4.1. First Stage of the Estimation of Explanatory Variables Using Historical Data
This section provides the details of the estimation of different time series linear regression models for vehicle registrations, accidents, mobility, the automobile fleet, the number of repairs, and automobile post–sale services sectors’ revenues. Below, we specify the simultaneous equation system we are going to use to estimate.
We use both exogenous variables and auto–market ones as explanatory variables. Due to the presence of possible endogenous variables in some of the equations proposed to estimate the dependent ones, we will use the instrumental variables framework. We will conduct tests for exogeneity to detect whether variables really need to be treated as endogenous or not. The number of instruments used in the estimation of each equation is eight. They are the exogenous independent variables of each equation and those which are in the other, as well. We will also conduct tests to determine whether instruments used are or are not weak (Cragg–Donald Wald F–statistic). In the equations with endogenous variables, we will be using the generalized method of moments (GMM) instead of ordinary least square (OLS). It is the appropriate estimation method for each one of the over–identified equations of an equation system with endogenous variables. Whether we use one method or another, GMM or OLS, will mean, on the one hand, determining the explanatory variables to be used and, on the other, how they enter into the equation to be estimated—in levels, differences, or deviation rates—based on the verification, or not, of the implied assumptions that must meet the residuals of the estimated equation.
Table 4 presents the estimations using ordinary least squares (OLS) or generalized method of moments (GMM) for each one of the equations proposed for the dependent variables, that is, the number of light vehicle registrations (M1 + N1), mobility, accidents, automobile fleet, and repairs and the real revenues of automobile post–sales services sectors.
Regarding the estimation of car registrations, Equation (1), the change in real GDP per capita has a positive and significant effect [
49]. The reason is the improvement of the economic activity. The unemployment rate delayed one period has a significant and negative effect as the economic outlook worsens [
48]. Finally, the yearly variation of the multiplicative variable combining the age of the fleet and long–term unemployment rate is negative and significant. If the fleet ages, in a context of a worsening economic activity, new registrations are not favored.
With respect to the estimation of mobility, Equation (2), the volume, or level, of the delayed automobile fleet has a significant and positive effect [
50]. The higher the volume of automobiles or light vehicles existing at the end of the preceding year, the higher the number of vehicles (thousands) that travel each year (by kilometer) on national roadways, i.e., mobility. The change in actual per capita GDP has a positive and significant effect on mobility [
52]. The reason is quite obvious: the improvement in the economic situation increases mobility for business and/or recreational reasons. The percentage of the fleet that is five or fewer years old has a positive and significant effect. As the fleet becomes younger, mobility increases [
50]. Conversely, if the fleet of vehicles 10 or more years old increases, the fleet becomes older and mobility decreases [
What about the estimation of the number of accidents, Equation (3)? The change in the real GDP per capita one year delayed has a positive and significant effect on the number of accidents [
55]. With the improvement in the economic situation, registrations and mobility increase, and so do the number of accidents. On the other hand, the yearly variation of the percentage of the fleet five years old or younger has a positive and significant effect: when it lowers the age of the fleet, mobility increases and, therefore, so do accidents [
54]. The current level of mobility, expressed in logarithms, has a positive effect on the number of accidents. The reason is obvious: the higher the mobility, the higher the probability of having an accident.
With respect to the estimation of the automobile fleet equation, Equation (4), the yearly variation of mobility has a positive effect on the fleet. When it increases, the number of vehicles (thousands) that travel each year (by kilometer) on national roadways is bigger. The level of the real GDP per capita one year delayed has a positive and significant effect on the fleet [
52]. With the improvement in the economic situation, registrations and mobility increase, both for business and recreational reasons. The positive or negative sign of the multiplicative variables is, as expected, based on the hypotheses that we presented. The multiplicative variable that combines relative aging with mobility has a significant and positive effect: when there is relative aging, together with an increase in mobility, the fleet increases. The multiplicative variable that combines accidents with the percentage of the fleet 10 years or older has a significant and negative effect. The assumption that we presented is fulfilled: when accidents increase with respect to the old fleet, part of that fleet is not replaced, i.e., deregistrations will increase without new cars being purchased. The fleet will then decrease [
50]. The multiplicative variable that combines the unemployment rate with the percentage of long–term unemployment is not significant.
