Optimization of the Granular Mixture of Natural Rammed Earth Using Compressible Packing Model
:1. Introduction
2. Review of Standards, Norms, Articles, and Mix Design Methods for RE Construction
2.1. Summarized Review of Norms, Standards, and Scientific Publications Related to RE Mix Design
2.2. Mix Design Theory and Models for RE Material
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Context of the Study
3.2. Experimental Soil Characterization
3.3. Elementary Compactness
- Clay: Particle size (PS) less than 0.002 mm;
- Silt: PS between 0.002 mm and 0.06 mm;
- Sand: PS between 0.06 mm and 2 mm;
- Gravel: PS between 2 mm and 60 mm.
3.3.1. Fine Elements (FE) Elementary Compactness
3.3.2. Sand and Gravel Elementary Compactness
3.3.3. Experimental Compactness and Compaction Index
3.4. Preparation of Specimens
3.5. Mechanical Tests
4. Results and Discussions
4.1. Experimental Compactness and RE Compaction Index
4.2. Granularity Effect on the Mixture’s Compactness
- Choose the right dosage and the right granular class to add or reduce to optimize compactness;
- Evaluate the effect of any granular class on compactness;
- Define the granular corrections considering available raw materials in site.
4.3. Mechanical Performances: Stiffness and Compressive Strength
5. Conclusions
- Existing norms and technical documents give suitable grading for rammed earth without considering aggregate types and their granular arrangement after compaction. Some normative dosages do not ensure optimal compactness and compressive strength and can be revised;
- Compaction index K has to be defined before starting simulations. Ramming operations in the laboratory should resemble real conditions. Further investigations and more tests could be carried out to estimate an average compaction index for the rammed earth technique;
- A significant dispersion of compaction index values could be observed especially when manual compaction is used on site. Therefore, determining its value is always necessary;
- The optimum dosage of fine elements, sand, and gravel depends on the original soil composition, the elementary compactness of each granular class, and raw granular materials to use for correction;
- In order to limit the number of simulations, the CPM can be combined with some mixed design methods such as the Bolomey method;
- In this article, the correction of the original soils E1 (Dmax = 50 mm) and E2 (Dmax = 10 mm) allows for achieving a high UCS of 2.75 MPa. A direct correlation between UCS and compactness is still not clear and difficult to assess. As a perspective, a large number of tests could be performed to help to link these two parameters;
- All the studied soils are natural. The found UCS can be even higher using some natural stabilizing elements like lime;
- A mix design workflow can be utilized in any RE construction project using any soil extracted from any region;
- A general workflow, proposed in Figure 12, can be applied to design an optimized granular mixture according to the CPM.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Gravel (%) | Sand (%) | Silt (%) | Clay (%) | |
RPCT 2011 | 2–10% | 32–58% | 8–16% | 8–26% |
NZS 4298 | 50–70% | 15–30% | 5–15% | |
CRA-Terre guide | 0–15% | 40–50% | 20–35% | 15–25% |
HB 195 | 45–75% | 10–30% | 0–20% |
Test | Standard/Technical Document Used |
Water content | NF P 94-050 [29] |
Sieving | NF P 94-056 [30] |
Laser granulometry | ISO 13320: 2020 [31] |
Atterberg limits | NF P 94-051 [32] |
Absolute density | NF P 94-054 [33] |
Dry bulk density | NF EN ISO 11272 [34] |
Elementary compactness | LCPC protocol [23] |
Modified Proctor test | NF P 94-093 [35] |
Specific gravity of soil solids by Pycnometer method | ISO/TS 17892-3: 2004 [36] |
Ultrasonic pulse velocity test | NF EN 12504-4 [37] |
Compressive strength | NF EN 12390-4 [38] |
Proportions (%) | Liquid Limit wL (%) | Plasticity Index (Ip) | Water Content w (%) | Wopt (%) | ρopt (Kg/m3) | Dmax (mm) | ||
E1 | Clay | 1.16 | 27.6 | 8.2 | 6.4 | 9.9 | 1872 | 50 |
silt | 19.45 | |||||||
sand | 36.39 | |||||||
gravel | 43 | |||||||
E2 | clay | 1.67 | 27.4 | 7.8 | 6.1 | 9.58 | 1850 | 10 |
silt | 28.04 | |||||||
sand | 53.11 | |||||||
gravel | 17.18 |
FE | Sand | Gravel | |
Density (Kg/m3) | 775.5 | 1312 | 1600 |
Average diameter di (mm) | 0.03 | 1.03 | 6 |
Elementary compactness Ci | 0.733 | 0.481 | 0.778 |
Corrected elementary compactness βi | 0.842 | 0.550 | 0.912 |
Placement Process | Pouring [40] | Tamping with a Rod [41] | Vibration [22] | Vibration and 10 kPa Pressure [22] | Roller Compacted Concrete [25] |
K | 4.1 | 4.5 | 4.75 | 9 | 14 |
Recipe | FE Dosage (%) | γd (KN/m3) | Void Ratio e | Cexp | Kexp | C |
E1 | 20.61 | 18.87 | 0.339 | 0.747 | 7.39 | 0.746 |
E2 | 29.71 | 17.14 | 0.374 | 0.710 | 7.58 | 0.706 |
Soil | UV (m/s) | UCS (MPa) | Young’s Modulus (MPa) |
E2 | 500 | 1.16 | 31.43 |
E3 | 1180 | 2.75 | 133.51 |
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Share and Cite
Dialmy, A.; Rguig, M.; Meliani, M. Optimization of the Granular Mixture of Natural Rammed Earth Using Compressible Packing Model. Sustainability 2023, 15, 2698. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15032698
Dialmy A, Rguig M, Meliani M. Optimization of the Granular Mixture of Natural Rammed Earth Using Compressible Packing Model. Sustainability. 2023; 15(3):2698. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15032698
Chicago/Turabian StyleDialmy, Atar, Mustapha Rguig, and Mehdi Meliani. 2023. "Optimization of the Granular Mixture of Natural Rammed Earth Using Compressible Packing Model" Sustainability 15, no. 3: 2698. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15032698
APA StyleDialmy, A., Rguig, M., & Meliani, M. (2023). Optimization of the Granular Mixture of Natural Rammed Earth Using Compressible Packing Model. Sustainability, 15(3), 2698. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15032698