |
D3G | deoxynivalenol-3-glucoside |
DNA | Deoxyribonucleic acid |
DOM-1 | deepoxy-deoxynivalenol |
DON | deoxynivalenol |
ENN A | enniatin A |
ENN A1 | enniatin A1 |
ENN B | enniatin B |
ENN B1 | enniatin B1 |
ENNs | enniatins |
ERK | extracellular signal regulated protein kinase |
FB1 | fumonisin B1 |
FBs | fumonisins |
GI | gastrointestinal |
GSH | glutathione |
GST | glutathione S-transferase |
HCT-16 | human colon carcinoma |
HFB1 | aminopentol |
HT-2 | HT-2 toxin |
HT-29 | human colorectal adenocarcinoma |
IL-8 | Interleukin-8 |
JNK | c-Jun-N-terminal kinase |
LD50 | median lethal dose |
LOQ | limit of quantitation |
MAPK | mitogen-activated protein kinase-dependent |
mEH | microsomal epoxide hydrolase |
MPA | mycophenolic acid |
MRP | multidrug resistance protein |
NAT | N-acetyltransferaseND (not detected) |
NEO | neosolaniol |
NF-κB | nuclear factor kappa–light–chain–enhancer of activated B cells |
NIV | nivalenol |
OH-ALT | hydroxy-altenuene |
OH-AME | hydroxy-alternariol monomethyl ether |
OH-AOH | hydroxyl-alternariol |
OTα | ochratoxin α |
OTA | ochratoxin A |
OTB | ochratoxin B |
Papp | apparent permeability |
P-gp | P-glycoprotein |
PAT | patulin |
pHFB1 | partially hydrolyzed fumonisin B1 |
PXR | pregnane X receptor |
RNA | Ribonucleic acid |
ROS | reactive oxygen species |
SULT | sulfotransferase |
SW480 | human colon adenocarcinoma |
T-2 | T-2 toxin |
TeA | tenuazonic acid |
TEER | transepithelial electrical resistance |
TEN | tentoxin |
UGT: | uridine 5′-diphospho-glucuronosyltransferase |
ZEA | zearalenone |
ZEA14Glc | zearalenone-14-glucoside |
ZEA16Glc | zearalenone-16-glucoside |
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Mycotoxins | Effects | LD50 (mg/kg) | References |
T-2 and HT-2 | Inhibition of DNA, RNA and protein synthesis. Induction of mutations and apoptosis. | T-2 Rodents: 5–10 Pig: 5 Chicken: 2–6 Shrimp: 30 Mice: 2–5 HT-2 Rodents: 5–10 | [16,17,18,19,20,21] |
DON | Inhibition of DNA, RNA and protein synthesis. Decrease of the cell proliferation. | Mice: 46–78 Duck: 27 Chicken: 140 | [22,23,24,25,26] |
ZEA | Activation of the estrogen receptor. Inhibition of DNA and protein synthesis. Triggering lipid peroxidation and cell death. | Mice: 2000–20,000 Rat: 4000–10,000 Pig: 5000 | [27,28,29] |
BEA | Increase of the biological membrane permeability. Loss of ionic homeostasis. Induction of lipid peroxidation. | Mice: 100 | [30,31,32] |
ENNs | Increase of the membrane permeability for cations. | No acute in vivo toxicity data | [32,33] |
FB1 | Inhibition the activity of ceramide synthase. | >1000 | [34] |
AOH and AME | Single and double strand DNA breaks. Decrease of the cell proliferation. | Mice: 400 for AOH and AME | [35,36,37] |
ATXs | DNA strand breaks. | Mice: 0.2 | [37,38] |
TeA | Inhibition of protein synthesis. Inhibition of photosynthetic activity. | Mice: 81(female), 186–225 (male) Rat: 168 (female), 180 (male) | [39,40,41,42] |
AFB1 | Damage of DNA Inhibition of protein synthesis through interfering with RNA transcription and translation. Induction of oxidative stress. | Swine: 0.62 Duck: 0.37 Turkey: 0.5–1 Chicken: 6.5–12.5 Quail: 19.5 | [22,43] |