In the estimated equation for the number of repairs, Equation (5), as expected, the delayed fleet has a positive and significant effect. The higher the fleet, the higher the mobility, which increases the probability of accidents and repairs [
56]. The change in actual per capita GDP has a positive and significant effect on the number of repairs [
55]. With the improvement of the economic situation, registrations and mobility increase, both for business and recreational reasons; that also increases the number of repairs. As the fleet ages, i.e., if the fleet of vehicles 10 or more years old increases, mobility decreases and so do accidents, which has a negative and significant effect on the number of repairs [
54]. The coefficient that captures the lowering of the age of the fleet, percentage of vehicles of the fleet 5 years old or younger, is not significant, that is, has no effect on repairs. The mathematical sign obtained from the multiplicative variable is, as expected, based on the hypothesis introduced: the multiplicative variable that combines the unemployment rate with the percentage of long–term unemployment has a negative and significant effect, since the consolidation of long–term unemployment increases the deregistration of automobiles without new purchases being made, thereby decreasing the number of repairs.
Finally, regarding the estimation of real revenues for the automobile post–sales services sectors, Equation (6), and as was expected, the change in real GDP per capita has a positive and significant effect on the times series data of real revenues. With the improvement in the economic situation, registrations and mobility increase, both for business and recreational reasons, which increase the number of repairs [
56]. Both the aging of the fleet and a decline in the age of the fleet have a positive and significant effect on revenues. Revenues and registrations increase due to different reasons [
58]. The numbers of repairs enjoy a positive and significant effect since the post–sale services business increases as do possible future registrations.
Forecasting from Estimated Equations
Once the different models have been estimated, the projections for each of the relevant variables will be made. We will use the ARIMA forecasts for the exogenous independent variables’ values for the period 2018–2030. There is an exception, which is the projection of the total population and population by age. In this case, we directly use the forecasts made by the Spanish National Institute of Statistics (NIS). In the case that an explanatory variable is, in turn, one of the estimated dependent variables, we will use the forecasts deriving from the model estimated for it.
Table 5 specifies the outlook for the auto–market variables and our variable of interest, that is, the automotive aftermarket revenues in 2025 and 2030. We have not included the forecast intervals given that our aim is to modify the central forecast of automotive aftermarket revenues obtained from the regression models using participatory methods under three scenarios.
The outlooks for the average real revenue volume from post–sale services in 2025 and 2030 are 44,149 million Euros and 42,200 respectively. We forecast the automotive aftermarket revenues in 2018–2030 will increase an accumulated 20.3% percent, slightly lower than real GDP, whose projections imply an accumulated increase of 23.8%. However, the forecast of the real revenues of automotive post–sales services sectors includes two different periods. We forecast an accumulated growth of the revenues for the period 2018–2025 of 25.5%, which is higher than that of the real GDP, 15.5%. However, for the period 2025–2030, we estimate a slight deceleration of the growth rate of the car post–sales sectors’ real revenues of –0.8% annually, while an annual real GDP growth rate of 1.4% for the same period is expected.
4.2. Second Stage: Stakeholder’s Perceptions of New Conditioning Factors
This section will quantify, based on the data obtained in
Section 2, the fleet and registrations for the various conditioning usage factors being analyzed. The forecast of post–sale services will be calculated separately for four types of fleets (fleet without conditioning factors, autonomous and electric fleet, non–autonomous electric fleet, and the fleet of cars with ADAS level 3). In all cases, the projections will be made for three scenarios—minimum (Min), neutral (N), and maximum (Max)—taking into account the assumptions around the new usage conditions under three scenarios in
Section 2. These maximum and minimum scenarios need not coincide, respectively, with the optimistic and pessimistic scenarios reflected in the projections. For example, the impact of the maximum expected car sharing is detrimental to both registrations and the carpool.
4.2.1. Registrations and Fleet Based on Different Conditioning Usage Factors
Table 6 presents car registrations and the car fleet with various conditioning usage factors. We include registrations and the fleet without taking into consideration conditioning usage factor assumptions, i.e., based on the estimated trend in accordance with past data as was done in
Section 4.1. Furthermore, total registrations and fleet are presented with the conditioning usage factor assumptions taken into consideration and the percentage that they represent of the total without bearing in mind the conditioning usage factor assumptions.
