Long-Chain Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids May Be Beneficial for Reducing Obesity—A Review
:1. Introduction
2. LC n-3 PUFA and Body Fat Reduction in Animals
2.1. Protection against Body Fat Gain
2.2. LC n-3 PUFA for Reducing Existing Obesity
3. LC n-3 PUFA and Body Fat Reduction in Humans
3.1. Observational Studies—Relationships between LC n-3 PUFA Intake and Body Weight
3.2. Randomized Controlled Trials
3.2.1. Effect of LC n-3 PUFA Intake Alone on Body Composition
3.2.2. Effect of LC n-3 PUFA Intake Combined with Dietary Energy Restriction on Body Composition
3.2.3. Effect of LC n-3 PUFA Intake Combined with Regular Exercise on Body Composition
3.2.4. Effect of LC n-3 PUFA Intake Combined with Dietary Energy Restriction and Regular Exercise on Body Composition
3.3. Summary of Effects of LC n-3 PUFA Intake on Body Composition in Humans
4. Mechanisms of Body Fat Reduction with LC n-3 PUFA
4.1. Appetite Effects
4.2. Effects on Expression of Genes Regulating Metabolic Pathways
4.3. Effects on Tissue Anabolism and Maintenance of Lean Tissue Mass
4.4. Effects on Muscle Blood Flow
5. Conclusions
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Buckley, J.D.; Howe, P.R.C. Long-Chain Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids May Be Beneficial for Reducing Obesity—A Review. Nutrients 2010, 2, 1212-1230. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu2121212
Buckley JD, Howe PRC. Long-Chain Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids May Be Beneficial for Reducing Obesity—A Review. Nutrients. 2010; 2(12):1212-1230. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu2121212
Chicago/Turabian StyleBuckley, Jonathan D., and Peter R. C. Howe. 2010. "Long-Chain Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids May Be Beneficial for Reducing Obesity—A Review" Nutrients 2, no. 12: 1212-1230. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu2121212
APA StyleBuckley, J. D., & Howe, P. R. C. (2010). Long-Chain Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids May Be Beneficial for Reducing Obesity—A Review. Nutrients, 2(12), 1212-1230. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu2121212