Green Human Resources Management in the Hotel Industry: A Systematic Review
:1. Introduction
- RQ1: What is the current state of publication of GHRM in the hotel industry?
- RQ2: What are the relationships between GHRM and the various hotel industry subsectors?
- RQ3: To what extent can GHRM practices be described as an indispensable objective in the hotel industry?
- RQ4: What are the main barriers/obstacles to applying GHRM practices in the hotel industry?
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Data Collection
- “green” and (“HRM” or (“human” and “resource*” and “management”)) and “hotel*”
- “GHRM” OR “green human resource management” AND “hotel*”
2.2. Analysis Levels
3. Results
3.1. The Basic Information Analysis Level
3.1.1. Scientific Production Analysis
3.1.2. Source Analysis
3.1.3. Record-Type Analysis
3.1.4. Field-of-Study Analysis
3.2. The Basic Content Analysis Level
3.2.1. Study Sample Level/Type Analysis
3.2.2. Country Case Study Analysis
3.2.3. Keywords Analysis
3.3. The Deep Content Analysis Level
GHRMp and Hotel Industry Relation Theme Analysis
- The relationship between GHRMp and employees (creativity, motivation, green behavior, performance, etc.);
- The relationship between GHRMp and marketing systems (MS) and corporate social responsibility (CSR);
- The relationship between GHRMp and organization leadership and management (LM);
- The relationship between GHRMp and organizational behavior and culture (OBC).
4. Discussion
4.1. Theme 1: GHRM Practices and Employees
4.2. Theme 2: GHRM Practices, Marketing Sytsems and Coporate Social Responsibility
4.3. Theme 3: GHRM Practictes of Leadership and Management
4.4. Theme 4: GHRM Practices of Organizational Behavior and Culture
4.5. Barriers to Applying GHRM Practices in the Hotel Industry
5. Conclusions
6. Limitations and Future Research Agenda
7. Implications
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Stage | Steps | Description | Records No. |
Collection | Data collection | Scopus database (169) + WoS database (539) | 708 |
Refinement |
| Extract articles and remove duplications | 218 |
| Categorize articles based on their relevance to the study purpose and objectives | 59 | |
Organization | Extract, organize and categorize | Classify articles into four main categories | 59 |
Level of Analysis | Unit of Analysis |
Basic Information Analysis | Scientific Production Analysis |
Source Analysis | |
Record-Type Analysis | |
Field-of-Study Analysis | |
Basic Content Analysis | Study Sample Level/Type Analysis |
Country Case Studies | |
Keyword Analysis | |
Deep Content Analysis | GHRMp and Hotel Industry Relationships |
Source/Journal | NP |
International Journal of Hospitality Management | 6 |
Sustainability | 6 |
Journal of Sustainable Tourism | 4 |
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management | 3 |
Journal of Cleaner Production | 3 |
Tourism Management | 3 |
Business Strategy and the Environment | 2 |
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management | 2 |
Global Business Review | 2 |
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management | 2 |
Author/Article | Year | LM * | OBC * | E * | MS&CSR * | GHRMp ** |
Pham et al. [30] | 2018 | x | GWE | |||
Pham et al. [31] | 2018 | x | x | GHRMp | ||
Angelina S and Viachaslau F [32] | 2018 | x | GHRMp | |||
Fongtanakit R and Suteerachai B [33] | 2019 | x | GHRMp | |||
Pham et al. [34] | 2019 | x | GT | |||
Pham et al. [35] | 2019 | x | GSD, GI, GM | |||
Yusoff, Yusmani Mohd [36] | 2019 | x | x | GHRMp | ||
Yong Kim et al. [21] | 2019 | x | x | GHRMp | ||
