Exploring the Emergence of Innovative Multi-Actor Collaborations toward a Progressive Urban Regime in Madrid (2015–2019)
:1. Introduction
2. Social Innovation, Public Governance, and Urban Regime Change: Developing a Three-Fold Analytical Framework
2.1. Innovative Multi-Actor Collaboration (IMAC) and Social Innovation
2.2. IMAC, Democratic Innovation, and Public Governance Transformation
2.3. IMAC and Urban Regime Change
2.4. Combining the Theories into a Three-Fold Analytical Framework
3. Materials and Methods: Application of the Analytical Framework in the Case Study of Madrid
4. Results
4.1. Pre-2015 Contextualization: Tracing Back the Conditions of Possibility
4.1.1. Post-Crisis Mobilization Reacting to a Developmental Urban Regime
4.1.2. New Urban Activists and Post-Crisis Civil Experimentation in Madrid
4.1.3. Municipal Innovation Labs and Institutional “Cracks” before 2015
4.1.4. Municipalism as a Binding Discourse
4.2. Democratic Innovation during the “Government of Change” (2015–2019)
4.2.1. The “Government of Change” Led by Ahora Madrid
4.2.2. Institutional Innovations Implemented by Ahora Madrid between 2015–2019
4.2.3. Resulting IMACs and Outcomes
4.3. Post-2019 Conditions: Assessment of Urban Regime Change
5. Discussion and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Pre-Conditions | Sources/IMACs | Main Findings |
Social and political concerns | Post-crisis austerity 15 M Movement Self-managed civil centers Municipalism | 15 M civil mobilization and experimentation in reaction to neoliberal and austerity measures in post-crisis context. Feeling of dissatisfaction with the Spanish representative democratic system and calls towards “Real Democracy”. Critiques to restrictive existing Participatory Statute. Emergence of Municipalism as binding discourse. |
Power (im)balance in governance | State/Region vs. municipality Traditional activists and private partners 15 M claims NUA & SSE | Lower competences and power of local level in post-crisis. Developmental regime installed by the Partido Popular with restrictive involvement of urban actors in governance. FRAVM and traditional neighborhood associations as main (and only) civil interlocutor with administration. New Urban Activists and SSE new political and economic actors with greater technical and network capacities. |
Cracks in institutional setting | D. of Culture PECAM Plan Innovation labs | Hybridization of roles of urban actors and emergence of individual and collective champions in the administration. Specific policy areas and topics foster and fund NUA. |
Previous relations and collaboration experience | 15 M Assemblies Self-managed civil centers Networks of citizen initiatives Urban (cultural) experiments PECAM Plan Neighborhood Programs Mesa Ciudadana Observatorio Metropolitano Ahora Madrid program | NUA and civil networks created and/or reactivated. Local administration champions (individuals, agencies and directorates) involved in experimental collaborations. PECAM Plan and La Mesa Ciudadana build a network of actors and projects concerned about MAC and CPC. Collaborative evolution of Ahora Madrid and its program. |
Previous governance experimentation | NUAs mobilize bottom-up co-productions in vacant spaces and vulnerable areas and experiments on collaborative and network governance, collective intelligence & open culture. Civil-public interactions around demands in certain areas: co-management of public spaces, neighborhood plans. Networking and collaboration in the participatory process to design the PECAM Plan and subsequent co-research. MAC debate and evolving coalitions building around the birth of Ahora Madrid and its participatory program. |
Post-Conditions | Sources/IMACs | Assessment of Urban Regime Change |
Political Agenda | Ahora Madrid New priorities & new directorates | Government agenda as per collaborative political program. Work advanced from “progressive” political fields, especially those not previously developed from neoliberal logics. |
Actors in governance networks | Decide Madrid Local Forums Citizen tables Bid allocations Cross-sectoral collaboration | Involvement of civil society in its diversity, including NUA, SSE organizations and individual citizens in policy and city-making. Hybridization of roles. Cross-relations among actors in different networks with different roles: advisors, contractors, citizens… Integration of the local administration in international networks multi-level governance for broader legitimacy and resources. |
Institutional setting | Learn-by-doing Legal binding Participatory mechanisms Transversality | Hacking of existing tools finding new ways of using them. Update of Ordinance of Public Participation and bidding criteria. New policies reframing MAC from 2 “ad hoc” directorates applied in policy-making and projects from other policy fields. Co-development and management of plans and projects. Transversal, long-term and cross-embedded planning. |
Sharing of resources and empowerment of actors | Decentralization FRT Fonds Local Forums CPC & SSE rules Ethical public procurement | District Boards with new competences and bigger resources. Extra budget allocated as per vulnerability and sustainable criteria. Institutionalization of “shared spaces” with specific resources. Sharing public resources and biddings with civil and SSE actors. Projects/policies developed around common wicked concerns, mobilizing wider and more specific range of actors and resources. |
(In)stability of networks and outcomes | Long-term strategies Legally binding MAC legitimacy CPC regulation Strengthening of civil actors & administration Solidarity networks | Approval of inter-related long-term strategies and policies co-developed through IMACs for broader legitimacy and survival. Conflicts within Ahora Madrid coalition brought to “schism”. Lack of support and continuity from new government team (PP). Still, many instruments remain or are being adapted by PP, therefore some change has been consolidated. Network of actors keeps evolving. Government of change period strengthened civil actors and IMAC networks and updated inner administration so that they keep re-articulating and collaborating even when some plans were stopped and the COVID crisis arose. |
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Medina-García, C.; de la Fuente, R.; Van den Broeck, P. Exploring the Emergence of Innovative Multi-Actor Collaborations toward a Progressive Urban Regime in Madrid (2015–2019). Sustainability 2021, 13, 415. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13010415
Medina-García C, de la Fuente R, Van den Broeck P. Exploring the Emergence of Innovative Multi-Actor Collaborations toward a Progressive Urban Regime in Madrid (2015–2019). Sustainability. 2021; 13(1):415. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13010415
Chicago/Turabian StyleMedina-García, Clara, Rosa de la Fuente, and Pieter Van den Broeck. 2021. "Exploring the Emergence of Innovative Multi-Actor Collaborations toward a Progressive Urban Regime in Madrid (2015–2019)" Sustainability 13, no. 1: 415. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13010415