For the collection of primary data, the questionnaire was randomly distributed through online form —Google doc. Social networking sites have been a significant source of reaching out to students enrolled in different universities. 184 valid responses are recorded that qualify for data analysis. SPSS software is used for the analysis of data collected. The demographic profile of the students, the device which the students use for the access of online-learning, duration of using the computer, and students’ perception and attitude in regard to e-learning are presented below.
4.1. Profile of the Sample Respondents
This section presents some basic information of the university students.
Table 1 shows the outputs of the questions related to gender, age group, course and level of education. All the data presented here is compiled form primary data.
Table 1 depicts the personal information of the respondents classified on the basis of their gender, age group, level of education, academic year, and present status of the sample respondents. It is revealed from the aforesaid Table that majority of the sample respondents (51.63%) were females whereas 48.37% were males. 84.78% of the respondents belong to the age group 19–29 years, 8.70% are in the age group 30–39 years and 4.89% of students are below 18 years of age. None of the respondents belongs to the age group of 60 years and above, while only 1.09% falls within the age group of 40–49 years and 0.54% of the respondents were within 50–59 years. Respondents belonging to 19–29 age group represent the voice of the youth. Students are justifiably distributed as per their academic year of study. As presented in
Table 1, 7.07% respondents are in first year, 40.21% are in second year, 37.50% are in third year, and 15.22% are in fourth year, respectively. 59.24% of the total responses have been recorded from full time students, 7.61% from students who are on study leave, 33.15% are working as well as pursuing their studies. 85.33% of the total respondents are from business management course, 8.15% from the course of Art/Design, 3.80% from IT and the rest 2.72% are from Engineering stream. Therefore, fairly various groups of students have been included in the study to have their views.
As far as the sources of sample data is concerned, the students enrolled in the numerous universities located in Delhi such as Delhi University, Jamia Millia Islamia (Central University) and Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University were considered in the study. Majority of the students (40.21%) belong to the Jamia Millia Islamia (Central University), followed by Delhi University students (33.70%) and the remaining 26.09% of the students were studying in Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University.
4.2. Reliability of the Latent Constructs
Testing the reliability is an important step, as it checks the internal consistency and inspects the properties of measuring scale [
29]. This study used Cronbach’s alpha as a measure of reliability, which is a commonly applied measure in Likert scale survey questions.
Table 2 gives the value of Cronbach’s alpha for each of the construct considered separately. The information presented here is prepared by the Researchers through SPSS Output.
The reliability value of Cronbach’s alpha between ±0.41 and ±0.70 qualifies for moderate reliability of the scale measured, while greater value than ±0.70 shows high internal consistency [
30]. The Cronbach’s alpha [
31] values between 0.70 to 0.90 exceed the level of acceptability. As depicted in
Table 2, Cronbach’s alpha value is little over 0.90 and hence holds good internal consistency allowing for further analysis.
4.3. The Benefits of E-Learning
The study investigates the benefits of e-learning for students enrolled at different educational institutions. To measure the degree of benefits availed from e-learning, questions listed in
Table 3 are asked on five-point Likert Scale-based statements ranging from “Strongly Disagree” to “Strongly Agree”.
“Strongly Agree” and “Agree” are clubbed together to form one positive response of “Agree”. The same procedure is applied in case of “Strongly Disagree” and “Disagree” and they are combined to get one response from the sample respondents which is “Disagree”. “Neutral” was left as it is. The results are shown in
Table 3. The information in
Table 3 is prepared by the Researchers through SPSS Output.
The analysis of
Table 3 depicts that the highest response rate was 73.4% with regard to “Ease and Quick Share of Educational Material”. It reveals that through the medium of e-learning, instructor and learner can easily and quickly share the educational material with each other, while only 10.3% of the sample respondents opined that e-learning system is not helpful in sharing the-learning material, pedagogical material, instructional material etc. The second highest positive response rate was 68.5% with regard to “Updated Learning Material”.
