The Whole-Institution Approach at the University of Tübingen: Sustainable Development Set in Practice
:1. Introduction: Topic and Structure of the Article
“Why should I be studying for a future that soon may be no more, when no one is doing anything to save that future?”(Greta Thunberg, climate activist) [1]
- What is the understanding of SD of actors, who are involved in different fields of SD at the University of Tübingen?
- How and where shall SD be implemented at the University of Tübingen?
- What kind of knowledge and which competencies do actors need to implement SD in the areas of operations, research, governance, transfer, teaching and education, and sustainability reporting?
2. State of the Art
2.1. Understandings of Sustainable Development
2.2. Understandings of SD of Stakeholders at HEIs
2.3. The Whole-Institution Approach and HOCH-N’s Fields of Action
2.4. Knowledge and Competencies to Implement SD at HEIs
3. The Tübingen Case: The Competence Centre and its Research Project
3.1. One University, One Centre, Many Activities and Partners—The Competence Center for Sustainable Development
3.2. The Research Project “SD@UT”
- What is the understanding of SD of Tübingen University’s actors who are involved in different fields of SD?
- How and where shall SD be implemented at the University of Tübingen?
- What kind of knowledge and which competencies do actors need to implement SD in the areas of operations, research, governance, transfer, teaching and education, and sustainability reporting?
3.3. Methods
3.3.1. Desktop Research
3.3.2. Questionnaires
3.3.3. Interviews
4. Results
4.1. Stakeholder Analysis: Actors Involved in Topics of Sustainable Development
4.2. The Understanding of Sustainable Development at the University of Tübingen, the Values Behind it, and the Interconnection to the Brundtland Report
4.2.1. Understandings of Sustainable Development at the University of Tübingen
4.2.2. Values behind Sustainable Development
4.2.3. What about the Brundtland Concept of SD?
4.3. Which Knowledge and Competencies are Needed to Realize SD in the University of Tübingen? Transfer of Knowledge—Results of the Interviews
4.3.1. Proof of the Hypothesis
4.3.2. Knowledge and Competencies for Each Field of Action
4.3.3. Knowledge and Competencies to Foster SD in General at a HEI—What Do We Have, What Do We Need?
4.3.4. Knowledge and Competencies to Foster SD at a HEI—What Do We Learn?
5. Discussions and Outlook
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Field of Action | Exemplary Activities Carried Out at the University of Tübingen |
Research | |
Teaching and Education | |
Operations | |
Governance | |
Sustainability reporting |
Transfer |
Key Word(s) | Number of Different Statements | Key Word(s) | Number of Different Statements |
Consumption | 5 | Others | 2 |
Education, consciousness, sensitization | 14 | Preservation of resources | 16 |
Infrastructure | 3 | Protection, avoidance of damages, preservation | 10 |
Justice | 10 | Structures and processes | 4 |
Levels of SD | 14 | Theoretical basis | 2 |
Management | 7 | Transfer, realization | 10 |
Understandings of SD [Number of Statements] | Key Word(s) | Values Behind SD [Number of Statements] |
10 | Justice | 4 |
16 | (preservation of) Resources | 3 |
10 | Protection (avoidance of damages, preservation) | 9 |
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Schopp, K.; Bornemann, M.; Potthast, T. The Whole-Institution Approach at the University of Tübingen: Sustainable Development Set in Practice. Sustainability 2020, 12, 861.
Schopp K, Bornemann M, Potthast T. The Whole-Institution Approach at the University of Tübingen: Sustainable Development Set in Practice. Sustainability. 2020; 12(3):861.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSchopp, Kerstin, Matthias Bornemann, and Thomas Potthast. 2020. "The Whole-Institution Approach at the University of Tübingen: Sustainable Development Set in Practice" Sustainability 12, no. 3: 861.
APA StyleSchopp, K., Bornemann, M., & Potthast, T. (2020). The Whole-Institution Approach at the University of Tübingen: Sustainable Development Set in Practice. Sustainability, 12(3), 861.