Remote Sensing-Based Characterization of Settlement Structures for Assessing Local Potential of District Heat
:1. Introduction
1.1. State of the Art
1.2. Research Questions
2. Characteristics of Small District Heating Systems, Study Area and Data Base
2.1. Study Area and Data Base
Dataset/ Sensor | Characteristics | Geometric Resolution/Accuracy | Acquisition Date | Reference |
3K-camera remote sensing system | 3 non-metric stereoscopic cameras; imagery used for the derivation of a digital surface model; airborne | Geometric resolution 0.5 meter; vertical resolution 1 meter | 2007 | [37,38,39] |
Ikonos | Multispectral optical imagery (4 bands); space borne | 1 meter | 2008 | [40,41] |
OSM | Street vectors | Variable, cm–meter | 2010 | [33,34] |
Landsat MSS | Multispectral optical imagery (7 bands); space borne | 59 meter | 1973 | [42] |
Landsat TM | Multispectral optical imagery (7 bands); space borne | 30 meter | 1989 | [43] |
Landsat ETM+ | Multispectral optical imagery (7 bands); space borne | 30 meter | 2000 | [44] |
TerraSAR-X | SAR data; Strip Map Mode; space borne | 3 meter | 2009 | [45] |
ALK | German official land registry–automatic real estate map; terrestrial measurement | Variable, cm–meter | 2010 | [46,47] |
ATKIS | German Official Topographic Cartographic Information System | Variable, meter | 2006 | [35] |
PlanG | Manual terrestrial evaluation of the buildings’ heat demand and estimation of heat network lengths | Building-by-building estimation | 2010 | [36] |
3. Theoretical Model for the Assessment of Small District Heating Systems
4. Characterization of Settlement Structures by Means of Remote Sensing and Geo-Data
4.1. Derivation of 3D City Model and Physical Parameters of the Urban Environment
4.2. Derivation of Building Types and Structure Types
Usage | ST II | ST IIIa | ST IIIb | ST IV |
Residential buildings | 0.97 | 0.71 | 0.70 | 0.10 |
Non-residential buildings | 0.03 | 0.29 | 0.30 | 0.90 |
4.3. Period of Construction
4.4. Derivation of Infrastructural Parameters
5. Evaluation of the Local Potential for District Heat
5.1. Heat Demand of the Buildings
Single detached house/small non-residential building | ||||
Period of construction | Specific heat demand coefficient [kWh/(m3 year)] for structure type ST II | Specific heat demand coefficient [kWh/(m3 year)] for structure type ST IIIa | Specific heat demand coefficient [kWh/(m3 year)] for structure type ST IIIb | Specific heat demand coefficient [kWh/(m3 year)] for structure type ST IV |
≤1973 | 45.0 | 39.6 | 39.4 | 26.9 |
1974–1989 | 36.7 | 33.5 | 33.4 | 26.1 |
1990–2000 | 27.7 | 27.0 | 26.9 | 25.1 |
2001–2009 | 15.6 | 18.1 | 18.2 | 23.8 |
Semi-detached house/small non-residential building | ||||
≤1973 | 42.6 | 37.9 | 37.7 | 26.7 |
1974–1989 | 40.2 | 36.1 | 36.0 | 26.5 |
1990–2000 | 26.0 | 25.7 | 25.7 | 24.9 |
2001–2009 | 15.6 | 18.1 | 18.2 | 23.8 |
Small multi-family house/small non-residential building | ||||
≤1973 | 36.7 | 33.5 | 33.4 | 26.1 |
1974–1989 | 32.0 | 30.1 | 30.0 | 25.6 |
1990–2000 | 26.0 | 25.7 | 25.7 | 24.9 |
2001–2009 | 14.5 | 17.3 | 17.4 | 23.7 |
Large multi-family house/medium non-residential building | ||||
≤1973 | 36.5 | 32.7 | 32.5 | 23.7 |
1974–1989 | 30.7 | 28,4 | 28.4 | 23.1 |
1990–2000 | 19.6 | 20.3 | 20.3 | 21.9 |
2001–2009 | 14.5 | 16.5 | 16.6 | 21.4 |
Tower block/medium non-residential building | ||||
≤1973 | 24.6 | 24.0 | 24.0 | 22.5 |
1974–1989 | 25.6 | 24.7 | 24.7 | 22.6 |
1990–2000 | 24.1 | 23.6 | 23.6 | 22.4 |
2001–2009 | 21.9 | 22.0 | 22.0 | 22.2 |
Large non-residential buildings | ||||
≤2009 | 21.6 | 21.6 | 21.6 | 21.6 |
5.2. Investment Costs
Structure type | Consumer station [€] | Conventional oil/gas boiler [€] | Main heating network [€/m] | House connections [€/m] |
ST II | 2,602 | 3,281 | 260 | 233 |
ST IIIa | 4,163 | 4,862 | 311 | 270 |
ST IIIb | 4,290 | 5,364 | 316 | 270 |
ST IV | 4,400 | 6,648 | 286 | 186 |
6. Result and Discussion
6.1. Evaluation of the Potential for District Heating
6.2. Accuracy Assessment
Result | Building Area | Building Height | Land cover | Building Type | Structural Type |
Reference data | Ikonos, ALK | In situ; Floor number of 150 buildings | Ikonos | ALK; In situ information engineering office | ATKIS |
Result | Period of construction | Heat demand | Legal building number | Length of main network | Length of house connections of buildings |
Reference data | Respective input image | In situ information engineering office | ALK | In situ information engineering office | In situ information engineering office |
7. Conclusion and Outlook
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Geiß, C.; Taubenböck, H.; Wurm, M.; Esch, T.; Nast, M.; Schillings, C.; Blaschke, T. Remote Sensing-Based Characterization of Settlement Structures for Assessing Local Potential of District Heat. Remote Sens. 2011, 3, 1447-1471.
Geiß C, Taubenböck H, Wurm M, Esch T, Nast M, Schillings C, Blaschke T. Remote Sensing-Based Characterization of Settlement Structures for Assessing Local Potential of District Heat. Remote Sensing. 2011; 3(7):1447-1471.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGeiß, Christian, Hannes Taubenböck, Michael Wurm, Thomas Esch, Michael Nast, Christoph Schillings, and Thomas Blaschke. 2011. "Remote Sensing-Based Characterization of Settlement Structures for Assessing Local Potential of District Heat" Remote Sensing 3, no. 7: 1447-1471.