The ABC of Vitamin D: A Qualitative Study of the Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Vitamin D Deficiency amongst Selected Population Groups
:1. Introduction
2. Methods
2.1. Study Design
2.2. Sample & Recruitment
2.3. Procedure
2.4. Discussion Guide Content
2.5. Data Coding and Analysis
3. Results
Participants | Male N | Female N | |
Group 1 | Office workers | 4 | 5 |
Group 2 | Independent living adults (65 years+) | 5 | 4 |
Group 3 | Office workers | 4 | 5 |
Group 4 | Community aged home residents (65 years+) | 4 | 5 |
Group 5 | Primary School teachers | 1 | 6 |
Group 6 | Secondary School teachers | 5 | 4 |
3.1. Knowledge
3.1.1. General Vitamin D Knowledge
3.1.2. Sources of Information about Vitamin D
- Media: articles in newspapers, magazines and current affairs programs;
- Doctors: some participants (primarily with a deficiency in vitamin D) had learnt about vitamin D from their doctor, although often information they had received was limited;
- Family members/friends: few participants mentioned that they had heard about vitamin D through family members, friends or significant others;
- School and further education: a small number of participants said they had learnt what they know from school or further education.
3.1.3. Vitamin D Testing and Education
“… I have a cholesterol test usually at least once a year, but I have got no idea whether there is a vitamin D component in that.” (Independent aged)
“No, he [doctor] didn’t [explain why Vitamin D was important], he just recommended [...] I take Caltrac with vitamin D. That was it.” (Office worker)
3.2. Awareness
3.2.1. Knowledge of Times and Seasons for Sun Protection
3.2.2. Knowledge about Amount of Sun Exposure Required for Adequate Vitamin D
“How much exposure, too, I mean, I was out in the sun yesterday with arms exposed. I mean, is that the same as, do I need 20 min of that, whereas I can stay outside in the nude for three minutes?” (Primary school teacher)
3.2.3. Knowledge about Groups at Higher Risk of Vitamin D Deficiency
3.3. Personal Behaviours and Perceived Risk
Personal UV Exposure for Adequate Vitamin D
“No. I don’t think in winter I would in a day. Especially when you have a week, like days of rain and ... I don’t think in winter.” (Primary school teacher)
General Population | |
a | Fair skinned people can achieve adequate vitamin D levels (>50 nmol/L) in summer by exposing the face, arms and hands or the equivalent area of skin to a few minutes of sunlight on either side of peak UV periods on most days of the week. In winter, in the southern regions of Australia, where UV radiation levels are less intense, maintenance of vitamin D levels may require 2–3 h of sunlight exposure to the face, arms and hands or equivalent area of skin over a week. |
b | In Sydney, in December to January (Australian summer), 6 to 8 min at 10 am or 2 pm. In Sydney, in July to August (Australian winter), 26 to 28 min at 10 am or 2 pm or 16 min at 12 noon. |
People at high risk of vitamin D deficiency | |
a | Naturally dark skinned people (Fitzpatrick skin type 5 and 6) are relatively protected from skin cancer by the pigment in their skin; they could safely increase their sun exposure. Other people at high risk of vitamin D deficiency should discuss their vitamin D status with their medical practitioner, as some might benefit from dietary supplementation with vitamin D. |
b | Vitamin D supplementation is likely to be required for this population group. |
3.4. Barriers
3.4.1. Barriers to Receiving Sun Exposure for Adequate Vitamin D
“The consequences I think are greater. It’s [skin cancer] deadly, and you die a lot quicker from cancer than you can from vitamin D deficiency...” (Secondary school teacher)
3.4.2. Ways to Address the Barriers to Increase Sun Exposure
3.4.3. Communicating the Vitamin D Message
4. Discussion
4.1. Low Knowledge and Awareness about Balancing the Benefits and Risks of Sun Exposure
4.2. High Levels of SunSmart Awareness and Sun Avoidance Behaviours
4.3. Barriers to Sun Exposure for Vitamin D
4.4. Strategies to Overcome the Barriers
4.5. Study Strengths and Weaknesses
Conflict of Interest
Author Contributions
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Bonevski, B.; Bryant, J.; Lambert, S.; Brozek, I.; Rock, V. The ABC of Vitamin D: A Qualitative Study of the Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Vitamin D Deficiency amongst Selected Population Groups. Nutrients 2013, 5, 915-927.
Bonevski B, Bryant J, Lambert S, Brozek I, Rock V. The ABC of Vitamin D: A Qualitative Study of the Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Vitamin D Deficiency amongst Selected Population Groups. Nutrients. 2013; 5(3):915-927.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBonevski, Billie, Jamie Bryant, Sylvie Lambert, Irena Brozek, and Vanessa Rock. 2013. "The ABC of Vitamin D: A Qualitative Study of the Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Vitamin D Deficiency amongst Selected Population Groups" Nutrients 5, no. 3: 915-927.
APA StyleBonevski, B., Bryant, J., Lambert, S., Brozek, I., & Rock, V. (2013). The ABC of Vitamin D: A Qualitative Study of the Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Vitamin D Deficiency amongst Selected Population Groups. Nutrients, 5(3), 915-927.