MPA | Inhibition of inosine 5′-monophosphate dehydrogenase. Blocking of the DNA synthesis and proliferation of both T and B lymphocytes. | Rat: 450 Mice: 1900 | [40,44] |
OTA | Inhibition the activity of many enzymes which use phenylalanine as a substrate. Disruption of phenylalanine metabolism. Production of reactive oxygen species Lipid peroxidation, cell membranes and DNA damage | Dog: 0.2 Pig: 1 Chicken: 3.3 Rat and mouse: 20–50 | [34,45] |
Mycotoxins | Commodity | Concentration Range (µg/kg) | Country | References |
T-2 and HT-2 | Barley grain | 26–787 | Italy | [61,62] |
Maize | 146 | Hungary | ||
Cereal-based products | <LOD-209 | Tunisia | ||
Wheat | 6.7–15.2 | Spain | ||
DON | Cereal and corn | 96–1790 | Portugal | [63,64] |
Wheat-based product | 333–1821 | Portugal | ||
Maize grain | ND-700 | Ethiopia | ||
Sorghum grain | 40–112 | Ethiopia | ||
ZEA | Corn | 59–505 | Philippines | [63,64,65] |
Cereal and corn | 5–930 | Portugal | ||
Sorghum grain | 7.2–382 | Ethiopia | ||
BEA | Rice | 3800–26,300 | Morocco | [46] |
Cereal | 0.1–10,600 | Morocco | ||
ENN A | Rice | 8400–119,500 | Morocco | [46] |
ENN A1 | Rice | 56,200–448,700 | Morocco | |
ENN B | Rice | 4400–26,200 | Morocco | |
ENN B1 | Rice | 3600–23,700 | Morocco | |
FB1 | Maize | ND-1106 | Zimbabwe | [3,63] |
Industrial processed food | 43–836 | Nigeria | ||
Dried sweet potato chips | 29.34–628.78 | Tanzania | ||
Corn | 113–1162 | Portugal | ||
Corn products | 183–2026 | Portugal | ||
AOH | Tomato sauce | 1.2–20.8 | Europe | [46,64,66] |
Sunflower oil | 0.7–2.9 | Europe | ||
Sorghum grain | 75–1090 | Ethiopia | ||
Cereal | 0.75–832 | Germany | ||
Fruit juices | 15–100 | Germany | ||
AME | Tomato sauce | <LOQ-4.7 | Europe | [46,64,66] |
Sunflower oil | <LOQ-7.1 | Europe | ||
Sorghum grain | 13–257 | Ethiopia | ||
Cereal | 0.3–905 | Germany | ||
Fruit juices | 0.13–4.9 | Germany | ||
ALT | Tomato products | 6.1–62 | Belgium | [46] |
Fruit juices | 1.18–18.4 | Germany | ||
ATXs | Tomato sauce | 0.5–3.7 | Europe | [66] |
Sunflower oil | 2–4.7 | Europe | ||
TeA | Tomato sauce | <LOQ-691 | Europe | [46,66] |
Sunflower oil | 24–458 | Europe | ||
Fruit juices | 1.1–250 | Germany | ||
Infant food | 0.8–1200 | Germany | ||
TEN | Tomato sauce | 0.2–1.2 | Europe | [46,66] |
Sunflower oil | <LOQ-21.8 | Europe | ||
Fruit juices | 0.5–10.7 | Germany | ||
AFB1 | Polished rice | 1–2546 | Philippines | [64,65] |
Sorghum grain | <7.5–359 | Ethiopia | ||
PAT | Apples | 3.2–1500 | Portugal | [63] |
Quince jam | 9.7–28.7 | Portugal | ||
OTA | Cereals | 0.27–7.97 | Portugal | [63,64,65] |
Coffee beans | 8-36,561 | Philippines | ||
Sorghum grain | 3.7–163 | Ethiopia |
Models | Advantages | Disadvantages |
In vitro models | ||
Simulation of gastrointestinal transformation | Similar to the physiological processes in the human body Suitable for high-throughput format Ability of testing a specific mechanisms of action Focus on small number of components Validation with reference material | No hormonal and nervous control Lack of feedback mechanisms Absence of mucosal cell activity Deficiency of complexity of peristaltic movements, and involvement of the local immune system Homeostatic mechanisms are not present Difficult to achieve the anaerobic assay conditions |