However, 10.8% of the students are of the opinion that updated material in web-based learning is not supportive in designing the new curriculum and teaching strategies, while 17.4% of the students have opined that they are unable to get the study resources through web-based learning system. In terms of “Access Study Resources Effectively” the results show that 61.4% of students have indicated this factor as a positive one. Thus, it can be concluded that with the help of e-learning system students can get easily the various study resources. It is needless to mention here is that as per international recognition, it is desirable to have updated learning course material at online platform. In case of variable “Flexibility in Time and Space” the positive response rate was 61.3%. This shows that for majority of students, e-learning has emerged as a convenient option when matter comes to flexibility of time and geographical space. Flexible-learning can be understood as learning mode where teaching-learning are independent of any geographical location, time or pace.
The positive rate of response received on the factor —“Possibility of Working with E-learning” is 59.2%. This shows majority of the students have capability to leverage the e-learning platform as they find it user friendly. The efficient learning management system is the one that has various tools embedded in it to make it accommodative and manageable for e-learning course [
33]. This implies that not all e-learning platforms are not open source due to limited embedded applications and security reasons. Also, from
Table 3, variable —“quick feedback” has received 55.5% of positive response. Particularly in the context of e-learning quick feedback is important as timely and quick responses make students more involved in discussion fora and hence catalyse the e-learning process. The variable “accommodates different types of learning style”; received 55.4% of positive responses which indicates that majority of students appreciate the accommodative nature of e-learning platform for various learning styles. This finding aligns itself with the past studies that affirms possibility of e-learning to accommodate different learning contents [
For the variable “wide and diverse interactions”, 53.8% positive responses are received. This indicates that over half of the total respondents are comfortable with the-learning at online platform; though they are away with physical interaction. Also, they are well aware of the fact that cultural diversification groups are meeting online and interacting during the-learning process. The variable “Access to Higher Education for all Applicants” received 46.2% of positive responses which indicates that a little less than half of the respondents believe in the increment of the opportunities for students to get enrolled in higher education system through online mode. Because of overcoming the limitation of geographical proximity, e-learning has been as great enabler of access to higher education and hence providing more opportunities to learners [
36]. E-learning enables working people to get enrolled and study along with their job. E-learning has been responsible for much of such enrolments and increasing the literacy rate of the citizens [
The least positive response rate was 33.2% with regard to “Improved Collaboration and Interactivity among Students”. Collaboration is much important in contemporary scenario and has been a relevant subject for researchers due to its inherent nature of knowledge sharing. The responses so received however are mixed with the degree of agreement, disagreement and being neutral. It indicates that there is much need to understand the importance of collaboration for the sake of knowledge sharing.
4.4. Students’ Perceptions of E-Learning
Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) is used for the verification whether all the measured variables are clearly explaining their respective latent construct or not. To analyze the students’ perceptions of e-learning system, several sub-constructs with their respective measured variables have been included in the latent construct namely “Perception of Students towards E-learning” [
39]. The CFA measurement model for the same latent construct depicting how each measure variable is correlated with its assumed theoretical construct is presented in
Figure 1 that is prepared by the Researchers through AMOS Software.
Figure 1 discerns that the major latent variable i.e., “Perception of Students towards E-learning (PSEL)” is measured by its four sub-constructs namely Perceived Usefulness of E-learning (PUE), Perceived Self-Efficacy of Using E-learning (PSE), Perceived Ease of Use of E-learning (PEE), and Behavioural Intention of Using E-learning (BIE). The first sub-construct coded as PUE is measured through four statements (PUE1, PUE2, PUE3, and PUE4) which is represented by rectangles as the convention followed for observed variables. The second sub-construct namely “Perceived Self-Efficacy of Using E-learning” is measured through three statements coded as PSE5, PSE6, and PSE7. Similarly, the variable namely “Perceived Ease of Use of E-learning” and “Behavioural Intention of Using E-learning” are measured by four statements coded as PEE8, PEE9, PEE10, PEE11 and BIE12, BIE13 and BIE14 respectively. The small circles with arrows show residual terms, which represents how much variation in the endogenous variable is unexplained by the exogenous variable. Factor loading for given item is mentioned in the proximity of pointing arrow drawn and multiple correlations are mentioned above each response item of manifest variable. To solve the problem of redundancy between items and improving the results of model fit indices, three redundant items (i.e., e5↔e6, e5↔e7, and e10↔e11) were constrained as “free parameter” in the measurement model.
Table 4,
Table 5 and
Table 6 depict the analysis summary of the aforesaid model provided by AMOS 24.
