Private–Public Partnership as a Tool to Promote Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development: WWP Torrearte Experience
:1. Introduction
- H1: PPPs are an effective tool to promote entrepreneurship for sustainable development (Entrepreneur Project for Sustainable Rural development (EPSRD)).
- H2: PPPs promote the development of personal competences that support entrepreneurship for sustainable rural development.
2. Experimental Section (Methodology)
2.1. Case Study: PPP Torrearte (Entrepreneur PPP for Sustainable Rural Development)
2.2. Data Collection: Tools and Protocols
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Political-Contextual Dimension of PPPs: Performance for Building Alliances
3.1.1. Context in Which the PPP Model is born
3.1.2. Creation of the PPP Torrearte (Entrepreneur Project for Sustainable Rural Development)
3.1.3. Phases of the PPP-WWP Organization
3.2. The Technical-Entrepreneurial Dimension of PPPs: The Entrepreneur Projects for Sustainable Rural Development
3.2.1. Entrepreneur Project Management Cycle (EPMC) for Sustainable Rural Development (EPSRD)
3.2.2. Entrepreneur Projects for Sustainable Rural Development: Funding and Beneficiaries
3.3. Ethical-Social Dimension: Competence Development
Effects of the Entrepreneurship Projects on Behavior Competences
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Skills | Items |
Communication | I have learned to communicate with others and listen with an open and positive attitude. I have learned to communicate consistently and in a timely manner. I have learned that you should be careful when deciding who receives the information. It has helped me to adequately express my ideas, opinions or viewpoints. It has helped me to talk in front of an audience. It has helped me capture people‘s attention and make myself understood. |
Negotiation, conflicts and crisis | It has helped me develop my ability to resolve conflicts and crises. I've learned to control tension in stressful situations. It has helped me discuss work issues through debate and consensus with others. I have developed my ability to negotiate and reach agreements. It has taught me to intervene in the conflicts that arise between partners. It has taught me to successfully complete the negotiations that I undertake. |
Creativity | I have improved my ability to generate ideas and solve problems. It has taught me to take the lead in establishing relationships with others. It has helped me deal with difficult situations as challenges to overcome. |
Teamwork | It has increased my effort to find out how other partners in the project are working. It has increased the time I dedicate to understanding my organization (Community). It has encouraged me to be curious about many things around me. It has helped me know how to guide my colleagues in their activities. It has helped me relate to stakeholders. I have learned to consult with others and consider their proposals and views. |
Leadership | I found that I would like to assume more important duties. I discovered that I am a reference for others in carrying out certain activities. I have developed my ability to give directions to others by helping them to set goals. During the activities in the project I prefer to take the lead. I have improved my leadership skills, influencing the actions of others effectively. I have provided leadership and motivation to others. |
Planning | It has helped me plan what I have to do. It has helped me generate, analyze and select different alternatives. It has helped me consider the costs and benefits of the tasks performed. It has helped me coordinate work teams. |
Appreciation of values and ethics | I improved my ability to consider the interests of others. It has helped me to further consider and respect ethical values. It has helped me be more transparent and impartial in the defense of ethical issues. It has helped me rejoice at the success of others. It has helped me confirm that it is worth working in a community like mine. It has helped me discover that people like to work with me forming a team. It has helped me improve relations with each of my companions. |
Entrepreneur PPP Type | Channeled Value | No. Private Partner |
Commercial entrepreneurships | 19.09% | 14 |
Commercial (business associations) | 21.55% | 12 |
Social and Cultural entrepreneurship | 59.37% | 12 |
Grand Total | 100.00% | 38 |
Partnership | Budget | % Value | No. Alliances |
Commercial | €3,473,680.00 | 19.09% | 14 |
Local Governments (Commonwealth) | €480,000.00 | 2.64% | 2 |
GALSINMA Leader Program UE | €2,768,000.00 | 15.21% | 11 |
Regional Government (PAMAM) | €225,680.00 | 1.24% | 1 |
Commercial (business associations) | €3,921,420.00 | 21.55% | 12 |
Local Governments (Commonwealth) | €1,915,860.00 | 10.53% | 4 |
GALSINMA Leader Program UE | €780,000.00 | 4.29% | 2 |
Regional Government (PAMAM) | €1,225,560.00 | 6.73% | 6 |
Social and Cultural entrepreneurship | €10,804,539.00 | 59.37% | 12 |
Local Governments (Commonwealth) | €2,944,005.00 | 16.18% | 4 |
GALSINMA Leader Program UE | €325,000.00 | 1.79% | 2 |
Regional Government (PAMAM) | €7,535,534.00 | 41.40% | 6 |
Grand Total | €18,199,639.00 | 100.00% | 38 |
Competences | Alpha | Items |
Leadership | 0.93 | 6 |
Communication | 0.86 | 6 |
Teamwork | 0.84 | 6 |
Crisis and conflicts negotiation | 0.65 | 6 |
Creativity | 0.55 | 3 |
Ethics and values appreciation | 0.37 | 7 |
Planning | 0.28 | 4 |
Competences | Average Valuation |
Leadership | 3.75 |
Communication | 3.50 |
Negotiation. Crisis and conflicts | 3.50 |
Creativity | 3.50 |
Values and ethics appreciation | 2.81 |
Planning | 2.63 |
Teamwork | 2.44 |
Average | 3.04 |
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De Los Ríos-Carmenado, I.; Ortuño, M.; Rivera, M. Private–Public Partnership as a Tool to Promote Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development: WWP Torrearte Experience. Sustainability 2016, 8, 199.
De Los Ríos-Carmenado I, Ortuño M, Rivera M. Private–Public Partnership as a Tool to Promote Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development: WWP Torrearte Experience. Sustainability. 2016; 8(3):199.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDe Los Ríos-Carmenado, Ignacio, Mauricio Ortuño, and María Rivera. 2016. "Private–Public Partnership as a Tool to Promote Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development: WWP Torrearte Experience" Sustainability 8, no. 3: 199.
APA StyleDe Los Ríos-Carmenado, I., Ortuño, M., & Rivera, M. (2016). Private–Public Partnership as a Tool to Promote Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development: WWP Torrearte Experience. Sustainability, 8(3), 199.