Caco-2 cells | Reproducibility of results Provides information about efficiency of digestion, absorption Ability of studying transport mechanisms Phenotypically similar to absorptive epithelial cells Suitable for high-throughput format | Human colonic adenocarcinoma origin Higher TEER value than human intestine Lack of mucin, microflora, biofilms, and epithelial cell types Variation of efflux transporters expression levels Incapability of simulating the changes of pH |
In vivo models | In vivo condition Well-known biology Selection of specific subjects Better-understanding kinetic of mycotoxins | High-throughput limitation Extremely complex functional systems Influence of different factors-phenotypic variation Lack of certified reference standards Ethical issues and high cost Time consuming and labor intensive |
Cell line | Origin | Transporters, Enzymes and Other Relevant Proteins | References |
Caco-2 | Human colon adenocarcinoma | CYP1A1, 1A2 GST, UGT, SULT, NAT P-gp, MRP-2, BCRP | [76,77,78] |
HT-29 | Human colon adenocarcinoma | CYP2C8, CYP2J2, CYP3A4 GST, UGT MRP1, MRP2, p-gp, BCRP | [79,80,81] |
TC-7 | Caco-2 subclones | Similar to Caco-2 | [82] |
T84 | Human colonic carcinoma | P-gp, MRP2, MRP3 | [83,84] |
H4 | Human small foetal intestine | CYP3A4 | [85] |
IPEC-J2 | Neonatal pig small intestine | CYP1A1, 1A2, 3A29 P-gp, MRP1, BCRP | [86,87] |
Mycotoxins | Induced CYP450 | Phase I Biotransformation | Phase II Biotransformation | References |
T-2 and HT-2 | CYP3A46, 3A29 and 3A22 in pig CYP1A5, 3A37 in chicken CYP1A1 in human | NEO, 3′-OH-T-2, 3′-OH-HT-2, T-2 triol, T-2 tetraol, and some C12,13-deepoxy products | T-2 glucuronides HT-2 glucuronides | [34,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101] |
DON | CYP2B1 and 2B2 | DOM-1 | DON-3-gluccoside, DON-, DOM- and DON -3-Glucoside-sulfonates, DON-3-, DON-7-, DON-8- and DON-15- glucuronides | [34,102] |
ZEA | CYP1A1, 1A2, 2B6, 2C9, 3A4 and 3A5 in human CYP2C7, 2E1, 3A1 and 3A2 in rat | α-ZEA and β-ZEA | ZEA, α-ZEA and β-ZEA-glucuronides ZEA-14-Glucoside, α-ZEA-14-Glucoside, β-ZEA-14-Glucoside, ZEA-14-Sulfate and ZEA-16-Glucoside | [34,103,104,105,106] |
BEA | CYP3A4/5 and CYP2C19 in human CYP3A1/2 in rat | No metabolites detected | No metabolites detected | [107,108] |
ENNs | CYP3A4, 2C9, 1A2 in human CYP3A and 1A in rat and dog | M1–M12 with rat, dog and human liver microsomes M1–M5, M9–M13 in chicken | No sulfated or glucuronidated of ENN B and B1 detected | [109,110,111,112,113,114,115] |
FB1 | CYP 1A1 and 4A1 in rat CYP1B1 in human | HFB1 and pHFB1 | Unknown | [34,116] |
AOH and AME | CYP1A1 | OH-AOH and OH-AME | AOH-3-glucoside, AOH-9-glucoside and AME-3-glucoside | [117,118,119,120] |
ATXs | CYP1A1 | ATX I | No metabolites detected | [121] |
ALT | Unknown | OH-ALT | ALT-glucuronide | [121] |