The total number of registrations, including the additions deriving from the assumptions applied for new conditioning usage factors, is obtained by adding the impact of shared cars and the one derived from the impact of the legal and environmental framework to the total number of registrations without any conditioning usage factors. In 2030, they total 1,242,056 in a neutral scenario, i.e., 93.7 percent of the total without conditioning usage factors. That figure, under a pessimistic scenario, in 2030 amounts to 1,073,243, i.e., 81.0 percent of the total without conditioning usage factors, and 1,385,784 under an optimistic scenario, or 104.6 percent of the total number of registrations without taking into consideration conditioning usage factor assumptions.
If we analyze each conditioning usage factor individually, we forecast that the number of registrations under the neutral scenario, for shared cars, will total 129,204 in 2030. In the case of total autonomous cars, the figure is 193,807; and for non–autonomous electric cars, it is 129,204; while cars with ADAS level 3 will total 969,033.
The shrinkage of cars 15 years or older, due to the legal and environmental framework in the neutral scenario, is 2,882,761 units; 25 percent of them will be replaced, i.e., 720,690; and the remaining 75 percent or 2,162,071 units will be definitively deregistered. The percentage of the fleet 15 years or older notably declines between 3 percent and 12 percent, depending on the scenario. The estimated fleet in the neutral scenario with all conditioning usage factors after the shrinkage totals 30,422,470, i.e., 93.2 percent of the total fleet without conditioning usage factor assumptions.
If we analyze each conditioning usage factor individually, we forecast that the fleet under the neutral scenario in the case of shared cars will total 780,338 in 2030. In the case of total autonomous cars, the figure is 933,166; and for non–autonomous electric cars, it is 879,373; while cars with ADAS level 3 will total 8,335,321. These are very respectable figures that reveal the technological development of an economic sector such as the automotive industry, which is committed to better safety and respect for the environment.
4.2.2. Revenues in the Post–Sale Services Sector in Accordance with Various Conditioning Usage Factors
Table 7 presents the forecast for post–sale service demand separately for the various segments of the fleet. In the case of the fleet without assuming the existence of conditioning usage factors, the estimation of real revenues is the one that was presented in
Section 4.1. The forecast for the different types of fleets considered (fleet of autonomous and electric vehicles, fleet of non–autonomous electric vehicles, fleet of cars with ADAS level 3, and fleet of shared cars) involves the estimation of real revenues of automobile post–sale services based on registrations and fleet, for these different types of fleets, as shown in
Table 6, and their impact on the key revenue variables of post–sale services discussed in
Section 2.2. For the case of the rest of the fleet, it refers to the revenues for those that do not fall within the preceding conditioning usage factors, taking into account that there has been a shrinkage of cars 15 years and older that will decrease revenues. The forecasts are based on the estimations made by experts with respect to those variables, which affect the forecasting models, defined in 2.2 and presented in
Table 2 and
Table 3, also considering the fleet estimates presented in
Table 4.
In the neutral scenario, the smaller estimated fleet, due to all conditioning usage factors taken into consideration, generates lower revenues than excluding the assumptions conditioning usage factor, i.e., the fleet presented in the preceding section. In 2030, this represents 93.7 percent of revenue without conditioning usage factors. The reason is that even though the post–sale services and repairs are more expensive, there are fewer cars, lowering the revenue. Individually analyzed, in the neutral scenario, the total autonomous car fleet will generate post–sale services revenues totaling 1.266 billion Euros in 2030, the fleet of non–autonomous electric cars would generate 1.009 billion Euros, the fleet of cars with ADAS level 3 would generate 11.986 billion Euros, and the shared car fleet—1.044 billion Euros. The estimated shrinkage, due to the legal and environmental framework, reduces revenues in a neutral scenario by 3.688 billion Euros in 2030. In 2030, estimated revenues for the rest of the fleet in the neutral scenario is 23.206 billion Euros.
Figure 6 presents the change in the forecasts for revenues in real terms for the post–sale services sector for the period 2018–2030 in the case of non–conditioning usage factors, as was done in
Section 4.1, and the total figures with conditioning usage assumptions taken into account in the three analyzed scenarios (minimum, neutral, and maximum).
With regard to the results obtained, it is worth making an assessment. Our calculations were made before COVID–19. Therefore, if the circumstances of COVID–19 were prolonged in time, the consequences in terms of mobility and environment would limit the results obtained. Very recent research [
59] on the impact of COVID–19 suggests significant reductions in both car mobility and pollutant emissions.