Fully Convolutional Networks and Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis for the Classification of VHR Imagery
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Data Description
2.2. FCN with Dilated Convolutions and Skip Architecture
2.3. GEOBIA Semi-Automatic Processing Chain
2.4. Refining FCN Maps Using GEOBIA Segments
2.5. FCN_dec and Patch-Based CNN
2.6. Overview of Abbreviations
2.7. Computation of Accuracy Metrics and Other Area Metrics
3. Results
4. Discussion
4.1. FCN_dec and PB-CNN
4.2. FCN vs. GEOBIA
4.3. FCN_skip vs. FCN_noskip
4.4. FCN_skip vs. FCN_obia
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Scale (threshold) | Minsize = 1 | Minsize = 50 |
0.005 | FCN_obia_051 | FCN_obia_055 |
0.010 | FCN_obia_101 | FCN_obia_105 |
0.020 | FCN_obia_201 | FCN_obia_205 |
0.030 | FCN_obia_301 | FCN_obia_305 |
0.018 | FCN_obia_181 | FCN_obia_185 |
BD % | VG % | BS % | IS % | SH % | OA % | F1% | ||
XGB_obia | UA | 90.03 | 91.62 | 83.19 | 88.51 | 94.74 | 89.50 | 90.18 |
PA | 90.32 | 92.66 | 84.61 | 88.22 | 90.91 | |||
PB-CNN | UA | 88.15 | 94.41 | 98.68 | 78.61 | 92.86 | 86.90 | 80.37 |
PA | 92.94 | 92.35 | 66.37 | 94.97 | 55.32 | |||
FCN_dec | UA | 92.71 | 92.90 | 90.11 | 78.27 | 90.78 | 87.20 | 91.21 |
PA | 89.74 | 92.90 | 72.57 | 94.30 | 62.76 | |||
FCN_noskip | UA | 92.56 | 88.77 | 96.25 | 80.22 | 97.33 | 88.20 | 92.41 |
PA | 92.26 | 93.79 | 65.81 | 94.28 | 73.74 | |||
FCN_skip | UA | 93.93 | 90.96 | 96.70 | 85.49 | 98.81 | 91.30 | 94.38 |
PA | 94.84 | 96.61 | 75.21 | 93.27 | 83.84 | |||
FCN_obia_055 | UA | 94.27 | 90.37 | 98.80 | 85.24 | 98.81 | 91.30 | 94.87 |
PA | 95.48 | 95.48 | 70.09 | 95.29 | 83.84 | |||
FCN_obia_105 | UA | 93.08 | 89.84 | 100 | 84.08 | 98.75 | 90.5 | 94.27 |
PA | 95.48 | 94.91 | 70.09 | 94.28 | 79.78 | |||
FCN_obia_185 | UA | 94.86 | 89.42 | 100 | 82.18 | 98.70 | 90.01 | 95.01 |
PA | 95.16 | 95.48 | 64.10 | 96.30 | 76.77 | |||
FCN_obia_205 | UA | 94.21 | 88.48 | 100 | 84.37 | 96.30 | 90.40 | 94.36 |
PA | 94.52 | 95.48 | 66.67 | 96.30 | 78.79 | |||
FCN_obia_305 | UA | 94.82 | 90.81 | 100 | 81.02 | 97.44 | 89.80 | 94.67 |
PA | 94.52 | 94.92 | 64.10 | 96.30 | 76.77 | |||
FCN_obia_051 | UA | 93.93 | 90.96 | 97.75 | 84.97 | 98.81 | 91.20 | 94.38 |
PA | 94.84 | 96.61 | 74.36 | 93.27 | 83.84 | |||
FCN_obia_101 | UA | 93.97 | 90.48 | 98.88 | 85.76 | 98.81 | 91.50 | 94.72 |
PA | 95.48 | 96.61 | 75.21 | 93.27 | 83.84 | |||
FCN_obia_181 | UA | 94.87 | 90.91 | 100 | 84.68 | 98.80 | 91.50 | 95.18 |
PA | 95.48 | 96.05 | 72.65 | 95.95 | 82.83 | |||
FCN_obia_201 | UA | 93.97 | 89.89 | 100 | 84.59 | 97.62 | 90.9 | 94.72 |
PA | 95.48 | 95.48 | 70.09 | 94.28 | 82.83 | |||
FCN_obia_301 | UA | 93.95 | 90.96 | 100 | 83.28 | 97.62 | 90.60 | 94.55 |
PA | 95.16 | 96.61 | 67.52 | 93.94 | 82.83 |
© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
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Mboga, N.; Georganos, S.; Grippa, T.; Lennert, M.; Vanhuysse, S.; Wolff, E. Fully Convolutional Networks and Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis for the Classification of VHR Imagery. Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 597. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs11050597
Mboga N, Georganos S, Grippa T, Lennert M, Vanhuysse S, Wolff E. Fully Convolutional Networks and Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis for the Classification of VHR Imagery. Remote Sensing. 2019; 11(5):597. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs11050597
Chicago/Turabian StyleMboga, Nicholus, Stefanos Georganos, Tais Grippa, Moritz Lennert, Sabine Vanhuysse, and Eléonore Wolff. 2019. "Fully Convolutional Networks and Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis for the Classification of VHR Imagery" Remote Sensing 11, no. 5: 597. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs11050597