TeA | Unknown | No metabolites detected | No metabolites detected | [121] |
TEN | CYP3A4 | Monooxidized, mono-methylated and di-methylated metabolites | Unknown | [121] |
AFB1 | CYP1A1, 1A2, 2B6, 2C9, 3A4 and 3A5 in human liver | AFBO, AFM1, AFL, AFQ1 and AFP1 | AFB1-glutathiones, glucuronides and sulfates | [34,122,123] |
OTA | CYP1A1, 1A2, 2B6, 2C9, 3A4 and 3A5 in human liver | Lactone-open OTA, OTα, OTB, 4-OH-OTA and 10-OH-OTA | OTA-glutathiones, OTA-hexose/pentose, OTA-sulfates | [34,124,125,126,127,128,129] |
PAT | CYP1A1, 1A2, 2B6, 2C9, 3A4 and 3A5 in human hepatocytes | E-ascladiol, Z-ascladiol, hydroascladiol and deosypatulinic acid | PAT-glutathiones | [34,130] |
Mycotoxins | Concentration (µM) | Incubation Time (h) | Major Findings | References |
AOH and AME | 20 | 1–3 | 22.7–25.8% and 3–7.1% applied AOH and AME reached the basolateral compartment (including their metabolites). | [119] |
ATXs | 10 | 0.5 | 6% and 0.3% applied ATX I and ATX II found in basolateral compartment. ATX I were not metabolized. 13 and 4% metabolites of ATX II found in apical and basolateral compartments. | [201] |
AFB1 | 1–25 | 24–48 | CYP1A2 and 3A4 were the main CYP450 isoforms for AFB1 activation into the genotoxic metabolite aflatoxin-exo-7-8-epoxyde. | [9] |
AFB1, FB1, OTA and T-2 | 100 | 24 | AFB1, FB1, T2 and OTA disrupted the intestinal barrier permeability. | [198] |
BEA | 1.5–3 | 4 | Bioavailability was from 50.1–54.3 for BEA | |
DON | 5-30 | 24 | DON transcellular passage was either by passive/facilitated diffusion or by active transport. DON was a substrate for both P-gp and MRP2. | [202] |
ENNs | 1.5–3 | 4 48 | Duodenal bioavailability: 57.7–76.8% for ENN A, 68.8–70.2% for ENN A1, 65.0–67.0% for ENN B, and 62.2–65.1% for ENN B1. Colonic bioavailability: 17.3–33.3% for ENN A, 40.8–50.0% for ENN A1, 47.7–55.0% for ENN B, and 52.4–57.4% for ENN B1 | [67] |
MPA | 0–780 | - | Decrease in the barrier function of Caco-2 cell monolayer. | [9] |
NIV | 5 | 6 | Bioavailability: 32.6% NIV would not be metabolized in Caco-2 cells. NIV was a substrate for P-gp and MRP2. | [203] |
OTA | 1–100 5–45 | 1 3–24 | OTA was a substrate for MRP2 and BCRP Metabolites were OTB, OTA methyl ester, OTA ethyl ester and the OTA glutathione conjugate. | [204] [205] |
ZEA | 25 | 4 | ZEA was substrates for ABCC1, ABCC2 and metabolites into α- and β-zearalenol and glucuronides. | [206] |
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Tran, V.N.; Viktorová, J.; Ruml, T. Mycotoxins: Biotransformation and Bioavailability Assessment Using Caco-2 Cell Monolayer. Toxins 2020, 12, 628.
Tran VN, Viktorová J, Ruml T. Mycotoxins: Biotransformation and Bioavailability Assessment Using Caco-2 Cell Monolayer. Toxins. 2020; 12(10):628.
Chicago/Turabian StyleTran, Van Nguyen, Jitka Viktorová, and Tomáš Ruml. 2020. "Mycotoxins: Biotransformation and Bioavailability Assessment Using Caco-2 Cell Monolayer" Toxins 12, no. 10: 628.
APA StyleTran, V. N., Viktorová, J., & Ruml, T. (2020). Mycotoxins: Biotransformation and Bioavailability Assessment Using Caco-2 Cell Monolayer. Toxins, 12(10), 628.