Earth-Observation-Based Estimation and Forecasting of Particulate Matter Impact on Solar Energy in Egypt
:1. Introduction
2. Data and Methodology
2.1. Data
2.1.1. Model Forecasts
2.1.2. Satellite Observations
2.2. Methodology
2.2.1. Radiative Transfer Modelling Technique
2.2.2. Energy Management and Planning (M&P)
2.2.3. Financial Analysis
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Climatological Impact
3.2. Performance of CAMS
3.3. Performance of M&P Techniques
3.4. Economic Impact
4. Summary and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
AE | Angstrom Exponent |
AeroCom | Aerosol Compositions between Observations and Models |
AOD | Aerosol Optical Depth |
CAMS | Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service |
CLIM | Climatology |
COT | Cloud Optical Thickness |
CSP | Concentrated Solar Power |
DB | Deep Blue |
DNI | Direct Normal Irradiance |
DR | Daily Revenue |
DSO | Distribution System Operator |
DT | Dark Target |
ECMWF | European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts |
EO | Earth Observation |
EP | Energy Production |
EU | European Union |
FL | Financial Losses |
GHI | Global Horizontal Irradiance |
LUT | Look Up Table |
M&P | Management and Planning |
MACC | Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate |
MODIS | Moderate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer |
NN | Neural Network |
NREA | New and Renewable Energy Authority |
NWP | Numerical Weather Prediction |
PERS | Persistence |
PV | Photovoltaic |
QA | Quality Assurance |
R | Coefficient of Determination |
RTM | Radiative Transfer Model |
SD | Standard Deviation |
SENSE | Solar Energy Nowcasting SystEm |
SSA | Single Scattering Albedo |
SSR | Surface Solar Radiation |
SZA | Solar Zenith Angle |
TOC | Total Ozone Column |
TSO | Transmission System Operator |
WV | Columnar Water Vapor |
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Location | Population | Code | Latitude | Longitude | Height (m.a.s.l.) |
Alexandria | 5,172,000 | ALE | 31.2001 | 29.9187 | 12 |
Cairo | 9,153,000 | CAI | 30.0444 | 31.2357 | 75 |
Suez | 744,000 | SUE | 29.9668 | 32.5498 | 5 |
Hurghada | 288,000 | HUR | 27.2579 | 33.8116 | 14 |
Aswan | 290,000 | ASW | 24.0889 | 32.8998 | 194 |
Luxor | 507,000 | LUX | 25.6872 | 32.6396 | 76 |
Marsamatrouh | 448,000 | MAR | 31.3543 | 27.2373 | 30 |
Asyut | 4,123,000 | ASY | 27.1783 | 31.1859 | 70 |
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Kosmopoulos, P.G.; Kazadzis, S.; El-Askary, H.; Taylor, M.; Gkikas, A.; Proestakis, E.; Kontoes, C.; El-Khayat, M.M. Earth-Observation-Based Estimation and Forecasting of Particulate Matter Impact on Solar Energy in Egypt. Remote Sens. 2018, 10, 1870.
Kosmopoulos PG, Kazadzis S, El-Askary H, Taylor M, Gkikas A, Proestakis E, Kontoes C, El-Khayat MM. Earth-Observation-Based Estimation and Forecasting of Particulate Matter Impact on Solar Energy in Egypt. Remote Sensing. 2018; 10(12):1870.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKosmopoulos, Panagiotis G., Stelios Kazadzis, Hesham El-Askary, Michael Taylor, Antonis Gkikas, Emmanouil Proestakis, Charalampos Kontoes, and Mohamed Mostafa El-Khayat. 2018. "Earth-Observation-Based Estimation and Forecasting of Particulate Matter Impact on Solar Energy in Egypt" Remote Sensing 10, no. 12: 1870.
APA StyleKosmopoulos, P. G., Kazadzis, S., El-Askary, H., Taylor, M., Gkikas, A., Proestakis, E., Kontoes, C., & El-Khayat, M. M. (2018). Earth-Observation-Based Estimation and Forecasting of Particulate Matter Impact on Solar Energy in Egypt. Remote Sensing, 10(12), 1870.