Anugamini S and Sonal S [37] | 2019 | x | GI, GRM | |||
Md Asadul Islam et al. [38] | 2020 | x | x | GP, GT, GI, GRS | ||
Azadeh Shafaei et al. [39] | 2020 | x | x | GT, GP, GRM, GI | ||
Muh Islam et al. [40] | 2020 | x | GT, GRS, GP | |||
Pham et al. [41] | 2020 | x | x | GT, GDM | ||
Waheed U et al. [42] | 2020 | x | x | GT | ||
María D et al. [43] | 2020 | x | GP, GRM | |||
Huseyin A et al. [44] | 2020 | x | x | GT, GP, GI | ||
Osman M.Karatepe et al. [45] | 2020 | x | GHRMp | |||
Pham et al. [46] | 2020 | x | x | GT, GP, GE | ||
Serdar Cop et al. [47] | 2020 | x | GHRMp | |||
Feng Zeng Xu et al. [48] | 2020 | x | GHRMp | |||
Pham et al. [49] | 2020 | x | x | GHRMp | ||
Ling Xiang and Yi-Chun Yang [50] | 2020 | x | GT, GR, GE, GWE | |||
Yusmani Y et al. [51] | 2020 | x | GHRMp | |||
Engin Ari et al. [52] | 2020 | x | GHRMp | |||
Emmanuel A et al. [53] | 2020 | x | x | GHRMp | ||
Anil Kumar et al. [54] | 2020 | x | x | x | GHRMp | |
Hujjatullah F et al. [25] | 2021 | x | x | x | GHRMp | |
Serdar Çop et al. [55] | 2021 | x | GHRMp | |||
Jie He et al. [56] | 2021 | x | x | x | GT | |
Muhammad M et al. [57] | 2021 | x | GHRMp | |||
Mansoora Ahmed et al. [58] | 2021 | x | x | GHRMp | ||
Uahiranyanon Boonthong et al. [59] | 2021 | x | x | GWE | ||
Qasim N et al. [6] | 2021 | x | x | GHRMp | ||
Moh H et al. [60] | 2021 | x | x | GHRMp | ||
Omar Ababneh [61] | 2021 | x | GHRMp | |||
Umer I et al. [62] | 2021 | x | x | x | GM | |
Ibrahim Elshaer et al. [63] | 2021 | x | GT, GI, GP | |||
Aboul-Dahab A and Saied B [64] | 2021 | x | GHRMp | |||
Umair Ahmed et al. [65] | 2021 | x | x | GHRMp | ||
Emmanuel A et al. [66] | 2021 | x | GI, GT, GRM | |||
Mercedes, Ú.G. et al. [67] | 2021 | x | x | GHRMp | ||
Sasmita M. et al. [68] | 2021 | x | x | GRM, GI | ||
Mercedes, Ú, G. et al. [69] | 2021 | x | GHRMp | |||
Sidra Munawar et al. [70] | 2022 | x | x | x | GHRMp | |
Mahlagha D. and Levent A. [71] | 2022 | x | x | x | GHRMp | |
Uju V. Alola et al. [72] | 2022 | x | x | GT, GI | ||
Qasim N et al. [73] | 2022 | x | GHRMp | |||
Syed, R. and Komal, K. [74] | 2022 | x | x | GHRMp | ||
Murat Yeşiltaş et al. [75] | 2022 | x | GRS, GT, GRM | |||
Luu TrongTuan [76] | 2022 | x | GRS, GT | |||
Osman M. Karatepe et al. [10] | 2022 | x | x | GT, GP, GRM | ||
Kavitha H et al. [77] | 2022 | x | x | x | GHRMp | |
Wagih Salama et al. [78] | 2022 | x | x | x | GHRMp | |
Syed Usman Qadri et al. [79] | 2022 | x | GHRMp | |||
Ramsha Farooq et al. [80] | 2022 | x | GHRMp | |||
Golnaz Darban et al. [81] | 2022 | x | GHRMp | |||
Md Islam et al. [82] | 2022 | x | GHRMp | |||
Paul M et al. [83] | 2022 | x | GHRMp | |||
Qasim N et al. [84] | 2022 | x | GHRMp |
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Share and Cite
Alreahi, M.; Bujdosó, Z.; Kabil, M.; Akaak, A.; Benkó, K.F.; Setioningtyas, W.P.; Dávid, L.D. Green Human Resources Management in the Hotel Industry: A Systematic Review. Sustainability 2023, 15, 99.
Alreahi M, Bujdosó Z, Kabil M, Akaak A, Benkó KF, Setioningtyas WP, Dávid LD. Green Human Resources Management in the Hotel Industry: A Systematic Review. Sustainability. 2023; 15(1):99.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAlreahi, Mahmoud, Zoltán Bujdosó, Moaaz Kabil, Ali Akaak, Kata Feketéné Benkó, Widhayani Puri Setioningtyas, and Lóránt Dénes Dávid. 2023. "Green Human Resources Management in the Hotel Industry: A Systematic Review" Sustainability 15, no. 1: 99.
APA StyleAlreahi, M., Bujdosó, Z., Kabil, M., Akaak, A., Benkó, K. F., Setioningtyas, W. P., & Dávid, L. D. (2023). Green Human Resources Management in the Hotel Industry: A Systematic Review. Sustainability, 15(1), 99.