Table 4 shows that Chi-square
p-value is 0.135 (more than 5%) and CMIN/DF value is 2.041 (less than 3) which reveals that data is suitable for the model fit. The model also generated other indices of goodness i.e., GFI = 0.910, AGFI = 0.849, CFI = 0.967, NFI = 0.937 all of which exceed their threshold limits depicting that this is a well-fitted model and two indices of badness i.e., RMSEA = 0.020 (less than 0.10) and SRMR = 0.022 (less than 0.09) reveal that the data fits the model well because lower RMSEA and SRMR value indicates better fit. Thus, it reveals that the aforesaid CFA measurement model is a well-fitted model.
Table 5 reveals that all the manifest variables related to their respective latent construct depicted in
Figure 1 are statistically significant since their
p-values are less than 5% significance level. It further explains that convergent validity of the above discussed CFA measurement model is also achieved since each measured variable or manifest variable or observed variable is strongly correlated with its assumed theoretical construct with the standardized regression weights of more than 0.4 [
As per the validity and reliability analysis (
Table 6), the Composite Reliability (CR) of each latent construct is more than the acceptable limit of 0.70. It reveals that there is a strong internal consistency in the scale items. On the other hand, the Average Variance Extracted (AVE) of each latent construct exceeds the threshold limit of 0.5. It affirms that the above discussed CFA measurement model has strong convergent validity. This part of the questionnaire aims at fetching the information regarding students’ perception for e-learning through Likert scale (“Strongly Disagree” to “Strongly Agree”). The broad headings contain usefulness, self-efficacy, ease of use and behavioural intention of using of e-learning platforms. The study looks at the perception of students as it is indispensable for designing, development and to deliver course teaching online which is based on learners’ perception and need. “Strongly Agree” & “Agree” are clubbed together to form one positive response i.e., Agree and “Strongly Disagree” and “Disagree” were also combined to get one response from the sample respondents which is “Disagree”. “Neutral” was left as it is. The results are shown in
Table 7.
The respondents have indicated their perceptions and their own capability to make use of e-learning platform. The responses so received show that 56.5% of the respondents have confidence of using e-learning platform. Additionally, 60.3% of the respondents have shown confidence about operating the functions of e-learning and 61.4% indicate their confidence for learning the online study content. Thus, most of the students are found to be comfortable and confident with the use of learning systems. These results are aligned with the finding [
41] that shows that majority of the students who have positive perception about e-learning are the ones who are frequent e-learners. The study intends to examine the behavioural intention of e-learners with regard to using e-learning tools. The findings listed in
Table 7 shows that 79.9% of respondent students are using e-learning as an aid of their learning; 85.3% of respondent students are using e-learning for updating their subject knowledge and keep track of amendments if any; 86.9% of respondent students are using e-learning as a free-learning tool. The major findings of the study illustrates that behavioural intention of students regarding e-learning is encouraging and positive. It is expected that students’ perception would impact their satisfaction positively through interactive e-learning.
The researchers sought to determine the usefulness of the e-learning resources. It was found that 58.7% of the respondents believed that studying through e-learning mode provides the flexibility to study at the time convenient to the learner, whereas 22.3% respondents preferred to remain neutral. Whereas, 73.4% of the respondents believed that e-learning enables students to pursue their studies irrespective of geographical disparities and facilitates exams and submission of assignments electronically. In the last variable, 68% of the respondents agreed that the effectiveness of communication indeed is possible between instructor and learner without face-to-face interaction, while 20% remained neutral.
As far as “Perceived Ease of Use of E-learning” is concerned, the study finds that 52.2% of the students believe that e-learning platforms are user friendly, while 32.1% of the sample respondents were neutral. 68% of the students have observed that through e-learning system we can easily access the necessary information, while 19% of the sample respondents were neutral and 13% of the students have opined that they are unable to explore the necessary information through e-learning system. 50% of the sample respondents believed that web-based learning system simplifies the-learning process for the students, while 25.5% were neutral and 24.5% of the respondents were not in favor of this. In the last variable, 42.3% of the students have observed that the set-up of the e-learning service is compatible with the way they learn. However, 33.2% of the students were undecided and 24.5% of the sample respondents were disagreed with this feature of e-learning system.